DTL Season 6-Week 2 (Set 1)

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DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This is one of two threads containing matches.
These threads will be in use for 7 days. Days 1-4 (Oct 23-26) are strictly setup time for owners to post their battles, plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help. Debating cannot begin until both owners post battles.

On Day 5 (Oct 27) I will post and tell everyone that voting may begin. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count. Look over the matchups and read the strategies, and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match. (Note: The length of a writeup is at the discretion of the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, post the team names you think will prevail in each match. Remember to vote for all matches or your vote will not count! The teams with the highest vote total at the end of the 7th day (Oct 29) will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal votes will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Giant-sized Toy Story House

Heroes of the New Age
Replicant (DU) - Can absorb any weapon and use its power, has the power sets of Mirror Master, Dr Alchemy, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard and Captain Cold
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy,Shape Shifting,Super Speed,Flight,Heat Vision,Super Strength,Intangibility
Psylocke (telekinesis) (MM) - Telekinesis, Psychic Katana, Invisibility, Immunity to telepathy and all forms of mental, magical, and physical alteration.
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
Captain America (MR) - All American Hero, Highly skilled in Martial Arts, Shield made from indestructible Adamantium Vibranium, Heightened Speed, Agility, Endurance, Strength and Durability due to the Super Soldier Serum


The Spanish Inquisition
Superman (Blue)- Immense energy manipulation
Spartan (Daemonite possessed) - Flight, superstrength, advanced sensors, energy projection, teleportation of self and others.
Grail - Enhanced durability, create shields and melee weapons out of chi, energy manipulation, extremely skilled fighter
Spiderman (What If: Wovlerine vs Spiderman) - Enhanced speed, strength and reflexes. Precognitive danger sense. wrist-mounted weapons
Prince of Orphans - Skilled fighter with the ability to change all or part of body into mist.


Chaos & Order
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) (DU) - Wields a ring that creates hard light constructs limited only by imagination and willpower.
Exodus (MU) - Mutant with powerful psionic abilities.
Flash (Jay Garrick) (DM) - Super speed. Special abilities by tapping into the Speed Force.
Ambrose Chase (DR) - Localized selective physics distortion field.
Deadline (DR) - Super durability, reflexes, intangibility, weapons expert.


The Deadly Dozen
Green Lightning (DU) - Either the powers of a Green Lantern power ring (hard light constructs limited only by imagination and willpower) or superspeed
Flash/Lia Nelson (DU) - Light-based powers, superspeed
Living Lightning (DM) - Superspeed, forcefield, lightning blasts
Liberty Belle II (DR) - Superspeed, superstrength
Captain Boomerang II (DR) - Superspeed, excellent marksmanship
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Prep-Time here...

"Uh...guys? Anyone know what's going on?

Kyle looks out over the computer desk. He's seen a lot of weird things in his time as Green Lantern. A lot. But this is right up there. Top ten. Well...twenty.

GL: "I'm not imagining this. This is what I think it is."

Exodus stands with Kyle and the rest of the group. "It is. A room. A very large room."

GL: "...Riiiight."

There's a suddent flash of red, and Jay Garrick appears from nowhere. "It's not just a room. I scouted the place out. We've got a whole house to work with."

Chase: "Work with? How?"

Jay looks at his new teammate, not sure exactly what he means. "Um...I just meant that there's a bunch of the usual stuff you'd find in the house. Bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen. Clothes, toys, ..."

DL: "Toys? Geez, we gotta put up with bratty kid giants?"

Jay: "I didn't see anyone living in the house. And I'm sure I would have noticed."

Chase ponders for a moment. "Kitchen, eh? I can do this with the kitchen."

"You cook?" Deadline says, sarcastically.

Chase: "Metaphorically speaking."

DL: "Meta-what now?"

Chase just sighs, wondering how the hell he got set up with a team like this. Suddenly, Kyle's ring explodes to life and the images of their opponents appear before them.

Jay: "Kyle! You're ring's working now?!"

Kyle concentrates. "No, I don't think so." He shakes his ring hand, banging his ring against the side of a massive computer monitor. "I can't get the thing to do what I want."

Exodus: "No matter. As frustrating as it is, we will deal with it the when the time is right." He studies their foes. "Speed seems the key. We're dealing with opponents who fight using speed."

Jay: "I can vouch for that. I helped train Belle. She can move. And she's strong."

Chase: "If you trained her, that gives us a significant advantage."

Jay: "I suppose. But look at that Living Lightning. Sounds like he's got energy manipulation. If I don't handle him, who is?"

Exodus: "I can."

DL: "Right. Because me and Chase'll be able to handle this other Flash."

Jay: "Kyle, could you...?" Jay notices Kyle staring at one of their opponents. "Kyle? What's wrong?"

GL: "Her. Green Lightening."

Chase: "What about her?"

GL: "She's fromt the future. Daughter of a Flash and Lantern. She can use the powers of either, just not at the same time."

Jay: "Wow. She's going to be tough."

GL: "That's not what's bothering me. She doesn't really exist."

DL: "...Try that again?"

GL: "She's not real. She's a product of my imagination." They just look at him. "It's a long story. But I don't understand how she can be here."

