Uh, if the Superboy lawsuit is over, wouldn't that mean all Superman rights have transferred over to the grandsons already? Because that's supposed to happen in 2013.
I figure no one can do anything about Superboy, because the lawsuit was won by the grandsons, a 2.5 billion dollar lawsuit, that ended in basically the entire Superman franchise being given over in 2013 to the grandsons.
But I could be mistaken.
But I really don't see the reason to bring Connor Kent on Smallville.
That will literally be so beyond jumping the shark, that it would be called jumping the flying shark that shoots freakin' lasers while riding a Walrus that shoots out Dogs that shoot out cats and the cats can summon Chuck Norris clones!. Seriously, it would be that silly.
Plus, it's called Kent. Until I see otherwise, it should be more about Clark Kent and Johnathan Kent then Lex/Clark clone combinations.
Please, we don't need even more references to Lex/Clark slash.

We had enough of that.
Also, I dare say that Lex making Connor (In the comics, or anywhere) by mixing his own DNA and Superman, is kind of a nice way of saying he has a little too much obsession with a certain Farmboy.
Get a girlfriend, Lex. Superman doesn't like you like that. Go find Pink Kryptonite.
I'd rather have Smallville deal with Pink Kryptonite. It would be less awkward than Connor Kent.
"Hmm, Pink Kryptonite? I wonder what this does to me. Wait, why do I suddenly feel happy..."
"Clark, what are you doing?"
"Oh, Hi, Oliver. How are you doing..."
"Clark, what are you doing..."
"Did I tell you how attractive you are, Oliver."