Discussion: The Economy, National Debt, And Other Financial Issues

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It would seem to me that the root of all evil is government, not money. It is government that created the national debt, not money.

Money is the key to peace. Only through a system of commerce can resources exchange hands peacefully and fairly.

No, it's just the opposite. Money acts as a barrier to it. It always will. There will never be peace under a monetary system. There will always be war because of it, where scarcity is a beneficial condition. Fair? The system is in part based on competition, which in turn instills (and rightfully so) distrust of others. How can you expect ethical and honest behavior in a system that punishes you if you behave that way? If you're a salesman or a businessman and you say, being honest and ethical, " Well I don't have as good a product or deal for you as that guy over there, that would be a better fit for you" you aren't going to be in that career for long. You're going to be out in the street.

I don't know if you mean that we don' t have the technology to create abundance and automate human labor. Because we do.

I don't really doubt that we have the actual resources to do it a lot of what you say, I doubt in the mindset of committing to it completely. Think of what would have to be done, the vast, vast majority of people everywhere would have to realize that politics, the military, religion and other such institutions are outdated. That they are just self preservation techniques in order to keep in power the current institutions, to keep the status quo.

Think of how impossibly hard that is to do right now when all the mainstream news is owned by just a handful of corporations, when there is such a HUGE side show distraction of the never ending WWE style soap opera Left vs. Right politics that just completely blind people. The military alone would be something that you could never convince the majority of the people because no matter if they agree or not with whatever war, you cannot "disrespect" the troops. Can't be done. You can't say, even though it's true, that they really don't fight for us, but for corporations. That's the end of the discussion right there, you've committed a mortal sin by saying that.
No, it's just the opposite. Money acts as a barrier to it. It always will. There will never be peace under a monetary system. There will always be war because of it, where scarcity is a beneficial condition. Fair? The system is in part based on competition, which in turn instills (and rightfully so) distrust of others. How can you expect ethical and honest behavior in a system that punishes you if you behave that way? If you're a salesman or a businessman and you say, being honest and ethical, " Well I don't have as good a product or deal for you as that guy over there, that would be a better fit for you" you aren't going to be in that career for long. You're going to be out in the street.

I don't really doubt that we have the actual resources to do it a lot of what you say, I doubt in the mindset of committing to it completely. Think of what would have to be done, the vast, vast majority of people everywhere would have to realize that politics, the military, religion and other such institutions are outdated. That they are just self preservation techniques in order to keep in power the current institutions, to keep the status quo.

Think of how impossibly hard that is to do right now when all the mainstream news is owned by just a handful of corporations, when there is such a HUGE side show distraction of the never ending WWE style soap opera Left vs. Right politics that just completely blind people. The military alone would be something that you could never convince the majority of the people because no matter if they agree or not with whatever war, you cannot "disrespect" the troops. Can't be done. You can't say, even though it's true, that they really don't fight for us, but for corporations. That's the end of the discussion right there, you've committed a mortal sin by saying that.

Whoa, you made some good points there pal :up:..As far as the part where it is very hard to accomplish these things, yeah i agree. But that doesn' t mean we won' t try to do so. No matter how long it takes, there will be transition eventually as long as more people lose their jobs each day and lose faith in all the false institutions that were keeping in power. (Am i the only one who feels like Neo in The Matrix :awesome:) Here' s a useful F.A.Q. which offers an insight on these type of queries. I post an example below: For more go at http://www.thevenusproject.com/the-venus-project-introduction/faq

14. How do we get from here to there?

The Venus Project is in the process of introducing a set of values and procedures that may enable us to achieve social nucleation. Our project will provide the designs and blueprints for a prototype community to test the validity of our proposals; we will strive to achieve a relevant orientation by which people may adapt intellectually and emotionally to our new technological age. We feel that anything short of overall social design would be inappropriate and ineffective.

Since we begin in a monetary-based society, the means for raising funds to construct this experimental community can be accomplished in several different ways. One is through the production of a major motion picture depicting the advantages of this new social system for all of the world's people. Another possibility is the building of a theme park where visitors would actually experience some of the many benefits of The Venus Project's proposals. Books, videos, blueprints, models, a movie script, and the 21-acre research and development center have already been completed.