Chase: "Doesn't matter. The fact is that she is here. And you'll have to be the one to deal with her."

GL: "I was afraid you'd say that."

DL: "Ok, enough imagination mumbo-jumbo. What's the plan?"

Chase: "Seeing as how speed it their greatest advantage, we need to make sure they can't use it."

Exodus: "Fight them in areas that will keep them confined. That are easy for us to secure."

GL: "Like where?"

Chase: "I have a few ideas. I'll secure the kitchen."

They look at one another. Kyle finally speaks up. "Why the kitchen?"

Chase just smiles. "Like I said. I can work with the kitchen."
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Battle-Time setup...

The key here is time. Chaos is up against a host of speedsters, and the trick is going to be lasting long enough against them to do anything.

Well, Chase can bend time, slowing down speedsters. He can also steal kinetic energy, stopping them cold.

Deadline can go intangible, therefore the speedsters can't touch him.

Jay...well, Jay is Jay. And should have no problem keeping up with non-uber speedsters.

What about Exodus and GL.

Well, Lanterns can also go intangible. And, beyond that, they have their shields. If Kyle can almost contain a supernova, he can keep a Speedster out.

Similarly, Exodus can protect himself with a psionic forcefield. He can also attack telepathically.

So, you may wonder if GL and Exodus will have the time to get ready since their powers have to 'turn on' and you may say that they won't get their shields up before the Flash's get to them. Except, they don't need that long to get ready. A couple of seconds would be fine. And an easy way to get that time is to hide. The toybox sounds like a good place. But it really doesn't matter where as long as they get the little bit of time they need to get their shields up.

More to come...
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As before, Spiderman found himself teleported to a strange locale, fully suited up, and with a group of strangers, two of whom were confused by a sudden powerloss. Shouting to get their attention, he explained the the newbies what was happening, and that they would have to fight for their lives in 24 hours.

After taking time to recount the previous battle he had been in, the others moved through the giant-scale house as a unit, exchanging information on their powers and abilities. Spartan, or rather the Daemonites within, decided that there was no profit in dirupting the team with takeover attempts. This was a reality so far removed from their own that they couldn't even be sure they could survive outside of their android subject.

Judging from their powersets, and those of their opponents, it was obvious to the entire team that strategy was intended to play much less of a role in this fight. They woudls tand or fall based on their power and skill, and little else. Taking the time to simply pick the best vantage points to start the battle from, most of them occupied themselves as they saw fit until the time for battle arrived.

Having talked in private with Peter, though, and convinced him to agree to a rather unorthodox fighting tactic, John dissolved into green mist and seeped through the porous surface of his mask and into his lungs, shrinking down to ensure that he impaired Parker's breathing as little as possible as he traveled downwards. And there he sat, taking up almost no space, a mere wisp of green mist in Parker's right lung. To his surprise, Spiderman found he had no difficulty breathing. And John had sworn on his life and his honor that he would come to no harm. As the seconds before the battle disappeared, Peter took a few experimental deep breaths, and then prepared himself for battle.
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Grail, Prince of Orphans and Spiderman vs Psylocke, Captain America and Zauriel

Grail and Spiderman dropped from above the trio as they moved into the child's room, Grail unleashing a blast of chi to scatter them and Spiderman casting a web net across the angel's wings. Dropping in their midst, Spiderman Took a deep breath, lunged for Captain America, and screamed in his face. Pouring from his mouth, the green mist expanded to fill the air between them even as Cap retreated a bit. The green mist followed, though, and a forearm and fist materialized behind him, landing a brutal blow to the back of his neck. Blow after blow rained down, coming from every possible angle. The mist flowed after him, no matter where he retreated, and wore him down. Finally, inevitably, Captain America fell.

Meanwhile, Spiderman found himself faced with a dilemma. His opponent had wings, and a sword that burned away his webbing every time he tried to use it. His wrist-mounted gun had done no good as well. Still, his opponent fare no better. He had to come in close to use his sword, and even before he began to swing it, his agile opponent was far out of range and attacking on his own. Yet, when he feinted a strike, his opponent never budged, and unleashed a flurry of blows to drive him back into the air. This was no mere anticipation, he knew exactly what which actions held a real threat and which did not.

Even as he made another desperate lunge with his flaming sword, Spiderman ducked just low enough for the flames to pass harmlessly overhead, lunged forwards and unleashed a thick shot of webbing across his eyes. Unleashing a short blast of his devastating sonic scream, Zauriel heard a gasp of pain from much farther away than the man had been a split second before. As the angel tore the webbing away, he felt a strange pressure inside his chest. His lung expanded in his chest, as if he were taking a deep breath, and then farther. He would have screamed if he could draw in air. Then, there was a horrendous sens of tearing, as his lungs ruptured and the mysterious mist within them continually expanded. Flowing from the fallen angel's nose, John Aman turned away from his opponent and turned to watch the titanic battle that had been happening behind them.

As Spiderman delivered his deadly passenger, Grail dropped to the ground in front of Psylocke. A pair of pink-purple katanas materialized in her hands, and a large blue polearm, complete with wicked blade at the end materialized in his.

