Behind The Eclipse.


You Better Run
Sep 30, 2007
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I did a quick search and couldn't find a thread on this so I thought I would start one.:o


“Sylar acquires abilities based solely on examining brains alone -- no blood or adrenaline involved. Claire and Adam's abilities seem to be a function of their blood alone, as it revives both other evolved humans (such as Nathan) and normal humans (such as Noah) -- no adrenaline or brains involved. Now Mohinder is saying that it's adrenaline (while specifically stating that it's not blood). Can you reconcile these seemingly-contradictory bits of information for us?”CBR: Welcome back! To start things off so the fans know where the production is, we’ve just seen the third episode of Season Three, but which episodes are in production right now?
Aron Coliete & Joe Pokaski: We’re in production on Episodes 11, 12 and 13 — that’s right — all at once. We’re prepping episode 14 and 15. And writing Episodes 16 and 17.
One business question before we get to the fans’ -- the possibility of an actors strike. How much of an effect is that having on the production right now? How likely do you think it is that the Actors Guild will strike?
Right now, the potential for an actors strike isn’t affecting production at all. We’re moving forward full steam ahead for our 25-episode season, which we’re breaking into two Volumes. Volume 3 as you know is “Villains.” And Volume 4, which we’re calling “Fugitives.”
Everyone has been asking about characters that haven't appeared yet, though some have been mentioned, and if they are returning, so let’s get a status report:
He’s invisible. So of course, he has been in every shot of every episode.
Flying. If you panned up, you would have seen him.
We actually had some scenes with Dana Davis, but they didn’t make the final cut. So you’ll be able to catch them on the Season 3 DVD.
What’re you doing next week? Molly makes a couple of “unique” appearances this season.
With the special effects in the first two episodes -- between the new villains’ escape, Sylar and Elle's fight, Hiro's future jump in episode 1 and Daphne's speed trail — we’ve had more effects in two episodes then seen most of the first year. Has the budget been blown up a bit? Can look forward to more of the same for the rest of the season?
The special effects this season have been amazing. Eric Grenadier and his team of magicians at Stargate have been incredible — rising to the occasion of the crazy **** we write. We’re just trying to come up with some of the wildest, most insane ideas we can think of.
The first fan questions for BEHIND THE ECLIPSE Season Three comes from a new BTE participant, Josh Parker:
“We were able to see the new Future Hiro in the season premiere, who had a much different look than the Future Hiro we saw in the first season. Now, obviously the new Future Hiro had not had to experience the death of Ando (perhaps he wishes he had), and thus is not quite as dark and somber. My question, though, is this: was there some traumatizing experience that ‘Emo Future Hiro’ went through that the new Future Hiro had not, that caused him to seek out Lasik eye surgery? Future Hiro wears glasses in this one, yet previous Future Hiro with pony tail had none — was he out of contact solution that day?”
That’s it exactly. You nailed it Josh Parker. The truth is — in the future, they discover that all Lasik Eye Surgeries turned bad and actually damaged the eyes and everyone has to wear glasses again. The future is scary.
Only3Penguins asks:
Is it really contradictory? Is it? Do you know exactly how Sylar’s power works? I think there are some surprises in store in regards to who and what Mr. Sylar really is. And Claire and Adam’ ability isn’t a function of their blood — they’re blood simply has a strange side-effect when administered to others. So, Mohinder was right — kinda — adrenaline figures in heavily to how these abilities work.
Peter Terry asks a number of questions:
“Is Claire just blocking out her pain or is she actually losing nerve function (in which case she can stock up on vitamin B suppliments)?Ñ€šÃ‚ How tied is her not feeling pain related to her emotional reaction of feeling violated by Sylar?”
Maybe it’s emotion, maybe it’s evolution — but either way the Vitamin B Supplement is a great idea.
“Are we going to see any response from Nathan's wife and children to Nathan's near death experience?”
Not immediately, no — but you will see them this season.
“Would we ever see a power that Sylar would refuse to acquire because it is too lame? (really bendy toes or the ability to re-carbonate flat soda)”