Any funds raised by these proposed projects, along with contributions, publications, videos, seminars, lectures, and grants, will be used to help initiate and construct the first experimental city.

Our proposals are submitted to the general public and to all educational institutions. We invite your participation. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and join with us in this new advocacy, we could form the nucleus of an organization to more forcefully implement the aims of The Venus Project.

During the great depression of 1929 when banks failed and people were laid off, things seemed hopeless. Those conditions brought about new organizations to address the many problems--everything from Mankind United, Socialism, Communism, Technocracy, and The World Federalist. They produced social awareness on a large scale. These conditions are sometimes referred to as bio-social pressures or the march of events.

At present, people are not well enough informed to devise a relevant and workable social system through rational methods. The Venus Project will not be installed by today's political leaders who are not appointed to change things but to keep things as they are. It is only through the failure of existing social institutions and political incompetence that people will seek other possible social alternatives. They are mainly motivated only by severe conditions that threaten their safety and existence.

No nation today is about to give up its sovereignty for a social arrangement that has never been tried. Therefore it will take a social breakdown to stimulate the search for alternative social designs. This has been the case throughout human history.

The Breakdown
The Venus Project can not be put into practice on a global scale until the economic systems of the world fail to provide for the needs of people.

What will bring about the collapse of the world's monetary systems is the infusion of automation and the outsourcing of jobs. This includes not only assembly line workers but also doctors, engineers, architects, and the like. As workers and professionals lose their purchasing power, the industries that depend on them can no longer function. This will bring an end to the monetary system. It is not a question of owners giving up their industries so much as the fact that people will not have the purchasing power to sustain this system. Even the motion picture industry is generating computerized people who will replace many TV announcers and personalities.

This breakdown is already well underway on a global scale.

While these drastic conditions will help produce the motivation for social change, no individual or organization has laid out what changes are necessary and how to bring them about. Our current system is not working. Unless people are aware of, or knowledgeable about what is needed, they will continue to repeat the same mistakes--war, recession, boom and bust, hunger, poverty, and much unnecessary human suffering.

The aims of The Venus Project cannot be achieved until people become aware of its proposals and aims. To introduce to the world this new social direction, the best vehicle is a major motion picture. It will present simply and understandably the advantages to all nations of participating in a resource-based economy. This film will be both entertaining and educational. It would present the limitless possibilities of an evolving society which surpasses politics, poverty, money, and war.

A major film could reach the largest number of people the world over in the shortest possible time. We feel it is necessary to produce this motion picture in advance of the social breakdown to help prepare people for this transition and present them with a direction to work toward. There is a lot of work to be done. We hope enough people will become aware of the proposals of The Venus Project before social collapse that this new social design may be implemented.

Another way to visualize and accelerate an understanding of this bold new vision is with a TV series.

Therefore, our main objective is education through the media. If enough people learn about this direction, accept these proposals, and wish to organize to bring it about, we will then work toward the building of a first experimental city. The Venus Project has designs and blueprints for a prototype community.

To further clarify:

Experimental City
The Venus Project proposes the building of a new experimental city whose purpose is two-fold:

(1) To test the workability of The Venus Project's designs and proposals, and to provide the information necessary to enable people to adjust intellectually and emotionally to social transition.

(2) To establish a permanent planning center that will be used for future long and short-term planning of global projects to help implement a resource-based economy and overcome scarcity, hunger, poverty, and other social ills.

This would not be a private enterprise venture for a select few but would be an open city for the public to visit. The proposed circular configuration of these new cities is not just stylized architectural conceptualizations; they are the result of years of research into providing an environment that can best serve the needs of the inhabitants and yet conserve resources. Without extensive knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and its environment, it would be extremely difficult to develop workable solutions to our many problems. The Venus Project has taken this and many other factors into careful consideration.

The decisions of a transitional government in this environment would be based upon what is needed to reach the goals of a humane, environmentally sound, and technically sustainable society.

