Yeah, the snowball toss was really a super nice touch in the vein of how Eisner wrote Denny to be 'charming' even to his adversaries.
I went and rewatched the clip again (see... I
AM trying...), and the snowball to get attention bit and the purse snatcher were awesome. There ARE little moments between the dialogue and plot that are true to the way Eisner wrote the character. I just wish that the 'filler' wasn't what was seeming to be the better part of the film.
See, I'm reasonable... if I can just overlook the Spirit killing people, the superpowers, the Daredevil level acrobatics, the pheremone thing, Samuel L Jackson as Samuel L Jackson, Lorelei and the call of the siren, all of the 'damns', how miserable and gruff everyone comes across, and the hardboiled dialogue, I'll be loving this.
And, I haven't mentioned the costume change in months! (This sentence doesn't count.
Baby steps. I'll look at the little positives.
The snowball toss and the purse snatcher bit are really nice.