You didn’t see him using that Zane Grey melty power that much, did you? Kinda lame, right? Turning things into goo.
“Do we still follow the ‘Nine guardians’ motif?Ñ€šÃ‚ Are we going to find out more about who they are?”
Right now our heroes have their hands full dealing with the escapees from Level 5 — so their secret origins is something that’s going to have to wait for a bit.
William AKA Dash-Dot wants to know about Brains. Brains!
“After seasons of guessing, we've learned that Sylar does not, in fact, eat brains (even though eyewitness Molly did say that's what he did in Season One). My roommate, who never believed he ate his victims’ brains in the first place, had an extended gloat session when Sylar finally denied it, and used our DVR to make me watch the scene several times. I'm willing to accept it, I did love the idea, but like many things ‘Heroes,’ this revelation leads to a lot of questions. Was this always the plan? Either way, how does this actually work? Sylar's ability to see how things function allows him to see how each character's powers work, okay, I get it, but how does he manipulate his own body to mimic these things? Or is that also his ability? Finally, did he take something from Claire's brain when he found what he was looking for, or did he just remove his hand? Why were all of his other victims missing their brains altogether?”
Yes. You’ll see. Yes. You’ll see.
Alison B wants to know:
“Will we ever find out who Angela was talking to on the phone at the end of Season Two?”
Yeah. She was talking to the AMTP trying to settle the writers strike — but we all know how that turned out. Seemed they opened Pandora’s Box.
Laurel27 likes Angela’s storyline and wants more:
“I love me some badass Angela Petrelli, but what I love about her is her grayness and what seems to be the struggle with her heart and her brain. Will we see more of that Angela? I hope she's not becoming a black-and-white character.”
You’ll see lots more of Angela Petrelli as she’s taking over Primatech this season. However, all the other people that have held that position — Linderman and Bob — didn’t seem to last long.
The Marquis likes the choice of costumes for Tracy, but wonders if it may have been a hint at something bigger:
“Okay I'm wondering if you guys put in an easter egg hinting at Tracy's power before we found out. When we first see her she's in a white bustier and panties. Which was the original costume of the white queen, aka Emma Frost.”
Good catch, Marquis. That actually had nothing to do with it. The wardrobe was Ali Larter’s choice. We specifically scripted it for her to be naked.
Kyle Kopening thinks he may have caught you in a logic issue — or has he?
“In the first season, it was hinted that Claire would die if her brain or head was removed. In the second season, Adam confirmed that there was "no going back" from having your head blown off. Sylar, however, said that Claire could not die, no matter what he did. Does this contradict the first season's tagline ‘Save the Cheerleader, Save the World?’”
Nope. Claire indeed can be killed, as can Adam and Peter and Sylar, too. Decapitation does a pretty good job. We think Sylar was just ****ing with Claire.
Jason Fleece wants more Bob!
“I love Stephen Tobolowski and the character he played, and was dismayed to see him go so quickly and unceremoniously. Any chance we’ll see more Bob?”
Bob’s dead Jason. Bob’s dead.
R.I.P. Bob.
David wants to know about our old friend Charles.
“As of last week we can now definitely attribute Peter's dream power to Angela, which ends the speculation that Charles Deveaux might have been the source. So this leaves me wondering what Charles' power was (assuming as heavily hinted he had one), and if we are ever going to find out his or any of the other dead founders powers. Also, any chance of Richard Roundtree returning at all soon?”
The dream power is indeed Angela’s. And we’ll learn more about that during the course of the season. Shaft is getting the shaft for the moment. No plans for Charles Deveaux’s immediate future… but you never know.
Okat, it’s Timeline Examination Time with Chris!
“My question has to do with the timeline. In my estimation there are three different alternate futures we were shown on Monday.
“1. The future Peter comes from where the heroes are being hunted.
“2. The future Hiro sees when he teleports and sees Goku Ando (everyone has powers) and the “destruction” of Tokyo.
“3. The current trajectory of the future where the villains escape and kill all the Hiros, (Angelas dream).