Like all other innovative social projects, it starts out with a few devoted people who dedicate their time to informing others about the humane benefits of this new direction. People are invited to help in whatever capacity they can during the initial phases of the new experimental city. An interdisciplinary team of systems engineers, computer programmers, architects, city planners, sociologists, educators, etc would also be needed.

The design of The Venus Project does not regard environmental conditions as fixed or static. We must allow for adaptation within the system as a continuous process. This will avoid perpetuating temporary arrangements beyond their period of usefulness.

This circular design could be the prototype for a series of new cities to be constructed in various places throughout the world. The rate of progression will depend upon the availability of funds raised and how many people identify with, participate in, and support this direction.

As these new communities develop and become more widely accepted, they may very well form the basis of a new society, preferably through the process of evolution rather than revolution.

The Venus Project does not advocate dissolving the existing free-enterprise system--we believe it will come to an end of its own accord as a part of social evolution. We encourage you to become better informed about the proposals of this project through our books and videos, and invite you to join with us in working toward the realization of a new civilization that could provide a better life for everyone.

In Conclusion
Many people want to know what to do immediately to help bring about global unification. If you identify with the proposals of The Venus Project, you can help bring it about by learning more about us through our books and DVD's. You can help promote this direction in any way you are able. Speaking to others about these ideas, fund raising, grant writing, helping with publicity, promoting lecture tours, or helping to produce promotional materials will all help. If you are in a position to initiate the motion picture this would be very important. There is a lot to do and we need the help of many people in bringing these ideas to the public.

Our findings and design proposals will be submitted to the general public and all educational institutions. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and choose to join with us in this new advocacy, they will help form the nucleus of an organization to carry out our aims.

The future is our responsibility; if we fail to accept this responsibility, others will do our thinking for us.
(Oh and did you know that Jacque Fresco was a major contributor in the development of 3D technology for motion pictures along with many other when he was younger)
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No, it's just the opposite. Money acts as a barrier to it. It always will. There will never be peace under a monetary system. There will always be war because of it, where scarcity is a beneficial condition. Fair? The system is in part based on competition, which in turn instills (and rightfully so) distrust of others. How can you expect ethical and honest behavior in a system that punishes you if you behave that way? If you're a salesman or a businessman and you say, being honest and ethical, " Well I don't have as good a product or deal for you as that guy over there, that would be a better fit for you" you aren't going to be in that career for long. You're going to be out in the street.

I don't really doubt that we have the actual resources to do it a lot of what you say, I doubt in the mindset of committing to it completely. Think of what would have to be done, the vast, vast majority of people everywhere would have to realize that politics, the military, religion and other such institutions are outdated. That they are just self preservation techniques in order to keep in power the current institutions, to keep the status quo.

Think of how impossibly hard that is to do right now when all the mainstream news is owned by just a handful of corporations, when there is such a HUGE side show distraction of the never ending WWE style soap opera Left vs. Right politics that just completely blind people. The military alone would be something that you could never convince the majority of the people because no matter if they agree or not with whatever war, you cannot "disrespect" the troops. Can't be done. You can't say, even though it's true, that they really don't fight for us, but for corporations. That's the end of the discussion right there, you've committed a mortal sin by saying that.

Whoa, you made some good points there pal :up:..As far as the part where it is very hard to accomplish these things, yeah i agree. But that doesn' t mean we won' t try to do so. No matter how long it takes, there will be transition eventually as long as more people lose their jobs each day and lose faith in all the false institutions that were keeping in power. (Am i the only one who feels like Neo in The Matrix :awesome:) Here' s a useful F.A.Q. which offers an insight on these type of queries. I post an example below: For more go at http://www.thevenusproject.com/the-venus-project-introduction/faq

14. How do we get from here to there?

The Venus Project is in the process of introducing a set of values and procedures that may enable us to achieve social nucleation. Our project will provide the designs and blueprints for a prototype community to test the validity of our proposals; we will strive to achieve a relevant orientation by which people may adapt intellectually and emotionally to our new technological age. We feel that anything short of overall social design would be inappropriate and ineffective.

