The series was a superhero drama-comedy. Ralph Hinkley was a schoolteacher for 'special students', and was determined to get through to them. Coming back from a field trip late one night, the school bus broke down, forcing Ralph to walk back through the desert to get help. He encountered a swerving car driven by Special FBI Agent Bill Maxwell (Culp). Maxwell - slightly drunk and despondent after the death of his FBI partner - claimed that his car also was acting up. The car started up and they drove on until they are stopped and locked into the car as bright lights above them shine down and almost blind them.
They were surprised to find that the lights are coming from an alien spacecraft. The aliens tell Ralph and Bill (by way of the car radio) that they are to work together to save the world and Ralph will be given the power to change it. They are given a black case. Later Ralph opened it up to reveal that they have given him a special bright red suit which endows him with superhuman abilities. Maxwell runs off from fear but later contacts Hinkley and hilarity ensues.
The novelty of the show was based on Hinkley's inability to properly learn to use the suit, and even learn of its various capabilities, other than by trial and error, because he lost the instruction manual in the desert. A recurring gag involved Ralph clumsily trying to strip off his outer clothes to reveal the suit before his enemies can get away.
In practice, Hinkley's superhero was more akin to a Buster Keaton-style clown. For example, sequences where he flies through the air under his own power usually showed him flailing his arms and legs, instead of adopting the Superman-like "arms extended, legs together" pose. In fact, his first flight resulted in a terrifying experience of him hurtling out of control until he rammed head first into a building wall. The basic powers outside of flying included super strength, resistance to injury, invisibility, precognition, telekinesis, remote viewing, super speed, X-ray vision and psychometry. He also showed signs of being able to control minds when he was exposed to high doses of plutonium radiation.