“Is this the case, or was the future Hiro saw and the future Peter came from the same?”
These are in fact, all the same future — you’ll learn more about this next week.
KCcat asks:
“In ‘The Second Coming,’ Sylar says to Claire, ‘You see, I lost everything that made me special.’Ñ€šÃ‚ Does Sylar mean that he permanently lost all of his acquired powers except for telekinesis?Ñ€šÃ‚ Has his slate of powers been ‘wiped clean’ and does he have to start all over again?Ñ€šÃ‚ If so, then by the end of ‘The Butterfly Effect,’ it appears that he only has his telekinesis power, Claire's healing and regeneration power, and Bob's power to turn things to gold.Ñ€šÃ‚ Or am I reading into things?”
Nope that’s right. Sylar’s starting over. Getting a whole new slate of powers as he goes. You can count Jesse’s voice powers into the mix as well.
ZooBot23 is wondering about the chain of command at Yamagato:
“Hiro's sister, Kimiko, was both qualified and eager to run Yamagato Industries. How did Hiro end up with the company?”
Hiro’s father left him the company — Japan is still a very male dominated society. Kimiko’s still running the company as Hiro isn’t exactly CEO material, but he still must accept the responsibility.
DC wants to know:
“Since Sylar says that he is now immortal from adapting Claire's powers, doesn't it also mean that Peter is immortal as well?”
They’re all hard to kill — but no one is immortal.
Anthony Harrington has two questions:
“The third volume and season got off to a great start on Monday. Kudos.Ñ€šÃ‚ Sylar's assault onÑ€šÃ‚ Claire wasÑ€šÃ‚ truly dark, frightening, adult, and one of the strongest moments in the show so far.Ñ€šÃ‚ In an episode filled with strong moments - good to see Nathan Petrelli re-engaged in politics - the strongest were the moments involving Sylar and Claire.Ñ€šÃ‚Â
“1)Ñ€šÃ‚ Will Jessalyn Gilsig become a regular?Ñ€šÃ‚ I'm a big fan.”
Not a regular, no — but you will be seeing a lot more of he smoking, Ms. Gilsig.
“2)Ñ€šÃ‚ The only thing I miss is the paintings of Tim Sale - will we see any more of his artwork on the show?Ñ€šÃ‚ If other prophetic artists are discovered, will they — could they - have Tim Sale's style or will we see other painters from the world of comics - i.e. David Mack, Alex Maleev, or Alex Ross or even Clayton Crain?”
Hopefully you got your fill on a lot more Tim Sale goodness this week. And you’ll see some new Alex Maleev work next week, too. Stay tuned!
Jason wants to know about Tracy/Nikki/Jessica:
“I am very pleased that Ali is back for season three and am intrigued by her new character. In previous BEHIND THE ECLIPSES as well as show commentary it was always brought up that Nikki had a split personality disorder and that her personality split was a result of her powers emerging as a coping mechanism. Now this was never stated in the TV show itself, but can we still believe that these things still hold true with the introduction of the new character of Tracy Strauss?”
“Also Nikki/Jessica's death was never shown in the first two episodes, but it was filmed and will probably appear as a bonus feature on the season 3 DVD. Since it was not shown on television is it fair to say that it did not happen?”
Nope. It happened. And it will be on the Season 3 DVD.
Matt asks:
“So how come Mohinder is turning into Jeff Goldblum's ‘The Fly?’ Seriously, the similarities between the beginning of that movie and the beginning of ‘The Butterfly Effect’ are startling. Were you guys that inspired by it? Or is this a weird coincidence?”
Inspired, definitely. Mr Beeman and Mr. Arkush love paying homage to the masterful work that came before us.
Landman comes with questions:
“Are we going to finally find out this season how Future-Peter got his scar? Can you give us a hint - was it a person or object that gave him the scar?
No hints yet. Gotta keep some of the magic alive.
“Who was Future-Peter running away from in the opening, and why would he need to run anywhere when he can teleport himself? Why would Claire think that she could kill Future-Peter with a gun?”
He was running away from “Heroes” fans on the boards, asking tough questions of him. You’ll find out why she thought he could be killed next week.
Volts wants to know about timelines:
"Heroes" Season 2 DVD on sale now “Is present day in the ‘Heroes’ storyline still March 21, 2007 (the day after Nathan was shot) or has more time past? Is the lack of fixed dates in the first two episodes, the Going Postal webisodes, and the most recent arc of graphic novels intentional? Will we be seeing any more fixed dates anytime soon?”
Wait? What day is it? You’ll see less fixed dates moving forward. But the timeline will remain intact.
Quinton Peeples wants to know about your comics work, like Joe’s “Secret Invasion: Inhumans” and Aron’s “Ultimate X-Men”:
“Glad you are back. With both Aron and Joe writing comics now as well as the show, is there cross-pollination between the two? Do you ever get ideas and think ‘Oooh. This would be great for the X book,’ or ‘I should save this for the show.’ Fantastic season premiere! Keep up the good work!”
Is this the Quinton Peeples? Writer and director of my favorite horror film “Joyride!” You rock, man. Thanks for mesntioning our books — we’re just trying to do good writing whatever medium we work in.
Cael comes with questions:
“Okay we know there are 12 Founders of the Company. Three being girls: Angela, Paula, and.... some other lady. Is her name Susan Ammaw? Hopefully this will seriously end a question people keep debating about but won't ask.”
I believe it’s Amman. And yes. Amman.
“In an earlier BEHIND THE ECLIPSE, you said Bob would be turning objects into things other than gold, but so far everything has been coming up gold. Was the original idea to allow him to do other stuff and because of some event it was just decided to be just gold?”
Originally, Bob was going to turn a wood door into steel to stop a rampaging Niki in the episode “Out of Time,” but the effect looked, well, like crap, so it was cut. But we had every intention of making Bob more than just an alchemist.
“Sparrow Redhouse, is she ever gonna appear? You guys said she would but she hasn't.”
She was potentially going to make her appearance in episode 12, but that might be pushed off until later in the season. Keep your eyes peeled.
Brian wants to know:
“Is Matt on the path that will guide us a bit closer to Uluru?”
Yes. Lots of great Matt Parkman stories to come.
And we close out with The Sharpness (nice handle, d00d) who asks one of the most important questions ever submitted in BEHND THE ECLIPSE history:
“All this time-traveling over three seasons leaves me wondering, where is Future Mr. Muggles?”
Future Mr. Muggles will be seen next week in Episode 4, “I Am Become Death.”