Since we begin in a monetary-based society, the means for raising funds to construct this experimental community can be accomplished in several different ways. One is through the production of a major motion picture depicting the advantages of this new social system for all of the world's people. Another possibility is the building of a theme park where visitors would actually experience some of the many benefits of The Venus Project's proposals. Books, videos, blueprints, models, a movie script, and the 21-acre research and development center have already been completed.

Any funds raised by these proposed projects, along with contributions, publications, videos, seminars, lectures, and grants, will be used to help initiate and construct the first experimental city.

Our proposals are submitted to the general public and to all educational institutions. We invite your participation. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and join with us in this new advocacy, we could form the nucleus of an organization to more forcefully implement the aims of The Venus Project.

During the great depression of 1929 when banks failed and people were laid off, things seemed hopeless. Those conditions brought about new organizations to address the many problems--everything from Mankind United, Socialism, Communism, Technocracy, and The World Federalist. They produced social awareness on a large scale. These conditions are sometimes referred to as bio-social pressures or the march of events.

At present, people are not well enough informed to devise a relevant and workable social system through rational methods. The Venus Project will not be installed by today's political leaders who are not appointed to change things but to keep things as they are. It is only through the failure of existing social institutions and political incompetence that people will seek other possible social alternatives. They are mainly motivated only by severe conditions that threaten their safety and existence.

No nation today is about to give up its sovereignty for a social arrangement that has never been tried. Therefore it will take a social breakdown to stimulate the search for alternative social designs. This has been the case throughout human history.

The Breakdown
The Venus Project can not be put into practice on a global scale until the economic systems of the world fail to provide for the needs of people.

What will bring about the collapse of the world's monetary systems is the infusion of automation and the outsourcing of jobs. This includes not only assembly line workers but also doctors, engineers, architects, and the like. As workers and professionals lose their purchasing power, the industries that depend on them can no longer function. This will bring an end to the monetary system. It is not a question of owners giving up their industries so much as the fact that people will not have the purchasing power to sustain this system. Even the motion picture industry is generating computerized people who will replace many TV announcers and personalities.

This breakdown is already well underway on a global scale.

While these drastic conditions will help produce the motivation for social change, no individual or organization has laid out what changes are necessary and how to bring them about. Our current system is not working. Unless people are aware of, or knowledgeable about what is needed, they will continue to repeat the same mistakes--war, recession, boom and bust, hunger, poverty, and much unnecessary human suffering.

The aims of The Venus Project cannot be achieved until people become aware of its proposals and aims. To introduce to the world this new social direction, the best vehicle is a major motion picture. It will present simply and understandably the advantages to all nations of participating in a resource-based economy. This film will be both entertaining and educational. It would present the limitless possibilities of an evolving society which surpasses politics, poverty, money, and war.

A major film could reach the largest number of people the world over in the shortest possible time. We feel it is necessary to produce this motion picture in advance of the social breakdown to help prepare people for this transition and present them with a direction to work toward. There is a lot of work to be done. We hope enough people will become aware of the proposals of The Venus Project before social collapse that this new social design may be implemented.

Another way to visualize and accelerate an understanding of this bold new vision is with a TV series.

Therefore, our main objective is education through the media. If enough people learn about this direction, accept these proposals, and wish to organize to bring it about, we will then work toward the building of a first experimental city. The Venus Project has designs and blueprints for a prototype community.

To further clarify:

Experimental City
The Venus Project proposes the building of a new experimental city whose purpose is two-fold:

(1) To test the workability of The Venus Project's designs and proposals, and to provide the information necessary to enable people to adjust intellectually and emotionally to social transition.

(2) To establish a permanent planning center that will be used for future long and short-term planning of global projects to help implement a resource-based economy and overcome scarcity, hunger, poverty, and other social ills.

This would not be a private enterprise venture for a select few but would be an open city for the public to visit. The proposed circular configuration of these new cities is not just stylized architectural conceptualizations; they are the result of years of research into providing an environment that can best serve the needs of the inhabitants and yet conserve resources. Without extensive knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and its environment, it would be extremely difficult to develop workable solutions to our many problems. The Venus Project has taken this and many other factors into careful consideration.