"Hello, love. Your name is Grail, I take it?"

"Indeed. I look forward to an impressive battle, 'Psylocke'. Please don't disappoint."

With a seductive smile, she unleashed a blast of telekinesis, knocking the blue man off of his feet and followed swiftly after, intent on cutting him down early. Righting himself instantly, he spun the polearm, slamming against the personal shield she threw up and knocking her aside. Chi and telekinetic blades wove deadly patterns, as disintegrating chi and crushing telekinesis battered against shields. Grail flowed like water, and Psylcoke flashed like lightning, vanishing and reappearing at random times. Evenly matched in skill, unable to pierce the others' shields, this looked more like an unearthly dance than a battle.

Still, while Psylocke had titanic power, she had no experience in extended battles. Grail, on the other hand, seemed inexhaustible. As blades, fists and feet battered against her shields, sweat from the constant mental and physical exertion dripped into her eyes.

In the end, it was exhaustion that decided the battle, rather than skill or power. Too tired to even manifest her katanas any longer, Psylocke fell to one burning blow to the side of her skull which burst through her faltering telekinetic shield. Regretting the minor damage to such a pretty face, Grail turned and walked towards his watching allies.

Superman and Spartan vs Replicant and Martian Manhunter:
Actually, I like Nightwing's matchups, so I'll use those. In fact, I'll even use his battle tactics in the Replicant/Superman fight. Only problem is, Superman actively tried to absorb that radiation in the fight listed in the link Nightwing provided. Superman has no motivation to absorb the radiation from these bullets, meaning they'll pass harmlessly through him, leaving Superman to knock him the **** out.

Spartan vs MM is a stalemate, with J'onn phasing every time Spartan tries to punch or blast him, and Spartan being immune to telepathy and his sensors preventing any nasty invisibility/phasing combos. Luckily, Superman would beat Replicant in short order, and show up to help. As he showed against Saviour,a guy who used psychic energy to give himself any power/weapon he wanted, Superman can very painfully disrupt psychic energy, which he does with devastating effect in this case, leaving MM unconscious from a massive psychic backlash.

Inquisition for the win.
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Woody – ‘Ok guys…hello? Can you hear me? Ok…we have some new toys in the house’

Rex – ‘WHAT?!?!?!’

Woody – ‘Relax Rex none of them are dinosaurs.’

Hamm – ‘So what and where are they?’

Woody – ‘Where they are I don’t know, but what they are I do’

Woody picks up two boxes.

Woody – ‘Ok, there are two action sets. There’s a ‘Heroes of a New Age’ box set and a ‘Spanish Inquisition’ box set…

Potato-Head – ‘Great…foreigners’

Woody – ‘That’s what I thought but it turns out that they are superhero figures…they have great accessories and controls…

They all admire the boxes.

Superman (Blue)- Immense energy manipulation (Blue light up body and detachable shapes)

Spartan (Daemonite possessed) - Flight, superstrength, advanced sensors, energy projection (real firing projectiles), teleportation of self and others.

Grail - Enhanced durability, create shields and melee weapons out of chi (tough plastic weapons and shields – detachable), energy manipulation, extremely skilled fighter

Spiderman (What If: Wovlerine vs Spiderman) - Enhanced speed, strength and reflexes. Precognitive danger sense. wrist-mounted weapons (Real firing web missiles)

Prince of Orphans - Skilled fighter with the ability to change all or part of body into mist.(Exchangeable body parts)

Woody – ‘…the problem is they don’t know the rules of the house.’

Rex – ‘Run for the hills. All preschool toys first’

Potato-Head – ‘Cut it out geek-a-saur’

Woody – ‘Calm down guys…All we need to do is make sure they don’t trash the place and get caught by Andy…Sgt...Establish a recon post downstairs…we need to find them ASAP’



To Be Continued… You got a friend in me…you got a friend in...Ah you get the idea
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Heroes of the New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Replicant (DU) - Can absorb any weapon and use its power, has the power sets of Mirror Master, Dr Alchemy, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard and Captain Cold
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy,Shape Shifting,Super Speed,Flight,Heat Vision,Super Strength,Intangibility
Psylocke (telekinesis) (MM) - Telekinesis, Psychic Katana, Invisibility, Immunity to telepathy and all forms of mental, magical, and physical alteration.
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
Captain America (MR) - All American Hero, Highly skilled in Martial Arts, Shield made from indestructible Adamantium Vibranium, Heightened Speed, Agility, Endurance, Strength and Durability due to the Super Soldier Serum


The Spanish Inquisition (Owner: Khellendros)

Superman (Blue) - Immense energy manipulation
Spartan (Daemonite possessed) - Flight, Superstrength, advanced sensors, energy projection, teleportation of self and others.
Grail - Enhanced durability, create shields and melee weapons out of chi, energy manipulation, extremely skilled fighter
Spiderman (What If: Wolverine vs. Spiderman) - Enhanced speed, strength and reflexes. Precognitive danger sense. Wrist-mounted weapons
Prince of Orphans - Skilled fighter with the ability to change all or part of body into mist.