In-Universe Recap
  • Nathan's wife and kids are coming back.
  • The Heroes won't be looking into the company founders for a while.
  • Claire, Adam, Sylar, Arthur Petrelli and Peter can all be killed by decapitation.
  • No more Bob Bishop or Charles Deveaux this season.
  • Sylar Lost all of his abilities except for Intuitive Aptitude and TK.
  • Kimiko Nakamura controls Kaito's company.
  • Niki is 100% dead.
  • The blonde woman in the photo of the Company founders is Susan Amman.
  • Bob's Transmutation power would of been more than just alchemy.
  • Sparrow Redhouse will appear.
  • Matt Parkman will encounter Uluru.
  • More Mr Muggles!
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Allison asked: Mr. Spears continues: “I was talking with some friends about this after last weeks episode and here is the thought process that got us there - Sylar and Peter have very similar powers, Sylar is just a little more destructive. Maybe it’s just his psychopathic nature that has him ripping peoples heads off and if he wanted to he could just get the powers the same as Peter. Nathan on the other hand is the most self-controlled of the brothers - he never wanted the powers and flying is arguably the most basic (least strange) power. He has also had a pretty good history of coming back from injury with (or without) help. Now maybe his mind has either channeled or absorbed an aspect of Linderman.”“In ‘One of Us, One of Them,’ Sylar asked a question right before a commercial break. That little cliffhanger was never resolved, however. Please, please tell me - does Noah Bennett drink decaf?” He best not be drinking Sanka.Peter Terry has a number of questions for you this week: Back to more questions from Peter: It has to do with the chemistry of combustion — but the general “rule of Ted” is that the oven can’t be hurt by the heat. So Meredith is relatively immune to all effects of fire. "So, I was thinking that maybe the placement of those three colored liquids before Mo gained a special ability may have fulfilled the imagery of that painting, as if what's in those three liquids is found in a ‘Godsend’ ability.”“In graphic novel 66, ‘The Ten Brides of Takezo Kensei,’ we learned that Adam once went by the name Richard Sanders and that he has a wife out there. Will any of this come to light on the show?”Steve Marshall also has a question about the Webisodes: The Sharpness says: Prander asked: Massachusetts, huh? How about them Red Sox, Matt? Seriously. Isn’t it so fun to have a winning team in those uniforms? Tough game last night — but I think they can correct tonight. (And please see above answer)CBR: This week we start with Nonredhead who asked:
“Will we ever find out the details of the arrangements Arthur and Angela made for Claire and the aftermath? Ever since it was revealed Angela and Kaito had an affair, I wondered if he was in on the whole thing when he handed off Claire to HRG? And any chance we will get more info on the whole Kaito/Angela relationships? In their brief scenes you felt they both really cared for each other, despite their differences.”
Aron Coleite & Joe Pokaski: Stay tuned for episode #12, “Our Father,” in which two of our characters will journey back to that very moment on the roof — and see a little more of what was going on. Not everything you’re looking for, Nonreadhead, but quite a bit.

