I'm not saying she wins, but Clor is not Thor, you have to keep that in mind. He may be physically on par with the real Thor, but a cheap knock off Mjolnir with computer chips and wires is not close to the real thing, atleast IMO. The real Mjolnir has magic enchantments, made of uru metal, and actually controls the weather and enhances his abilities. The Clor hammer can probably channel lightning to a degree, and it has made a watered down god blast before, but not like Thor can (again a guess, but I couldn't see how he would).
Now normal Thor would kick Storm's ass, as much as I like her. A big reason for that is his control of the weather trumps hers and then some, physically she would get whupped too but can try and keep a distance. Clor however probably doesn't have any weather control but minor lightning channeling. I doubt Storm flat out beats him (Thor will prob be the one to take Clor down), but she probably gives him a hell of a fight, whereas she probably can't with the real Thor.
Looks good tho.