Here is what I think:
Spider-man: (8/10)
This is the most fun of the three movies to watch. It has my favorite Spider-man villain and handles him very well. The origin story is told very well and its pretty fast paced, gives me a great sense of nostalgia and the special effects hold up very well to day. The movie was a little formulaic in story- good vs. evil, villain and hero origins etc, but it was a fun, well made, entertaining movie.
Spider-man 2: (9/10) As a film, this is the best of the franchise. It has its weak moments, its pointless or slow scenes, but it is a very interesting story with great action, an amazing villain and an interesting story for Peter.
Spider-man 3: (7.5/10) This is a REALLY good movie. People really aren't giving it a lot of the credit it deserves. This is most likely the last Rami, Maguire, Dunst Spider-man film and probably the final Spidey flick for the next five years or so if they don't return. They tried to please the fans in every way. And the "jam-packedness" isn't even a complaint of mine. The goofy humor spurred on by the black suite (mainly just the dancing) is what took away from the movie. If this stuff was cut from the film, it would be an 8.5/10 in my opinion. The film does a great job with it's story of redemption and forgiveness, and has great action and effects. I really liked Brock, though I wish the bulk of Venom's lines weren't ixnayed. Sandman is becoming one of my favorite villains of the series while I feel that Harry's Goblin is my favorite. This film was great and I haven't stopped thinking about it since I've seen it. Can't wait to see it again and in IMAX and for the DVD.