Then it's a very shallow and narrow-minded thought brought on by negative-internet pettyness that makes everyone who joins in superior in some way because it makes them think that they somehow have better tastes in comics...
Grow up.
Pssh. Speak for yourself, my friend.
Plus, I am right though. In some way.
In this case TMOB is right.
I dislike the new status quo but if your going to argue, make assertive and well thought out points about why it sucks lol....not childisly outlandish ones. thats why marvel doesn't listen to us.
Okay. I didn;t really want another one of these. I merely pointed out that the current editorial position doesnt know where they're turning with Spider-Man. I remember a quote saying after the unmasking that they have 'years of stories about the fallout'. Well? No they backtracked and took the cowards way out. They treated us like morons during OMD and ultimately all the way thru BND.
It doesn't read like the CORE essense of Spider-Man. Okay, yes he is in some of the situations that may constitute as 'Parker Luck' but Parker, himnself DOESN'T feel right. He made a DEAL WITH THE ULTIMATE MANIFESTATION OF EVIL, ffs! Now he's marginally a shell of a person. It reads like he's just a wooden puppet of Mephisto- yeah it might all be part of some greater 'arc' [and i do hope thats the case it'd be easier to digest] but the suddeness of the change has been terrible!
Reading Peter run around in a Daredevil costume deliberating whether or not to go to the cops as his buddy Harry...sorry this Vin guy who has the emotional pull of a piece of roadkill, is mistakenly kidnapped by the NEW KRAVEN MK. II! Also, sounding EXACTLY like Spider-Man whilst in costume is a bit unerving. The older Spider-Man read like a better story- from Aunt May a loving contributor to Peter's crusade after all these years to working for a mob boss, in a shelter for the homeless which houses a Lizard-lite crack addict. No. It's silly coincidences strung together by an uneven soapy plot that involes people we know are just fillers- they'll never have as much impact as Gwen or Mary Jane ever.
No matter who Peter gets with, she'll ALWAYS be compared to Mary Jane. It's silly on the editorial powers to utterly deny the existence of a marriage to the woman he loves and by magic. Its silly lazy writing, and I dislike the NEW day Peter has to encounter. Yes, he's light...but all this could have been achieved by a simple re-write within the marriage continuity that would make logical sense to the reader. It seemed a logical progression to have Peter graduate into university and meet new people. It was logical to introduce MAry Jane Watson, Randy Robertson and all these secondary characters back in the day because there were storylines to be had that you invested in and most importantly, it felt like a natural way of thing.
These BND characters feel like horrific recasts of the former. They've been forced upon us by some crazy writing retcon device: Harry coming back from Europe and these slew of new people enter Peter's life? Mephisto's grand plan of becoming a living embodiment of Come on. It's dumb writing so far...that I only HOPE has a driving focus, and even then, I hope they do it in a logical way. The bottom line is, these characters have been rudely forced upon us in a hope that we'll invest some emotional recognition in them- the problem is, they feel exactly like the ones that have come before [and still exist]. Yes, Peter can meet new people, but have them their own person and not a Gwenclone or a Pre-*****e Harry that, if they disappear tomorrow, won't have made much of an impact at all.
I hope i'm proved wrong and i'm willing to give it a chance- but it's hard to see my character raped so many times with rebranded rehashed stories that I can find in Essential. Please make there be a grand plan to Mephisto's deal- one that'll satisfy long timne fand and new ones. Hm.