It's official: Fox is the cheapest, greediest, most money hungrey scumbag company on the planet. They don't care about their films. If something gets leaked, they go ape**** and say "IT'S NOT FINISHED, IT'S NOT FIIIINIIIISHED! IT'LL BE BETTER!!!" to cover their sorry asses. And they lie just to get more asses in seats. Their newest stunt with the different endings in Wolverine is just pathetic. Just look at Dragonball: Evolution. They didn't promote the movie at all. They didn't even care about the damn movie. It's like Fox has a virus on their hands, and everything they touch melts and turns to crap. They lie, steal, cheat, act like babies, and want nothing but money. They don't care about ANYTHING but money. Screw the fans, screw the movie, screw everything. Money is what matters most. Thats their motto.