This digital move means NOTHING if prices aren't dropped. If i were Marvel i would try and one-up DC by making their books even cheaper. Like $1.50 after one month of release. Marvel is still completely, absolutely DELUSIONAL in thinking new people are going to pay $4 for a digital book. It's simple economics 101, people are not going to do it plain and simple. Me for example, i've been dying to read Ultimate Comics Spiderman and Hickman's new Ultimates book, but i refuse to pay $4 for them, so I'm going to wait to buy the trades online where i could get the collection for a much cheaper price than the individual issues. But if Marvel could entice me with a substantially cheaper digital copy, i would gladly buy the individual issues. Thats why DC's been getting alot of my dollars lately. About 3 weeks ago I bought all 6 issues of DC New Frontier for 99 cents an issue, you just cannot beat that kind of deal.