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Iron Fist Season 1, Episode 1 "Snow Gives Way" (USE SPOILER TAGS!)

Four hours isn't ten years.
"It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory." - Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon.

Meaning you're too focused on an insignificant detail so you missed the point she's trying to make.
Dark Raven's a She?

I got the point, but analogy breaks down when it's too extreme. The point was "four hours of my life is less than great." OK, fine. But my response is that four hours isn't that long of a time. If it's an insufferable four hours, OK, fine. Don't watch the rest of the show - be happier. But if it's a tolerable four hours in exchange for an enjoyable nine hours, it seems worth it to me.
Nice. I like it and its not as bad as some of those early critics made it out to be. The one thing I didnt like was how they just jumped straight into the story without proper introduction. I really would have preferred for this series to start off with Danny as a kid leading up to the plane crash and where he's been before having him come back to the US. I didnt like the order things were presented
The first episode is certainly not a standout the way the ones for DD and JJ season one were, but the criticism so far seems WAY overblown to my eyes.

No, Finn is not as instantly engaging as Cox was with that confessional introduction ("Those Murdock boys... They got the devil in them...) but I honestly think the issue is the writing and direction more than Finn. He's fine he just needs Danny to do and say things more compelling. Frankly I am surprised they don't hammer home the cultural differences and the lessons he learned in K'un-Lun more. I was also expecting more flashbacks to Danny's training. It was a first episode so that's fine. It's odd to throw off the audience with an approach that makes it seem like Danny might indeed be unstable. Seems odd with those lines SFX that go over his face.

I am indifferent right now to the Joy and Ward characters. There is a lot more of them in this premiere than I expected, but they seem to be building them up and hopefully it pays off. I hope that Ward grows to be more complex than just an AMERICAN PSYCHO pastiche. I can't say Joy left much an impression beyond being the obviously more compassionate of the two.

I liked Collen Wing... But some things they are doing in presenting Martial Arts in general... there's a lot of pet peeves I could go off on but won't.

I think the fighting in this episode was more than fine. For one, I am happy it didn't look like DD at all. It balanced out more out there fantasy choreography with realistic type moves. I didn't see a problem at all.

Over all... I was engaged but not blown away but still enjoyed it quite a bit and see the promise there. All the criticism seems really overblown right now. I hope I'm not grading it on curve just because the reviews (even the ones by posters here) are overly dramatic as to it's flaws. I am more into than I was Luke Cage after one episode, I will say that.
Aside from a couple scenes it was a boring, uninspired and forgettable premier. That's not being overly dramatic, it's just being aware of the flaws that plague the first episode.
Aside from a couple scenes it was a boring, uninspired and forgettable premier. That's not being overly dramatic, it's just being aware of the flaws that plague the first episode.

Your opinion. I wasn't bored. I didn't find it close to being uninspired. I found it more engaging than the first LC episode by a mile. It's not the greatest thing ever but it was hardly forgettable.

Online it seems no one has an ounce of nuance in how they express themselves. All or nothing is how people post stuff. It's possible for it to be "less than" something else but still not bad, at least for me. This wasn't bad, but it didn't reach the heights of other things. I'm okay with that. And I REALLY don't get the talk about it's dialog or the action being sub par as I've read elswhere.

All that said... I think that this is not at all how I would have introduced this character. If anything I would have done the story or Danny arriving on Earth and making his way to NYC as the first season.
Online it seems no one has an ounce of nuance in how they express themselves. All or nothing is how people post stuff.
If you're giving an unapologetic and truthful opinion on something, then why hold back? It's one thing if you're trying to prove a point, trolling, or playing around but if your aim is to unabashedly express your opinion then what's the point of nuance?

It's possible for it to be "less than" something else but still not bad, at least for me.
I'm entirely familiar with levels and gray areas. In fact, as this show progresses it occasionally manages to elevate itself to such levels and areas...but this first episode was pretty dreadful.

And I REALLY don't get the talk about it's dialog or the action being sub par as I've read elswhere.
If you don't get it, that's okay. People have their own opinions and see different things from the same product...but just because you didn't get it doesn't mean it's not there. There were several lines that just didn't flow or sounded awkward. And the fights were 'meh' at best. Again for a show about someone who trained with Shaolin monks for 15 years they were painfully average and highlight Finn Jones's inexperience with martial arts. On the wider shots where we see his face he looks like he's dancing rather than executing defensive strategies or offensive attacks. To his credit he gets a little better as the show progresses but his movements look almost balletic instead of lethal. A lot of the shots they chose and the editing are also questionable, along with the actions that happen.

But here's my real issue. If a person likes a thing, cool. If not, fine. But to attempt to belittle their opinion by stating that it's overreaction or being dramatic, especially when they're willing to explain and expand on why they feel that way, is not cool. Opinions differ...but that doesn't mean you have to degrade others' to try to prop yours above theirs.
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I liked Collen Wing... But some things they are doing in presenting Martial Arts in general... there's a lot of pet peeves I could go off on but won't.


Since I practise chinese martial arts myself I loled at the scene where [BLACKOUT]Danny tells Colleen she would get more students if she starts giving kung fu lessons[/BLACKOUT] :oldrazz:
It's not bad, I liked it.
Martial arts representation is poor, I don't need to state the obvious, but I did anyway.
How did Danny come home? His passport probably expired as soon as he was announced dead. My youngest brother saw more than I did and told me it's explained in a later episode, but I'm guessing some nonsensical crap.
It's not bad, I liked it.
Martial arts representation is poor, I don't need to state the obvious, but I did anyway.
How did Danny come home? His passport probably expired as soon as he was announced dead. My youngest brother saw more than I did and told me it's explained in a later episode, but I'm guessing some nonsensical crap.

Next episode answers that. They don't into detail on how he got from kun lun to new york, no flashbacks, timetable, or anything like that. You'll get one or two more tidbits of insight, basically he made his way on his own and that's it.
Next episode answers that. They don't into detail on how he got from kun lun to new york, no flashbacks, timetable, or anything like that. You'll get one or two more tidbits of insight, basically he made his way on his own and that's it.
I guess I'm in for a disappointing answer.
I watched this episode again, and it's a solid set up. I liked watching it again.
I don't know if this episode was filmed first, but there's definitely a palpable awkwardness in the narrative.

Danny, Joy and Ward all come across as extremely arbitrary, and at times not very sympathetic.

For Danny's part, it came across as unusually naive that he would just stroll back into Rand's corporate headquarters after 15 years just to pick up where he left off, presumably.

Harold Meachum is one messed up human being. Assuming he's still "properly" human now, based on whatever Lazarus Pit scenario the Hand introduced him to.

I remember Ms. Stroup from 90210 she was enjoyable. Nice to see her back.

I'm not hip to the original solo Iron Fist comics before the era of partnering with Power Man. There may be some characters and settings that are above my head.

Despite the rocky start, it was a kind-of-sort-of decent introduction, though there should have been a more action heavy flashback to give a more proper glimpse of Danny's fighting powers.

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