Here's my write up of meeting Adam West from awhile ago...
So today was the big day and I was first in line for when they got back from break and his manager (who looks like Kato Kalin, so picture that) calls me up and I go up and my friend Kadie who was with me that day comes up but stands way off to the side.
He (West) asks my name first and then turns to tell his wife (who was leaving) that he was "just going to say hi to my old pal Ken here" (Sweet) then the manager turns to Adam and in a rude tone says "this is our friend Ken. So sign it To Ken."
While the manager is saying this, out of the corner of his bat-eye West spots my friend and turns to her (who has kinda big boobs and had a bit of cleav going on) and starts sweet talking her! Oh West you still got it. (in a total sly tone ) "Why hello young lady, how are you doing today? Have you come for an autogrpah too? I bet your having alot of fun here."
I let out a small cough to which he turns back to me, "Oh Ken what do you do?"
I mention that I'm an indie filmmaker and his eyes light up and he starts having a conversation with me. Not small chit chat or answering a fanboy question but a REAL convo. He was asking me the questions! and seemed real interested in it. His manager notices that no money is being spent and starts calling up more people to get stuff signed so our talk got cut real short unfortanatly.
Cost me $50. but heres what I got
Went back later after they left cuz we noticed he was drawing on the table cloth. We also saw he signed it so I cut it out and made this
If any of you bought your autographs online, I'd love to know what site