I really hate the issue, 'cause my feeling is to say, I don't think anything should be censored ever, as long as it has a clear warning attached about what kind of content there'll be and no one was harmed or exploited against their will in it's production.
But you can't just have a constant warning and control who gets access to what 100% of the time.
So, would I feel it was a little off if I walked into a room full of 3rd graders and they had Christina Aguilera having sex with a great dane for the Superbowl half time show?
Yes I would.
So, that means it's a matter of degrees.
The word "damn" is okay....the word "f***" is not.
Wrong, 'cause everyone's "line that must never be crossed" is placed differently.
So you have to have a way to decide the standards.
But I don't want some Puritanical ninny defining standards for me.
So you come back to, "Everyone has to be responsible for it themselves."
Which brings you back to, "Yeah, but warnings about content can never be 100% failsafe."
So I hate the issue.
I would tend however to err on the side of freedom.
I saw hardcore porn as early as 3 years old.
I did not grow up to be a rapist...just a perv, but I suspect that would've happened anyway.
And, people act all appauled by racist websites and call for them to be banned.
That's ******ed. I think kids should be SHOWN the sites, and then educated about how backwards, wrong and evil/pathetic they ARE.....from an early age.
I'm frustrated by the issue.
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