Starting in the bedroom, Andy’s toys start a mass hunt for the newest additions.

Slinky – ‘I think I found some guys’

Replicant vs. Superman Blue

The two warriors appear from beneath the bed. Energy and ice flying from both sides. This battle is over pretty much before it begins though…

Replicant shoots wave upon wave of concentrated plutonium into the energy absorbing Superman.

The energy overwhelms him and his blinking light goes out. Detachable parts fall onto the floor.

(http://www.supermanhomepage.com/comics/comics.php?topic=comics-new_supes – scroll down to weaknesses)

As Rex runs from the room he stumbles across a shield wielding being attacked by an action figure clinging to the wall by sucker pads.

Rex – ‘Ahhh there’s more out here’

Captain America vs. Spiderman

(Plastic) Webbing bounces off the indestructible (plastic) shield as Cap utilizes his 30 points of articulation to dodge the web slinger. Spiderman jumps from wall to wall (remoistening the plastic suckers) in order to cling to the walls and dodge the shields trajectory.

Parker jumps to the floor and the two begin sparring, Spiderman staying one step ahead in order to avoid the shield…

Sgt – ‘Eagle eyes to nest eggs…eagle eyes to nest eggs we have a couple of live ones down here.’

Psylocke vs. Grail

A clear plastic toy runs through the hallway at the bottom of the stairs followed by another toy throwing clear colour plastic projectiles, (clearly translucent plastic isn’t invisible). Taking clear form Psylocke throws up her shield and pulls up her own blades. Both lunge at each other chi and TK blades raised. Grail’s blades cannot pass through the TK shields however Psylocke’s blades do. The TK blades cut through all material yet sever the nerves in his chest. Psylocke then lifts him with TK 6 steps up and drops him. He bounces down losing limbs and other accessories.

Captain America vs. Spiderman (Part 2)

Captain America is suspended by string web from the top balcony. Spiderman drops him and watches as he smashes on the floor, shield spinning into the kitchen.

Rex – ‘It’s toy-ture out there…can someone cover my eyes?’

In the living room

Zauriel vs. Prince of Orphans

With his amazing flying action Zauriel circles the lights. He drops to the floor and activates his vocal control. A high pitch sound emits from him. As he does PoO turns into green mist. Zauriel sees this opportunity and flies up to the window opening it up. The breeze is like a gale to the toys and PoO gets sucked out of the window. Zauriel shuts it thus ending their match.

Zauriel vs. Spiderman

Zauriel flies towards the bedroom to be hit from the sky by a plastic web blast. He hits the floor and Spiderman jumps on him, drawing his flaming sword he begins to melt Parker to the wooden floor. Parker’s hands and feet are stuck to the ground leaving him armless. (Oh that was bad)

Martian Manhunter vs. Spartan

J’onn faces his opponent on the lazy boy chair. Both made of tough plastic. Spartan teleports MM into the fireplace. The flames lick up but MM phases through the chimney place, and floats down to Spartan. The two trade blows taking chunks of plastic off one another. They roll onto the floor and MM phases into the front of the lazy boy. Spartan looks around unable to find him. J’onn, from the side pulls the lazy boy handle and catapults Spartan across the room. He flies after him and grabs him and spins him before he can gather his footing. MM uses Spartans own strategy against him and throws him into the fire. He melts but as he does he teleports MM into the fire with him. Both fall leaving 3 HOTNA remaining and victorious.
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Prep Time
In the living room...
"Soooo, looks like we're in a gigantic house, rendered in a style all-too derivative of more accomplished animators and destined to be supremely overrated and overshadowed by a vastly superior sequel," remarks Green Lightning.
"Yup. It certainly does look that way," concurs Captain Boomerang.
"Well, no point in dwelling on it. Let's have a gander at our opponents," ponders Living Lightning.
They pause to view the descriptions of their enemies.
"Dude," grins Boomer. "We're gonna own these b****es."

In the absence of a seasoned commander, the battle-worn and fight-savvy Captain Boomerang steps into the role of leader.

"This team is primarily defensive in nature. Ours is offensive in nature. That means we're both playing to each other's strengths. The key for this fight is going to be taking the other team's strength and turning it against them, or simply overpowering it. They can't turn our strength against us very easily. Our speed allows us to move at speeds they just can't keep up with. We're in the position to be able to very easily overpower their strength."

"This physics distortion field is a wild-card," he continues, "but it's a reg-level character. He can't be invincibly powerful. Let's assume this has something to do with manipulation of gravity or speed, since there aren't too many other physical forces we'd expect a reg-level character to be able to distort with any kind of significant ability. Obviously, we have to hope he can't slow us down on the level of a Turtle."

"The good thing about this battle is that we get to dictate fights. Completely. Our speed affords us this advantage. Our plan for these matchups is the way they will go down."

"Lia, you're probably going to hit the opponent first. Moving at lightspeed, you'll be finished with a fight by the time the rest of us start one. That means you have to take out Exodus. This looks like a real dangerous guy. Taking him out is our first priority. Living Lightning, you'll probably hit second, and you'll be booking it for Jay Garrick. I know the guy, and he's fast, but you're just as fast, and you've got tricks up your sleeve that he can't deal with. I also wouldn't expect either Lia or you to be delayed by a physics distortion field, based on your powersets, but if you are, Liberty Belle will have taken care of it."