The decisions of a transitional government in this environment would be based upon what is needed to reach the goals of a humane, environmentally sound, and technically sustainable society.

Like all other innovative social projects, it starts out with a few devoted people who dedicate their time to informing others about the humane benefits of this new direction. People are invited to help in whatever capacity they can during the initial phases of the new experimental city. An interdisciplinary team of systems engineers, computer programmers, architects, city planners, sociologists, educators, etc would also be needed.

The design of The Venus Project does not regard environmental conditions as fixed or static. We must allow for adaptation within the system as a continuous process. This will avoid perpetuating temporary arrangements beyond their period of usefulness.

This circular design could be the prototype for a series of new cities to be constructed in various places throughout the world. The rate of progression will depend upon the availability of funds raised and how many people identify with, participate in, and support this direction.

As these new communities develop and become more widely accepted, they may very well form the basis of a new society, preferably through the process of evolution rather than revolution.

The Venus Project does not advocate dissolving the existing free-enterprise system--we believe it will come to an end of its own accord as a part of social evolution. We encourage you to become better informed about the proposals of this project through our books and videos, and invite you to join with us in working toward the realization of a new civilization that could provide a better life for everyone.

In Conclusion
Many people want to know what to do immediately to help bring about global unification. If you identify with the proposals of The Venus Project, you can help bring it about by learning more about us through our books and DVD's. You can help promote this direction in any way you are able. Speaking to others about these ideas, fund raising, grant writing, helping with publicity, promoting lecture tours, or helping to produce promotional materials will all help. If you are in a position to initiate the motion picture this would be very important. There is a lot to do and we need the help of many people in bringing these ideas to the public.

Our findings and design proposals will be submitted to the general public and all educational institutions. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and choose to join with us in this new advocacy, they will help form the nucleus of an organization to carry out our aims.

The future is our responsibility; if we fail to accept this responsibility, others will do our thinking for us.
(Oh and did you know that Jacque Fresco was a major contributor in the development of 3D technology for motion pictures along with many other when he was younger)
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No, it's just the opposite. Money acts as a barrier to it. It always will. There will never be peace under a monetary system. There will always be war because of it, where scarcity is a beneficial condition. Fair? The system is in part based on competition, which in turn instills (and rightfully so) distrust of others. How can you expect ethical and honest behavior in a system that punishes you if you behave that way? If you're a salesman or a businessman and you say, being honest and ethical, " Well I don't have as good a product or deal for you as that guy over there, that would be a better fit for you" you aren't going to be in that career for long. You're going to be out in the street.

I don't really doubt that we have the actual resources to do it a lot of what you say, I doubt in the mindset of committing to it completely. Think of what would have to be done, the vast, vast majority of people everywhere would have to realize that politics, the military, religion and other such institutions are outdated. That they are just self preservation techniques in order to keep in power the current institutions, to keep the status quo.

Think of how impossibly hard that is to do right now when all the mainstream news is owned by just a handful of corporations, when there is such a HUGE side show distraction of the never ending WWE style soap opera Left vs. Right politics that just completely blind people. The military alone would be something that you could never convince the majority of the people because no matter if they agree or not with whatever war, you cannot "disrespect" the troops. Can't be done. You can't say, even though it's true, that they really don't fight for us, but for corporations. That's the end of the discussion right there, you've committed a mortal sin by saying that.

Whoa, you made some good points there pal :up:..As far as the part where it is very hard to accomplish these things, yeah i agree. But that doesn' t mean we won' t try to do so. No matter how long it takes, there will be transition eventually as long as more people lose their jobs each day and lose faith in all the false institutions that were keeping in power. (Am i the only one who feels like Neo in The Matrix :awesome:) Here' s a useful F.A.Q. which offers an insight on these type of queries. I post an example below: For more go at http://www.thevenusproject.com/the-venus-project-introduction/faq

14. How do we get from here to there?

The Venus Project is in the process of introducing a set of values and procedures that may enable us to achieve social nucleation. Our project will provide the designs and blueprints for a prototype community to test the validity of our proposals; we will strive to achieve a relevant orientation by which people may adapt intellectually and emotionally to our new technological age. We feel that anything short of overall social design would be inappropriate and ineffective.