“So, Traci's story line is reminding me a lot of a movie I used to watch as a kid, based on a sci-fi novel, called ‘Anna to the Infinite Power.’ Anna was a little girl who discovered she had many clones, and based on growing up in different environments and being reared by different parents, all the clones had slightly different personalities - one was shy, one was girly, one was bookish. I could see this in the ‘Heroes’ world fitting into the clones all having different powers, but really being the same person. Am I getting warm?”
You’re close, Allison to the Infinite Power, but we’re trying to do the real world here on “Heroes” (as best we can), so stay tuned tonight and you’ll get a slightly less infinite answer with no clones involved whatsoever.
Benjamin Spears has two questions this week:
“What happened to Maury Parkman? Angela's dream (filmed during the second season) features 'The Nightmare Man' amongst other villains, but in episode #3, Maury is nowhere to be found! Will he be returning?”
We could tell you, but than we’d have to trap you in a dream. Maury was in level five. Now everyone is out. Stay tuned, true believer. We haven’t dreamed the last of him.

“Is Suresh transforming into the Uluru creature hinted at through season one? Could **he** be the cause of the mass destruction seen when Hiro visited the future?”
What are you doing tonight? Because you’ll see a little of where Suresh is heading.
The entirety of the Heroes Wiki wants to know:
“Does Peter's ability allow him to mimic the individual abilities his future self has learned or does encountering his future self only actually expose him to his own mimicry ability?”
The second one. A truly excellent question, which we argued about for a week. If only we had the entire of Heroes Wiki there to mediate and explain it so clearly, we could have seen our kids that week.
James has a question, and gives a detailed explanation as to how he got there:
“So now that we have the third Petrelli boy - that brings up a interesting thought - Do Nathan, Peter, and Sylar all have the same powers?”

Part of your answer is right on, other parts, right off. By episode #9, you’ll be vindicated in a big way, though.
Well done, James. Keep at it.
Barak asked:
“My question is whether or not this means Sylar will be able to use Bob's full range of powers? Does this mean that Sylar will also be more than just an alchemist even though all of Bob's powers weren't displayed in season 2?”
Sylar hasn’t had reason to use Bob’s power — but we have it on tap and really want to use it this season. So stay tuned.
Regular reader Eric Luong asked a question we all want to know the answer to:

Of course he drinks Decaf. Sylar understands how things work, remember. He’s just F&%$king with his new partner.
Karen Miller asked:
“In last week's BEHIND THE ECLIPSE, you said that the three timelines we've seen so far -- the one Future Peter came from, the one Hiro went to, and the one that lies ahead now -- are all the same. How is that consistent with what Angela and Future Peter said about everything being different now that Peter has come back and changed things?”
You will see tonight exactly what we mean — small changes have occurred but one fundamental problem remains the same in the future no matter which way you cut it.
Riddler --SubPsych on YouTube-- of Long Island, NY asked:
“During the ‘Countdown to the Premiere’ event, Ali Larter introduced ‘Some of the greatest fans in the world,’ in which two of the clips were mine (snapping fingers to flame and walking through the wall) How were the winners and those featured during the montage chosen?”
We have no idea. We’ll have to get back to you on that one, Katie Couric.
Obi Dan Kenobi asked:
“All the Company Founders have been identified, yet one of them, Carlos Mendez, keeps me wondering - is he related to Isaac? If he is, does that mean that all of the Founders' kids are related? Peter, Nathan, Hiro, Sylar, Matt, Elle, Isaac, Simone?”
He is Isaac’s dad. Nope — not all the kids are related (for example Victoria Pratt never had any kids), but there is a genetic trend certainly. And thank heavens, since our show is a lot about family.