"Jesse, it's your responsibility to take on Ambrose Chase. He's our wild card, but our hope is, again, that he isn't wild enough to seriously stop superspeed. Green Lightning, you will take on Green Lantern. However, you and Lia will have a secondary strategy for making sure Exodus doesn't come back to haunt us. Living Lightning's told me about him, and he's a tough, immortal customer. We need to have a catch-and-carry plan for him."

"I'll deal with Deadline myself. Any questions?"

Elsewhere in the house...

As prep time ticks down to the final seconds, Ambrose Chase throws up his distortion field, casting a wide, catch-all net. Exodus prepares to start busting out psionic forcefields the moment battle begins. Green Lantern prepares to do the same with his power ring. Deadline takes up a strategic position on a shelf. Jay Garrick digs in for the fight...
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Battle Time, Part 1

Lia Nelson vs. Exodus
Instantaneously, moving at the speed of light, Lia Nelson finds the positions of Chaos & Order, and she takes the fight to Exodus. Chase's physics distortion field, which has never been shown to affect light, and has in fact been shown to never affect light, doesn't slow her down in the least, since she's a being of light. Exodus, not being able to think faster than the speed of light, has not erected any forcefields yet, so she has a clear path.

Triplicating herself, she blasts Exodus with concussive energy millions of times in a second, from three directions. Shielded from his psychic attacks and constantly shifting all three of her positions at the speed of light, she has Exodus so on the ropes it isn't even funny. Without superspeed, he's wide open. Lia burns him to pieces and takes him apart.

Living Lightning vs. Jay Garrick
Jay and Living Lightning meet at the halfway point, both cruising toward each other at the same speed. LL is in plasma form, as instructed by Boomer, to protect himself from the majority of, if not all of, Jay's attack moves. In fact, all Jay can really do against an energy being is run fast.

For that reason alone, this fight is all LL's. The physics distortion field doesn't apply here for several reasons which are delineated in the notes section at the end. Living Lightning, as a plasma being, can match Garrick for speed and has the added advantage of being impervious to physical damage. He's a superior hand to hand fighter, and he has electrical blasts and forcefields. Jay just has his superspeed, since his tricks can't really do anything against a plasma being.

This fight isn't over quickly by any stretch, but can there really be any doubt about the outcome? They're evenly matched for speed, but Living Lightning can also blast Jay with lightning and shove him with forcefields. If that weren't enough, Jay can't damage LL in this form. Living Lightning renders Jay unconscious.

Liberty Belle II vs. Ambrose Chase
Ambrose's physics distortion field would shut most people down, but Liberty Belle is moving at superspeed, and he has the field spread very wide to try and catch the incoming attackers. As a result, she can still move faster than him, although it is markedly slower than her normal speed. In this fight, the outcome is down to her superstrength. Ambrose may get in a couple shots, but she has enhanced durability and can take a couple shots. He, on the other hand, cannot take too many superstrength punches at a speed noticeably elevated compared to his own, being a generally normal-strength human being. So Jesse punches him out.

Green Lightning vs. Green Lantern
Green Lightning engages Green Lantern. The physics distortion isn't a factor because Liberty Belle's already taken it out by the time GL would hit it. This is an evenly matched battle. However, Lia deals with Exodus fairly quickly (a matter of seconds) and switches partners. Green Lightning rings up psi-shielded bubbles around the pieces of Exodus' body to prevent them from healing back together in some ridiculous way. She then returns to join Lia against Kyle. In an evenly matched battle between Green Lanterns, a triplicating concussive-energy blaster moving at the speed of light tips the balance, and Kyle goes down.

Captain Boomerang II vs. Deadline
Sure, Deadline has some durability, but against superspeed explosive boomerangs? The concussive force alone could potentially knock him out, and will definitely damage him. The explosions will only add to this. The razorangs as well, when thrown at superspeed, will damage his super-dense skin. Boomerang will be able to stay away from Deadline with speed bursts. Even though Deadline will undoubtedly phase as much as possible after the initial onslaught, the damage is done, and any time he goes solid, Boomer can nail him again before he can react. This fight is Boomer's.

