I have not seen this movie, nor do I intend to. But personally, as a college student, I am very offended by the way Follywood constantly tries to stereotype college students. They constantly broadcast the message that college is a playground of parties, booze, and free sex, and don't even consider the fact that most students who go to college go there FOR THEIR EDUCATION. The reason movies like this exist is because the rich fat cats who own Follywood want to suppress young people by selling us the idea that we are irresponsible, immature, and are incapable of living life without our parents around. When you're a stupid boozed up fratty, you're no longer a threat to Follywood's status quo, and that's exactly what they want.
The movie "college" is especially disturbing to me, because it is clearly being marketed towards teenagers (despite bearing an R rating), and so the studio has basically made a 90 minute commercial saying "Don't go to college to further your education. Go for the booze and easy girls." They want to make sure that the next wave of college freshmen come in and don't learn anything except how to drink Vodka through their nose, because that's one less wave of intelligent citizens that they will have to deal with later on. I say enough is enough. It's time for young people to tell Hollywood who they are, not the other way around.