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Discussion: Relations with Russia


Hope it helps. :)
Putin would murder 4 million of his own people to win this war just like Stalin did against the Nazis. :(

Putin would murder 4 million of his own people to win this war just like Stalin did against the Nazis. :(
I'm actually a student of Soviet history (though I've forgotten a lot). While there's no question that Stalin was a butcher who wiped out political opposition (Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky being amongst them) as well as many others, the defense of the Soviet Union against Hitler was necessary. Their deaths were in defense and not lost attacking another country. You'll note Russia's "peace overtures" (LOL) were after Crimea was annexed.....it sounds very much like Hitler's approach to "peace" in Europe agreement with Chamberlain....that was BS too.
You'll note Russia's "peace overtures" (LOL) were after Crimea was annexed.....it sounds very much like Hitler's approach to "peace" in Europe agreement with Chamberlain....that was BS too.
Misleading and lacking in context.

The US-backed coup ("Maidan") that removed the democratically elected government of Ukraine began several months prior to Russia securing Crimea, a peninsula that is ethnically and linguistically Russian and voted to be part of Russia.

Russia's "peace overtures"
I appreciate that you read and consider my posts.

And yes, Putin did make offers for peace in 2014 (Minsk was ignored by the US), in late 2021 and early 2022. Even Foreign Policy, a US establishment publication, acknowledge this, though they were two years late:

That said, it is possible that Putin realized that the West was committed to war, and that they would force Ukraine to walk away from a peace deal.
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Antony Blinken isn't actually offering Ukraine what it needs. The US isn't sending 200,000+ NATO troops. It's not sending any F-22s or F-35s. Just words and a drip feed of old equipment.

However, here he can be seen jamming in Kiev, partying, while young men are pulled off the streets and sent to the front lines with poor equipment and negligible training to die as cannon fodder.

He's singing "rocking to the free world" lol.

Western corporate media has been making claims for over two years such as Russia is weak ("a gas station with nuclear weapons"), disorganized, the soldiers are poorly trained, Russian equipment is inferior, trade sanctions would cripple Russia, the oil price cap would work, Russia is running out of missiles and artillery shells, Russia has lost 500,000 soldiers, Russian soldiers are using shovels as weapons, American aid is significant and will turn the tide, etc.

All of that was and is nonsense. When the Western people and for that matter the non-Western public see Russia achieve a comprehensive victory, it will be a further permanent loss of credibility to our media and intelligence agencies, possibly worse than the claim that Iraq was building WMDs.
Russia has pretty much exhausted is military might on a war that might ultimately be a pyrrhic victory. Post Ukraine they will be incredibly weak to do anything against a legit superpower.

The whole world thought Russia had the strength and logistics to win this war in a week...that didn't happen and only exposed how ****ty their military really is.
Russia has pretty much exhausted is military might on a war that might ultimately be a pyrrhic victory. Post Ukraine they will be incredibly weak to do anything against a legit superpower.

The whole world thought Russia had the strength and logistics to win this war in a week...that didn't happen and only exposed how ****ty their military really is.
I doubt you genuinely believe that, and post war that will be more and more exposed as a fantasy.

Another interpretation -- which you can bookmark and re-evaluate in a few years if you like -- is that Ukraine was backed by the west and has been getting armed since 2014 (though not to the extent necessary), Russia fought a war of attrition, and they will come out much stronger. Their military is now the one with the most experience, including experience with modern technologies such as jamming, air defense, and drone warfare. Meanwhile, their economy is stronger, they have a manufacturing boom, and they're in a diplomatically stronger position with the global majority.

You have also made the same error of reasoning that Adolph Hitler made in 1940. He saw that the USSR was having a hard time defeating tiny Finland, and concluded that the Wermacht could take on the red army. He was correct that the USSR was being embarrassed by Finland, but Stalin saw this as well, and he began implementing the necessary reforms. In the case of Ukraine it is well documented that the Russian army made numerous tactical and strategic mistakes in 2022 -- and that was the time to strike, as they have since learned from those mistakes.

ETA: Please do not underestimate the Ukrainians as fighters. By all accounts that I read, including Russian-sourced ones, they are very good fighters. They had a large land army at the start of the war, larger and stronger than any NATO army in Europe. They have fought well in parts, they showed some ingenuity and adaptiveness to the modern era of drone warfare. They just didn't have the resources to defeat Russia with the limited support provided by the West.
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Russia has pretty much exhausted is military might on a war that might ultimately be a pyrrhic victory. Post Ukraine they will be incredibly weak to do anything against a legit superpower.

The whole world thought Russia had the strength and logistics to win this war in a week...that didn't happen and only exposed how ****ty their military really is.
Who claims otherwise is just believing propaganda nonsense.
Russia currently needs the War to go on as long as possible because it ****fted its whole industry towards it.
The moment that war ends, things will turn very bad for Russia...thats just a fact.

Since 10+ years Russia is trying to mess with Ukraine and couldnt beat them, since 2 years they throw everything at them and still had some of the worst losses in recent times.
Their only strength is in numbers.
If you can afford throwing 500 missiles, the success rate doesnt matter...500 will hit enough either way.
And even when the USA stopped sending ammunition etc to the Ukraine, Russia barely managed to move forward.

Russia is more a shadow than a Monster.
That is why on every corner they have to threaten with Nuclear War...because they know this boogeyman works.
But Russia cant wage a world war, not when they cant take a country so much smaller than theirs.
2 years and the Ukraine still stands.
Russia had all the momentum in the world and 2 years later still hasnt won the war.

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