I realize this looks lopsided, and I'll explain a great deal of why that is in my notes section, but at the same time, this is a team of four speedsters and a Green Lantern; that's a formidable lineup.
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MOST IMPORTANT: My team dictates the matchups. I realize that Chaos & Order will almost certainly plan for different matchups, because they'll want to maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses. But they simply don't have the speed to dictate matchups. The only matchup they have any hope of dictating is whoever they send Jay Garrick against, and my med is more than equipped to keep Garrick from fighting anyone except my med. Their regs have no superspeed, and therefore can't dictate anything. Their ubers likewise have no superspeed, and therefore can't dictate anything. My team dictates matchups.
Distortion Field: Chase's power has never affected light, because everything affected by it remained visible. Therefore, a being of light such as Lia Nelson is unaffected.
Exodus: He can't possibly be thinking faster than Lia is moving. That's why he has no forcefield up. However, even if by some miraculous chance he did have one up before she attacked, it was almost certainly transparent. And if that's the case then, again, Lia can sail right through because she's a being of light and light moves through the transparent.
Exodus, Part 2: Why can Lia take down such a powerful uber so quickly? The answer is superspeed. Exodus can't keep up with her, especially since she can triplicate, blast him with concussive energy, and move at lightspeed. What does this tell us? It tells us that ubers should NOT be barred from using powers during prep time. That's a rule that was invented SPECIFICALLY to sneak Dr. Strange and his type under the tuber bar. It's high time we abandon that rule, as it unfairly limits legitimate ubers. How can a non-superspeed uber hope to beat a speedster without use of prep time? Dr. Strange and other tuber mages need to be tubered because it's what they deserve, and legitimate ubers need to be unshackled. There's absolutely no reason it should be this easy for someone to beat Exodus just because they're superfast. But it is this easy, because he's been neutered by a rule that was designed to sneak other characters into the game.
Distortion Field, Part 2: There are several reasons why the distortion field won't impact the med fight. First and foremost, the fight between Jay and Living Lightning would exit Chase's field of influence almost instantaneously, because he doesn't have superspeed. Second, he isn't surgical enough to target LL and not Jay. Third, if he somehow COULD do that, there would be a question of whether that constitutes a de facto upgrade for Jay, and how much of an upgrade it constitutes. Fourth, Living Lightning is in plasma form, and as such is arguably unaffected by the distortion field.
Living Lightning: Wieg might argue that I can't use the plasma form because I didn't delineate it in the lineup description. I don't think that such a (relatively) minor power needs to be delineated, but if that's what the voters decide, then that's still fine. The only thing that means is that LL isn't impervious to physical damage, but he still has his forcefield, and his lightning still gives him the clear, undisputed edge in the fight.
Not a bad battle this week from Khell

a few points though

Firstly Superman Blue can't control what he absorbs or how much. At first he would think of trying to absorb the energy Replicant fired but once it got to an unsafe level he would lose control of his ability and overload. Baring in mind Supes was never 100% with his powers.

Also you cant reference my write up in yours. The idea is to do your own then read the opponents. Luckily in this case you never use my strategy as a way of bettering your write up so no harm done.

Also Zauriel's sonic scream doesnt come from his lungs or air. The guys an Angel and as such the expanded lung wouldnt stop his scream. Also he has a kind of universal link to the heavens and prayers which heightens his senses therefore an attack of webbing in the eye wouldnt impede him as such. And as for not being able to cut down Spiderman, the guy has had whole millenia of sword fighting training and skill. It wouldnt take him long to cut down an unarmed man even one as agile as Spiderman.

I agree with a quick take down for Cap in both yours and my battle. Once id picked him I soon regretted such a decision for this battle.

You have Psylocke as not being able to cut through Grail's shield. Her Psychic katanas arent so much a physical blade and thus could pass through the shield. They can cut clothing whilst only disrupting nerves in the body without drawing blood. They would without a problem pass through Grails shield. Grails energy chi wouldn't pass through TK shields as they are almost solid energy and TK repels solid form.
Khel, that was a problem for me too. I'm not voting on it or anything, because in this case it's totally negligible, but you probably shouldn't do it again. Your writeup is supposed to happen before you read the other guy's.
Firstly Superman Blue can't control what he absorbs or how much. At first he would think of trying to absorb the energy Replicant fired but once it got to an unsafe level he would lose control of his ability and overload. Baring in mind Supes was never 100% with his powers.
Uhh, it looked like he made a conscious decision to absorb the energy described in that instance given under the weakness category. I've not read all his appearances yet, but I'm pretty sure he can choose whether he absorbs energy or not.

Also you cant reference my write up in yours. The idea is to do your own then read the opponents. Luckily in this case you never use my strategy as a way of bettering your write up so no harm done.
Eh, I figure why waste the reader's time in arguing which scenario is more likely and just get down to specifics, but understood.

Also Zauriel's sonic scream doesnt come from his lungs or air. The guys an Angel and as such the expanded lung wouldnt stop his scream.
Really? They spelled that out? Anyways, you can just say the experience of his lungs being expanded to bursting just distracted him from being able to scream.

Also he has a kind of universal link to the heavens and prayers which heightens his senses therefore an attack of webbing in the eye wouldnt impede him as such.
Still, sticky **** in the eyes HAS to be some kind of distraction.

And as for not being able to cut down Spiderman, the guy has had whole millenia of sword fighting training and skill. It wouldnt take him long to cut down an unarmed man even one as agile as Spiderman.
He's not jsut some agile, unarmed man. He's incredibly fast, THIS version is a trained fighter, and his Spidey sense is FAR more developed than the 616 version. He flat-out knows how the opponent is going to attack as soon as they decide to do it. I was being incredibly generous making it a stalemate until Prince of Orphans could step in.
Last edited:

The ubers

Kyle's best friend is The Flash. And Kyle and Wally are in the League together. They've worked together. No doubt they've trained together. So taking on another speedster isn't that big a deal. Especially when Kyle can do things like have his ring randomly create traps and obstacles around him, including things that fire long range blasts. Even speedsters can be caught off guard (or how would guys like Captain Cold get the jump on them).

