LOLZ!!!111 Reading comprehension ftw.
LOL, only you can try and justify your obvious mistake as lack of reading comprehension on my part.
Did you read the whole ****ing sentence, or did you just see a section that made no sense to you and decided it "hilarious". Read again, cujo. "what with trying to teach /someone who probably knows alot more than you/ English". I guess you couldn't get it the first time so I'll add two commas to seperate it for you. what with trying to teach someone, who probably knows alot more than you, English. My mistake. I thought you would've had enough of a brain to understand it. Honest to goodness misguided view.
But let's not let this devolve into a grammar nitpick-fest, shant we?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! you're still trying to justify your mistake!

"shant we?"
Did you ever take an economics class? Or did you bribe the teachers to let your dumb ass squeak out of high school? I'll make this simpler for your obviously ailing mind: Consumers have habits that are not changed by policy. No matter what. They will buy milk, toilet paper, gas, car washes, or any kind of food or necessity until the end of time. This shows that, despite policy change, the President can not outright change the economy without actively pursuing a path akin to FDR.
I'm sorry, you are aware of the meaning of "disposable income" right? mean, you finished high school?
I wouldn't go around disclosing that information, I had a little respect for you when I thought you were a real scrappy 11 year old.
not so much.
Nice use of your p's and q's. Though, next time, make what you say mean something. Otherwise it's just alot of useless verbage. [As an aside, if you're wondering: being mortified is the feeling of intense dread or terror]
you meant "verbiage" the word "verbage" is a made up word.
god, it must be humiliating, all those neat words you thought would make you seem smart, and they don't even exist.
Sorry, that's the past/present verb form of panic. (panicking, panicked) I slipped up once, oh well. Want me to correct your horrible sentence structure and grammar? Or is that enough for you?
no, "panick" doesn't exist, it's simply "panic"
oh lord.
Really now? Because you were talking about how the president affected the economy. Economic policies (budget, etc.) tend to have little impact how we, as a populace, spend our money. Unless of course you're saying that the economy has significantly changed based on the president's spending and policies. And if you could provide examples, that'd be great.

economic policies have vast and lasting effects on the way people spend.
I know, I know, milk, eggs and toilet paper, but again, you seem to forget that the economy doesn't hinge on the bare bones necessity items.
you get that.....don't you?
there were books written about the economic policies effect ( effect not "affect" remember that) on the economy in the US.
and other countries.
a simple example.
government regulations affect (see?) the automotive industry, in that, now, finally, they are being pressured to have higher mileage on their vehicles.
but lack of government regulation of these auto makers and oil companies result in larger amounts of money spent at the pump.
now you can't get that nice pink sweater from the gap you had your eye on XtromaniaK, don't you see?
One of the other, and more accepted, explanations is the wide use of CREDIT by the wide majority of American people. They tended to pay for most everything on credit. Well, when you can't pay back items on credit immediately, you find yourself paying larger, and larger sums. And debt starts to swell. Combine this with another one of the explanations, the rush after the stock market collapsed, and you have a volatile mix. People rushed to pull their money out of the banks during this period and this not only made plenty of banks fail, it wrecked one of the nation's key financial infrastructures. And the loss of money through being forced to pay back loans they couldn't afford to banks trying to sustain themselves led to job/pay cuts in many companies. Which led to a stagnant economy. People didn't have much money to spend those days. When consumers don't have money to spend, businesses suffer. This leads to an economic depression. We were pulled out of the depression by way of all of the work programs that the government started up as the situation got worse.
actually, there is no "accepted explanation".
the only one that comes close to being a widely accepted explanation hinges on technology.
most books on the great depression and it's causes pretty much say that outright.
man, all that neat text you wrote and for what?
nothing that's what!
Great. And how has the government's policies effected the income of workers thus far? What bill did the president support that caused all of these people to be without extra spending money? Who has control over how much these people are paid? Companies or the government?

I already did.
as you have clearly shown no grasp of even WHAT disposable income means, well, explaining it to you sounds like a waste of time doesn't it?
you apparently don't understand the very basic concept of fiscal policy influence on the economy of a nation.
for god's sake, fiscal policy has an effect on INTEREST RATES! what does that tell you?
Great. Prove how the president's policies caused this. I'm waiting.

didn't I already point out the fact that Bush administration has engaged in deficit spending, to the tune of 200 billion dollars this year alone fir operation "infinite desert camp out" or whatever the hell they are calling it this year.
your denial aside, deficit spending IS one of the "accepted" theories for the cause of the great depression.
you have been
reading my responses right?
Have you? I mean, the droves of evidence you have given might have gone completely over my head.. but I don't see you supporting any of your "ideas" either. Provide an example, please.
I have, I did.
you haven't and won't.
Wow. And even then.. who voted to go to war? The Congress, you say? Great, we're making progress then. The President can't actually reach out and change the economy without going through another body first. But even then, how much of an effect on the economy is the war having? Can you show me estimates? Guesstimates, even?
I can't....
I can't....
believe you just asked me that.
uh....they HAVE been talking about adverse effects for the economy since BEFORE the war.
you know who has?
have a problem with their outlook, feel free to take it up with them.
1 2
but seriously, thanks for asking that.
solidly proving that you happen to be an idiot.
oh man, after that whole "show me the effect of the war on the economy"
this must be embarrassing for you.
Wow, funniest thing I've read today. You can really claim I have bad sentence construction when there's so many things wrong with JUST THOSE TWO SENTENCES that my missteps pale in comparison. That's amazing. men I "can't" claim you have bead sentence construction.
but Ironically I "can".
Kudos on proving to me that you are an idiot.
LOL, you're really not that bright are you?