You gotta love people who ignore the facts and see only what they want. And I especially marvel at somebody who wastes their time deciding to make Nintendo the focus of their hatred.
And GAH must be a kid. Not only can I tell because of how he types, but he didn't even "get" the joke in my post, as lame as it may be. Kids also pull the "wow ur immature" card, which he pulled on me.
Every news source puts Nintendo on top. Sony even admits that they weren't on top for the season. Analysts say that Nintendo will probably remain on top, and the only thing saving the 360 is the head start, otherwise the demand for the Wii may have hit the 360's business hard (Besides Gears of War being the killer app).
Everybody's praising the Wii's unique controlling capabilities, every shipment of Wiis get sold out, whereas there are reports of PS3s that still won't sell from stores nationwide. Almost 4 million Wiis worldwide and I believe only barely 1 million PS3s worldwide.
But that's okay, GAH. You're right. Nintendo isn't on top or anything. It's all a lie cooked up by the government to make Nintendo look good. Everybody in the world (including competitors! Read: MSN News [Microsoft]) is making up this stuff.