“Gabriel Gray can intuitively understand complex systems and see how they work, would he be able to pick up a textbook on economics and figure out how to solve the current economic crisis? It seems tragic that if he did not have his ‘hunger’ issues, he could use his gift to be one of the greatest historic figures of the Century.”
You know, I think it would give him a working knowledge of what to do — but that’s not the complex part — I think he’s going have to have at least a couple weeks in the senate to understand the complex nature of their relationships.
Peter continued:
“Will we ever see how Lyle (Claire's adoptive brother) turns out in the future? Are Waffles involved? (What is it with the waffle motif?)”
Three words: “Is Lyle Uluru?”
Okay, more serious questions from Peter:
“Was ‘Going Postal’ enough of a success to have more Webisodes in the future?
Absolutely. We love our fans so much and want to give them ‘round the calendar entertainment. The next round of webisodes are planned for the break as well as a set of minisodes produced with the help of some of our partners from SPRINT.

“Will Peter be able to use Jesse's power?”
Good Question. We think so. Whether he knows it or not is a better question.
Thanks Peter.
Joe wants to know about the reasons behind the change to Ali Larter’s characters:
“Was Nikki/Jessica removed to allow Ali to play a different role, or was it more story and character-based, in a realization that perhaps you couldn't find a way to redeem the character, or go anywhere further with her?”
A little of both. But most importantly, it also allowed us to tell an origin story again. To play the human confusion of a rug being pulled form us. The “what’s happening to me?” of it all.
Daniel Bowen asked:
“In ‘One of Them, One of Us,’ when Meredith and Claire entered the lock up, Meredith was testing her by burning the oxygen so Claire would think she's drowning/suffocating. How come she wasn't affected by the lack of oxygen? I know she's immune to her fire powers, but I don't get how that'd protect her from the lack of oxygen.”

'ROESian (HERO at 9thWonders!) has a rather lengthy question, so prepare yourself. Here we go:
“You can see in the Linderman archives at NBC a bunch of Isaac's (Tim Sale's) paintings that have been precognitive in nature. Three (so far) are the exceptions - Uluru - which only has a story in the 9thWonders! Comics (according to Kring), Tim Sale's Kitty painting (which wasn't painted for ‘Heroes,’ although, in the series pilot, there is a painting of Simone carrying the Kitty painting in a portfolio which you see after Simone walks in with it), and the one with three of the ‘Heroes’ Symbol with backgrounds of yellow, red and blue, entitled ‘Godsend.’”
Uluru we actually saw in a webcomic already, as Tim has noted. The kitty picture is actually from the Catwoman book “When in Rome” (by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale — on sale now). And the final one will be revealed, but none too soon.
“Well, I happened to notice, in ‘The Second Coming,’ that in Mohinder's lab before Mo decides to give himself the shot which gives him a special ability, you can see three containers of liquids in front of him, which, if you account for the lighting, are yellow, red and blue in color."

Nope. That was just to make the picture pretty.
“So my question is, was the placement of those three colored liquids in the lab before Mo gained a special ability intentional, to relate to the Godsend painting?”
Nope. Pretty.
Sasha asked about the Web comics:

Probably not. But we may explore it in the webcomic.
Chuck wants to know what’s up with Claire:
“During Angela's dream, Knox kills Claire. Claire is in her Odessa cheerleading uniform. What's up with that?”
Good question. She seems to pop up in dreams in her Odessa cheerleading uniform a lot, doesn’t she? Hmm…
Cael had two questions this week:
“A Dr. Henry Strauss appeared in a graphic vovel doing some mutation experiments. Is it possible that he could have helped Dr. Zimmerman create Tracy Strauss?”
It’s totally possible.
Cael, you’re on to something. Next question:
“Hiro and Ando are locked up in Level 5. Flint used his fire in his cell and Peter phased through his cell. Assuming that the Haitian will not stay on Level 5 forever, can't Hiro just teleport him and Ando out or does the Company have some ability stopping technology in the cells?”
The company definitely has some ability-stopping “technology” in Level 5.

