Based on a short story by Stephen King, Mercy tells the tale of two young boys (“The Walking Dead’s” Chandler Riggs and Super 8’s Joel Courtney) who move with their mother to take care of their dying grandmother at her decrepit farmhouse. When they suspect that the elderly woman they love has encountered a dark spirit, they fear she might not be the only one who won’t make it through the summer alive. Once George (Riggs) and Buddy McCoy (Courtney) arrive at their Gramma Mercy’s (Shirley Knight), what they find inside her 150-year-old home is nothing short of terrifying. As the brothers experience deeply disturbing phenomena they believe to be the work of an ancient witch, they must fight for their lives and overcome the evil forces threatening their family.
So Carl is one of my top favorite characters. Anyone agree?
See I'm the complete opposite. I am infatuated with the idea that Carl is the child of the apocalypse. It's more a part of him than most any other character on the show. He may have started out impish and weak, but he has slowly become a freaking badass.
He got shot.
He learned to shoot (and pretty damn well) at age 11/12?
He watched his mother give birth and die.
He shot her in the head.
He is painstakingly learning restraint and patience. And actually doing so.
Then last night's episode happened.
And now his father has a sizable respect for the kid.
Another couple years and he will easily be the most skillful zombie killer and apocalypse survivalist on this team. Can't wait.