Since we begin in a monetary-based society, the means for raising funds to construct this experimental community can be accomplished in several different ways. One is through the production of a major motion picture depicting the advantages of this new social system for all of the world's people. Another possibility is the building of a theme park where visitors would actually experience some of the many benefits of The Venus Project's proposals. Books, videos, blueprints, models, a movie script, and the 21-acre research and development center have already been completed.

Any funds raised by these proposed projects, along with contributions, publications, videos, seminars, lectures, and grants, will be used to help initiate and construct the first experimental city.

Our proposals are submitted to the general public and to all educational institutions. We invite your participation. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and join with us in this new advocacy, we could form the nucleus of an organization to more forcefully implement the aims of The Venus Project.

During the great depression of 1929 when banks failed and people were laid off, things seemed hopeless. Those conditions brought about new organizations to address the many problems--everything from Mankind United, Socialism, Communism, Technocracy, and The World Federalist. They produced social awareness on a large scale. These conditions are sometimes referred to as bio-social pressures or the march of events.

At present, people are not well enough informed to devise a relevant and workable social system through rational methods. The Venus Project will not be installed by today's political leaders who are not appointed to change things but to keep things as they are. It is only through the failure of existing social institutions and political incompetence that people will seek other possible social alternatives. They are mainly motivated only by severe conditions that threaten their safety and existence.

No nation today is about to give up its sovereignty for a social arrangement that has never been tried. Therefore it will take a social breakdown to stimulate the search for alternative social designs. This has been the case throughout human history.

The Breakdown
The Venus Project can not be put into practice on a global scale until the economic systems of the world fail to provide for the needs of people.

What will bring about the collapse of the world's monetary systems is the infusion of automation and the outsourcing of jobs. This includes not only assembly line workers but also doctors, engineers, architects, and the like. As workers and professionals lose their purchasing power, the industries that depend on them can no longer function. This will bring an end to the monetary system. It is not a question of owners giving up their industries so much as the fact that people will not have the purchasing power to sustain this system. Even the motion picture industry is generating computerized people who will replace many TV announcers and personalities.

This breakdown is already well underway on a global scale.

While these drastic conditions will help produce the motivation for social change, no individual or organization has laid out what changes are necessary and how to bring them about. Our current system is not working. Unless people are aware of, or knowledgeable about what is needed, they will continue to repeat the same mistakes--war, recession, boom and bust, hunger, poverty, and much unnecessary human suffering.

The aims of The Venus Project cannot be achieved until people become aware of its proposals and aims. To introduce to the world this new social direction, the best vehicle is a major motion picture. It will present simply and understandably the advantages to all nations of participating in a resource-based economy. This film will be both entertaining and educational. It would present the limitless possibilities of an evolving society which surpasses politics, poverty, money, and war.

A major film could reach the largest number of people the world over in the shortest possible time. We feel it is necessary to produce this motion picture in advance of the social breakdown to help prepare people for this transition and present them with a direction to work toward. There is a lot of work to be done. We hope enough people will become aware of the proposals of The Venus Project before social collapse that this new social design may be implemented.

Another way to visualize and accelerate an understanding of this bold new vision is with a TV series.

Therefore, our main objective is education through the media. If enough people learn about this direction, accept these proposals, and wish to organize to bring it about, we will then work toward the building of a first experimental city. The Venus Project has designs and blueprints for a prototype community.

To further clarify:

Experimental City
The Venus Project proposes the building of a new experimental city whose purpose is two-fold:

(1) To test the workability of The Venus Project's designs and proposals, and to provide the information necessary to enable people to adjust intellectually and emotionally to social transition.

(2) To establish a permanent planning center that will be used for future long and short-term planning of global projects to help implement a resource-based economy and overcome scarcity, hunger, poverty, and other social ills.