So, GL versus GL. Why would this happen? Because if Kyle were to trap Lia, that would likely be the end of the fight. But, if he were to trap Green Lightning, she'd be able to fight with her own Lantern powers. So how does Kyle win? Well, this could easily be a long drawn out battle. Help from Exodus (as described below) should easily turn the tide. But even without that, Kyle has one trump card. Green Lightning doesn't really exist. She's a figment of Kyle's imagination created through his ring. And Kyle has the willpower to absorb her back through his ring as he did before.

If Kyle's taking on Lightning, then it's Flash against Exodus. And don't think that Flash's abilities make it a guaranteed victory over Exodus. Especially since one of Exodus' powers is teleportation. And teleportation trumps even superspeed. So if the situation ever gets too bad, he can just teleport away for a quick breather. Perhaps even helping Kyle. But it's Exodus' telepathy and telekinesis that wins this fight. He can maintain a psychic forcefield around himself for protection, and then attack Flash in her mind. Even speedsters are vulnerable to that (just ask Gorilla Grodd). Or he could just unleash a psychic blast in all directions. Even if it didn't finish her off, it'll stop her long enough to let the mutant do the job properly.
Kyle's best friend is The Flash. And Kyle and Wally are in the League together. They've worked together. No doubt they've trained together. So taking on another speedster isn't that big a deal. Especially when Kyle can do things like have his ring randomly create traps and obstacles around him, including things that fire long range blasts. Even speedsters can be caught off guard (or how would guys like Captain Cold get the jump on them).
Captain Cold never got the drop on Lia Nelson. And neither will GL. She moves at lightspeed. And GL can't set up any traps until the battle starts, because that's a use of uber powers. So, that's out.

So, GL versus GL. Why would this happen? Because if Kyle were to trap Lia, that would likely be the end of the fight.
He can't. GL energy is at the best translucent, at default transparent. Light travels right through it. Not to mention he can't trap her. He isn't fast enough, and thanks to the uber-powers rule, he's neutered from setting anything up in prep.

But even without that, Kyle has one trump card. Green Lightning doesn't really exist. She's a figment of Kyle's imagination created through his ring. And Kyle has the willpower to absorb her back through his ring as he did before.
Really hoped you wouldn't do this, but I kinda knew you would. My prepared response: Not having read wieg's writeup yet, his prep suggests that he may try to write Kyle as reabsorbing Green Lightning into his consciousness, since she's a figment of it in the first place. This is problematic: it goes entirely against the spirit of allowing the character into the League in the first place. If she's allowed into the League, then she's by definition allowed in at the point when she was/seemed real. This means that she must, by definition, be real enough to fight Kyle Rayner in one-on-one combat. While Kyle is at a point in his life where he knows she was a figment, she is at a point in his life when she was more real than a figment. To my way of thinking, it is at best a simply illegal move, and at worst it's a sneaky, nasty tactic that I wouldn't expect from wieg.

Especially since one of Exodus' powers is teleportation.
Really, at millions of punches in a second from at least three angles, who's thinking about teleporting?

And teleportation trumps even superspeed.
Not in closed quarters like these. Lia can cover the entirety of the house in far less than a second. Wherever Exodus goes, she can be there instantaneously and battering him immediately. And he doesn't have Spartan-level teleportation, which is truly an adequate foil for superspeed, since it can be done by superfast thought.

He can maintain a psychic forcefield around himself for protection
When did he do that? Prep time? Besides, it's not opaque, she goes straight through it.

and then attack Flash in her mind. Even speedsters are vulnerable to that (just ask Gorilla Grodd).
Easy enough for GL to slap a psi-helmet on top of both of them. Not to mention that she's moving too fast for him to get a fix on.

Or he could just unleash a psychic blast in all directions. Even if it didn't finish her off, it'll stop her long enough to let the mutant do the job properly.
Form follows function: if she can be in three places at once, she can also be nowhere. Not to mention that she can become (and has become, in this fight) a being of pure light that wouldn't be effected by a blast. And that's not mentioning that a blast in all directions would nail Exodus' teammates, as well as non-ubers on my team, which means a blitz and an unprovoked attack on regs. Illegal move.
I'll start debating once I get the last of my battles up and can read your writeup.

The rest

The other members have their own ways to avoid surprise speedster attacks. So Jay will be taking on Living Lightning. Why? Because this should actually be what the other side will decides to do. Boomerang and Belle should know they don't have the skill to take Jay on. Boomerang's speed comes in short bursts, and Jay's would know all of Belle's tricks (while Jay has way too many tricks and experience for Belle to have seen it all). Plus, Jay has better control of the Speed Force, and it be too risky to have Belle go after him, just to have him steal her speed.

How the other two matches stack up doesn't really matter. DL's intangibility protects him from both Belle and Boomerang (his super dense skin would also protect him from the boomerangs). Chase could bend the Boomerangs around him or stop Belle in her tracks (or at least slow her down enough to use his guns against her). I even envision Chase using his military training to setup traps in the kitchen. Imagine giant sized knives and forks flying around at his opponents. (Admittedly, probably more effective against Boomerang's short bursts of speed.)