“Are we going to see any more of Echo DeMille, the protagonist of this summer’s Webisodes?”
Yes — Echo will show up in episode #13, the finale of “Villians.” Entitled: “War.”
Stephen David Warked wants to know:
“If Sylar's slate is wiped clean the way you describe in BEHIND THE ECLIPSE #1, then his only power should be the ability to read brains, right?”
You’d think — but for some reason, he was able to hang on to telekenisis. We’ll learn a little more about the effect of his first murder in chapter #8 of this volume — “Villains” (yes, it’s the chapter and volume title — like “new Shimmer”)
False Phoenix wants to know:
“Angela Petrelli said that with Bob dead the chain of command falls to her. So if Angela Petrelli died who takes command then?”
God, let’s hope it never comes to that…
“Also, I'm wondering if Mohinder’s power-giving formula was used by an evolved human what would happen? Would it enhance their current abilities or what?”
Wow. We don’t know. Maybe. Or maybe it’s like crossing your fingers twice and it all cancels out. Then again, it might make our heads explode.

“MORE TURTLE! Turtle cameos. Turtle graphic novels. Save the turtle, save the world -- run with it!”
We agree, The Sharpness. The Turtle is quite awesome and you haven’t seen the last of him. In fact, he’s got a great scene with Hiro in episode #10 — “The Eclipse, Part I.”
Kevin C has one extremely important question, one just very important. We’ll let you figure out which one is more important:
“Since Adam Monroe manifested an ability 400 years ago, is it safe to assume there have been others throughout history with abilities and will anyone make an appearance?”
It is safe to assume — and while we have no immediate plans for such a character, I can’t imagine we can stay away from that tasty well forever.
“Also, when will Mr. Muggles manifest his ability?”
You mean “spontaneous adorableness.” You’ve already seen it.

“Now that Daphne has been introduced, and she can still move about when Hiro ‘stops time,’ she states that he must not be fully stopping time. Does this mean that he doesn't fully stop time, but just slows it way down to ‘appears to be stopping time?’”
Yes. Exactly. Whatever a nano of a nano second is, that’s where they live.
Siv Chan asked:
“Will you guys ever reveal Kaito's powers? You told us to examine his death scene, but I still cannot figure it out. Any hints or should I just stop trying?”
It’s there, we swear, but don’t kill yourself. On the positive side — we will be showing Hiro’s mother’s ability by the end of this volume.
Matt L. from Massachusetts finishes things out this week with two questions:
“In last week's edition of BTE, you said Sylar lost all of his acquired abilities when he contracted the virus. We hadn't really seen him use any of them other than the telekinesis, and it really stood out when he had to take the folder from the Bennet house instead of just scanning each file. However, that begs the question: why does he still have the telekinesis? Is it because it was the first ability he acquired and the bond has become permanent? Does it have to do with it being the only ability the Company could detect when they were studying his DNA during his initial ‘stay’ with them?”

“And if you can't answer those questions, how about this one: how did he get from an alley in NY to Costa Verde, CA in only a few hours (since it was daylight in both locations)?”
Terry Francona has done a pretty amazing job, and I think he’s pretty underrated as a skipper. All these trades, injuries, and they still chug right along and really seem to gel in the post-season. Not to mention the pitching and Batting coaches — who we consider as the unsung heroes of the club.
But seriously, sometimes these issues are raised in the room and then they are let go for the sake of telling a more compelling story.

In-Universe Recap

  • Someone will return to the moment of Kaito's death.
  • Maury Parkman will be (well is) back.
  • Present Peter doesn't have Future Peter's abilities.
  • Carlos Mendez is Isaac's dad.
  • Victoria Pratt had no children.
  • More Webisodes to come.
  • Meredith is immune to her own powers apparently to the extent that the whole lack of oxygen doesn't affect her.
  • Dr Strauss may be connected to Dr Zimmerman and Tracy.
  • The company has "ability stopping" technology.
  • Echo DeMille will be back in S3E13 "War".
  • Sylar still has TK despite losing his other acquired abilities because of the way he obtained it.
  • Mr Muggles ability is Spontaneous Adorableness.:oldrazz:
  • Hiro doesn't stop time, he just slows it down.
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