well they aen't apparently close, so the fact that it is her sister is pretty much the same fact that countless other people who aren't close to him also hold the same doner type but aren't willing to register and thus help out.I think its very hard, lying on your deathbed, knowing that your sister holds the key to saving your life and won't use it, November Rain.
well they aen't apparently close, so the fact that it is her sister is pretty much the same fact that countless other people who aren't close to him also hold the same doner type but aren't willing to register and thus help out.
i still don't think going to the papers is going to do anything really for his cause, if anything it will just piss her off more and maker her more defiant.
OMFG...I never realized,until now,that other countries don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
Seriously...no joke. I guess I just never thought of it.![]()
Meh, i think he should come to terms with the fact that she doesn't want to donate, just like billions of other people out there (as if any more than 2% of the hype are blood doners or are on any kind of marrow doners) and come to terms with his possible demise without trying to put blame on a single person.
why he went to whine to the papers is beyond me. It's not like anyone can change her mind, it's a futile cause.
ah yes but what right do people who haven't enlisted have to judge her when they can't be bothered to put themselves on the register themselves?Actually, with bone marrow it really isn't a case of countless other people. Blood only has a handfull of types, sure. Often, you're looking at a one in fifteen million match, or something similar. That means that in this country, about 60 million, all the people that match to you could be too old, too young, too sick or have had a medical procedure that means that they can't give. Its so rare to find a bone marrow match that when they do, it often hits the papers. Thats why his sister is looking so heartless in all of this.
well she is doing what other people who may be perfect matches are actually doing although her ways aren't passive.thats dumb. the 2 billion others is really no excuse. shes compatible and she's his sister. she should donate. and the blame does go on her, for the fact that she's ****ing compatible. the other 2 billion people don't matter. the fact is shes an exact match and she has no good reason to do,since she agreed to do it in the first place before backing out.
bc shes ugly and evil?There has got to be a reason why she isn't doing it.
Wow. It's obvious that this broad doesn't deserve oxygen. I hope she's in need one day after her brother passes, and he's the only one who could save her.
Even if something bad did happen in the past, which I doubt since she originally agreed to do it, but then backed out after his cancer came back after remission, she should still be willing to donate for the sake of his children.
Cold hearted *****.
Dude, do you even know why you guys celebrate thanksgiving? If you did, you'd know why nobody else except you celebrates...
In my idignant rage I'd leap out of bed and extract the marrow mySELF.I think its very hard, lying on your deathbed, knowing that your sister holds the key to saving your life and won't use it, November Rain.