Now, Jay may not be able to do much against Lightning, especially if he remains in his 'energy' form. But Jay's avoided blasts like lightning before (like from Weather Wizard) and has the speed and experience to keep Lightning away. Although you have to remember, Jay's also a pretty smart scientist. I wouldn't put it past him to use things around the house, like wiring from the walls and various electronics (during prep-time of course) to put together a nice trap. Nothing super fancy, but a maybe a nice device that uses the wiring to conduct energy, like Lightning, into it. Maybe that's a bit fancy, but it's within Jay's skill set.

Or he could just last long enough to get help from Chase and DL. Or maybe the ubers. Or maybe they go and help the ubers.

Now, to be fail, Chaos & Order could lose a couple of characters. Chase might fall if he can't keep a null field up (but I don't know of any limits he has with them). And if an uber were to fall, it would probably be Exodus (since Kyle could make himself intangible). But, despite the speed advantage their opponents have, this is definitely a fight Chaos & Order can win.
How the other two matches stack up doesn't really matter. DL's intangibility protects him from both Belle and Boomerang (his super dense skin would also protect him from the boomerangs).
So he stays intangible till the end of time? I think not. He has to go solid to try and damage his opponent eventually, and when he does, he has razor-sharp or explosive boomerangs coming at him at superspeed. Concussive force alone is a force to be reckoned with. He's not touching Boomer. And if he does go against LB, she's got the superstrength necessary to dispatch him.

Chase could...stop Belle in her tracks (or at least slow her down enough to use his guns against her).
He certainly couldn't stop her in her tracks, and I really don't see him slowing her down enough to completely neutralize her advantage. Even if he does (which is borderline med, to me), all that does is even them up on speed. She still has superstrength. Balance-tipper.

I even envision Chase using his military training to setup traps in the kitchen. Imagine giant sized knives and forks flying around at his opponents. (Admittedly, probably more effective against Boomerang's short bursts of speed.)
Yup. That's part of the reason Boomerang isn't going after Chase. Also, I really thought we decided no kitchens.

Now, Jay may not be able to do much against Lightning, especially if he remains in his 'energy' form. But Jay's avoided blasts like lightning before (like from Weather Wizard) and has the speed and experience to keep Lightning away. Although you have to remember, Jay's also a pretty smart scientist. I wouldn't put it past him to use things around the house, like wiring from the walls and various electronics (during prep-time of course) to put together a nice trap. Nothing super fancy, but a maybe a nice device that uses the wiring to conduct energy, like Lightning, into it. Maybe that's a bit fancy, but it's within Jay's skill set.
It's also never been shown to work on Living Lightning, since he's a conscious being of plasma, as opposed to an unconscious being of electricity.

Or he could just last long enough to get help from Chase and DL.
So Jay's plan is to maybe construct a trap that might work on LL, and failing that, just hope for someone else to bail him out?

Now, to be fail, Chaos & Order could lose a couple of characters. Chase might fall if he can't keep a null field up (but I don't know of any limits he has with them). And if an uber were to fall, it would probably be Exodus (since Kyle could make himself intangible). But, despite the speed advantage their opponents have, this is definitely a fight Chaos & Order can win.
To be fail indeed. But no, this certainly is a fight C&O could win, but they don't win it. Every fight could be won, but in every fight there must be a loser. In this situation, C&O's lineup is just outclassed. Their best chance is probably the reg fights. The med fight is nothing but a long loss for C&O, and you almost admit that yourself. The uber fights are likewise pretty long-shots because of Lia's huge speed advantage. But essentially, in your writeup your team is constantly on defense, always giving ground, never generating offense. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the repeated reliance on intangibility, a stalemater at best and a non-issue at worst.

In my writeup, my team wins handily. In your writeup, my team might not win. That looks like a Deadly Dozen win to me.

He's not jsut some agile, unarmed man. He's incredibly fast, THIS version is a trained fighter, and his Spidey sense is FAR more developed than the 616 version. He flat-out knows how the opponent is going to attack as soon as they decide to do it. I was being incredibly generous making it a stalemate until Prince of Orphans could step in.

Then that side of it needs putting in your descriptions or atleast a link.The way you described him,to me, seems to be just regular spiderman but featured in a what if...

you shouldve put spiderman's powers but amped up in which case i would've asked for more info...infact when i asked the difference you failed to mentioned all that...

hmmm deceptive some what...
Then that side of it needs putting in your descriptions or atleast a link.The way you described him,to me, seems to be just regular spiderman but featured in a what if...

you shouldve put spiderman's powers but amped up in which case i would've asked for more info...infact when i asked the difference you failed to mentioned all that...

hmmm deceptive some what...
I said it's a precognitive danger sense. I thought that made it clear that it was, y'know, precognitive. And his other powers aren't amped up.
yeah but precog spider sense ust suggests he can see it coming seconds before it does...not that it he can see it coming before the other person even thinks it
Well, I understand that you interpreted it that way now, but at the time it seemed clear.
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