This would not be a private enterprise venture for a select few but would be an open city for the public to visit. The proposed circular configuration of these new cities is not just stylized architectural conceptualizations; they are the result of years of research into providing an environment that can best serve the needs of the inhabitants and yet conserve resources. Without extensive knowledge of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and its environment, it would be extremely difficult to develop workable solutions to our many problems. The Venus Project has taken this and many other factors into careful consideration.

The decisions of a transitional government in this environment would be based upon what is needed to reach the goals of a humane, environmentally sound, and technically sustainable society.

Like all other innovative social projects, it starts out with a few devoted people who dedicate their time to informing others about the humane benefits of this new direction. People are invited to help in whatever capacity they can during the initial phases of the new experimental city. An interdisciplinary team of systems engineers, computer programmers, architects, city planners, sociologists, educators, etc would also be needed.

The design of The Venus Project does not regard environmental conditions as fixed or static. We must allow for adaptation within the system as a continuous process. This will avoid perpetuating temporary arrangements beyond their period of usefulness.

This circular design could be the prototype for a series of new cities to be constructed in various places throughout the world. The rate of progression will depend upon the availability of funds raised and how many people identify with, participate in, and support this direction.

As these new communities develop and become more widely accepted, they may very well form the basis of a new society, preferably through the process of evolution rather than revolution.

The Venus Project does not advocate dissolving the existing free-enterprise system--we believe it will come to an end of its own accord as a part of social evolution. We encourage you to become better informed about the proposals of this project through our books and videos, and invite you to join with us in working toward the realization of a new civilization that could provide a better life for everyone.

In Conclusion
Many people want to know what to do immediately to help bring about global unification. If you identify with the proposals of The Venus Project, you can help bring it about by learning more about us through our books and DVD's. You can help promote this direction in any way you are able. Speaking to others about these ideas, fund raising, grant writing, helping with publicity, promoting lecture tours, or helping to produce promotional materials will all help. If you are in a position to initiate the motion picture this would be very important. There is a lot to do and we need the help of many people in bringing these ideas to the public.

Our findings and design proposals will be submitted to the general public and all educational institutions. If enough people find the proposals acceptable and choose to join with us in this new advocacy, they will help form the nucleus of an organization to carry out our aims.

The future is our responsibility; if we fail to accept this responsibility, others will do our thinking for us.
(Oh and did you know that Jacque Fresco was a major contributor in the development of 3D technology for motion pictures along with many other when he was younger)
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Yay....my car company......that I will no longer be sending money to in July....
Thank you very much, I will be totally debt free at that moment....*sighs* it will feeeeeeeeel good.
Good, they are extremely inefficient and maybe this is a first step....
Good, they are extremely inefficient and maybe this is a first step....
The Economy would be better if we had a FairTax instead of this complicated Tax Code we have today.
FairTax is an evil regressive tax that lets the government tell you what you can and cannot buy! :argh:

That's actually untrue.
oh lord....Wiegeabo what have you dooooooooooooooooooone.
A flat tax is going to take more money(proportionately) out of someone's income who only makes, say, 30,000 a year than it's going to take from someone who makes 100,000. I don't see how anyone could even try to argue otherwise with a straight face. Now you may not have any kind of ethical problem WITH that...but I don't see how you can deny it.

Who said anything about the "Flat Tax"? I said FairTax. Different completely.

And also, "A flat tax is going to take more money(proportionately) out of someone's income who only makes, say, 30,000 a year than it's going to take from someone who makes 100,000."? Really, do you know the definition of Proportion?

Let's say that the tax would be 10%. If Dude #1 makes $30,000 a year he would pay $3,000. If Dude #2 makes $300,000 a year, he would pay $30,000. Proportionally, it's exactly the same! 10%.

But, I was talking about the FairTax, which is a completely different model than the flat tax.
Only the rich should pay taxes sarcasm.

A person making 20k a year should pay nothing and be able to take from the system sarcasm.
Chaseter, you are on to something/ sarc
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