The Odd Alliance
Onslaught (
Xavier) (MU)
Sinestro (DU)
Dr. Light (DM)
Demask (Age of Apocalypse) (MR)
Deathstroke (DR)
Heroes of the New Age
Rulk (MU)
Captain Marvel (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Anti-Venom (MR)
Batman (DR)
Pre Battle
So its a special week and everyone is an open book to everyone else. Splendid! But now the question is, who can utilize that the best? Honestly, both sides can
and that sucks. Batman and Rulk with that kind of information is dangerous for my team, but then again, Onslaught, Deathstroke, and Sinestro with that kind of information is also dangerous for Nightwings team. This really could be a huge plan fest that could take pages and pages to write, and most likely itll be so planned that nothing will go as planned, but nonetheless, I mostly just want to state that I dont think either side has an advantage when it comes to strategy. How does each team work together? Again, probably no clear advantage there. I dont see Batman and Captain Marvel working well with Gorilla Grodd, but not to the point of being a huge risk factor. Now my team being full of villains and semi-villains works for me, and with three of them having partnered up before, it all works out fairly well. There might be some ego here and there, but overall I think theyd work out.
So lets just get on to the battle shall we?
Battle Time
The firey pits of Apokolips is known to all thanks to the theme week so they can plan for it.
Knowing their opponants I see both Onslaught and Gorilla Grodd protecting the vulnerable minds of their team. I also see Sinestro gathering the Odd Alliance in a yellow orb for protection as they figure out their opponants. Reaching out with their minds they each find the other team protected but I think its safe to say that Onslaught is a much more powerful telepath than Grodd (besides the Uber/Medium rank that would support that, theres also the fact that Onslaught was powerful enough to breakthrough the telepathic defenses of Jean Grey like it was a toy). And so while I think it may be a bit of a challenge I can see Onslaught breaking through Grodds protection. Now, he will not play with this yet or make it known that he has broken the defenses, hell just find his hold as the teams approach. This may be a strategic match, remember.
With the Sinestro dome theres not much HOTNA can do to break in, and so its a calm beginning. No rushing, just the wait. They find one another and greet each other. Once the Odd Alliance location is determined I see Grodd staying back due to Damasks mental skinning powers destroying telepaths, but the rest advance. Once face to face they all smile, the dozens of strategies chiefly laid out by Batman and Deathstroke running through their minds, and with Deathstrokes command through Onslaughts telepathic link to the team, Sinestros shield is dropped and Dr. Light acts.
A blinding light issues until all is whiteness. Anticipating this Batman had a protective deal in his mask prepared for it, and so as it activates and all are stunned for a moment on both sides, Batman charges forward and lands a swift kick to Lights chin. However, as quickly as Batman moves, Deathstroke also knew his opponents and had planned for him to be protected and to move. And so with a blind swing his sword digs into Batmans side, slicing off the utility belt, and then as soon as this is accomplished Onslaught reaches out and telekinetically knocks HOTNA away, in attempts to separate them. Anti-Venom digs his claws deep into the ground to keep from flying away and Batman digs a baterang into the ground as well (again, they anticipated a telekinetic attack). Captain Marvel and Rulk, however, were caught too quickly unaware after the blinding light and are blown further away.
Deathstroke Proceed as planned.
Onslaught, Sinestro, and Dr. Light take to the skies after those who were scattered as Deathstroke and Damask race for Batman and Anti-Venom before them.
Deathstroke & Damask vs Batman & Anti-Venom
Batman dives at Deathstoke but tucks and roles to dodge the assault and pass the oncoming mercenary and makes a drive for his utility belt. Damask is too far away and aims for Anti-Venom. Deathstroke turns and pulls out a tube with a dart inside but before he can fire it five white tendrils break through the ground and wrap around his wrist, neck and legs, breaking his aim and lifting him into the air. Anti-Venom holds him while Batman retrieves his belt, but Deathstroke does something within his glove and an shock quakes through his costume, sending a deadly shock through the tentacle-fingers and back to Anti-Venom. Brock cries out and falls back, retracting his fingers, freeing up Deathstroke. He holds up the dart and fires but Batman regains his belt and lifts his cape at the same time, deflecting the dart and giving him back his toys. However, as you may have noticed, Damask was never stated as going against Anti-Venom, and this was for a reason. She charges Batman and as she begins to reach out for the mental skinning, he drops some gas pellets and dives into the cloud. Damask mentally skins people, but she is not telepathic, and with Batman hidden in the clouds, she cannot target his mind.
Note: As I said, this will be a strategic match and while it can be assumed that Batman and Deathstroke would target each other, they both knew that they wouldnt do it directly. Deathstroke prepared for Anti-Venom (and others) and Batman prepared for Damask (and others), and so, neither of these initial assaults worked quite as planned. Damask receives a baterang in the temple and is taken out of the fight for a short bit and the shock that hit Venom jellied Anti-Venoms suit for a moment, making it hard for Brock to control it, his own muscles spasming and contracting. Both are temporarily out of the fight as Deathstroke dives into the cloud and Batman meets him for a very physical fight.
Dr. Light vs Gorilla Grodd
Dr. Light is on his way to his planned fight when Grodd leaps and intercepts him from the air. With his mental powers blocked by Onslaught Grodd is left with the physical approach. The already sore Light falls to the ground and Grodd holds a gun to his head, but before he can fire Light blasts draws the light of the heat around him and near fries Grodd, making the gun melt into his hand and he falls to the side screaming. Dr. Light considers finishing Grodd but remembers the plan and reluctantly departs. He has to be quick to his target. Grodd is left to recover.
Onslaught vs Rulk
Onslaught finds Rulk, or rather, Rulk finds Onslaught. There was a slight contingeant in plan, but Rulk ruins this by targeting Onslaught. Now, this is the flaw in Rulks plan. With everyone being an open book, it became known that Hulk once beat Onslaught so hard that it broke his armor, letting his essence free. However, they also know that this is a young Onslaught without the reality altering powers, and so if Hulk could break the powerful Onslaught, then Rulk should have the power to do this as well. However, the fault is Rulks pride. The angrier Hulk gets the stronger Hulk gets. The angrier Rulk gets, the HOTTER Rulk gets. So while he and Hulk are similar, and Rulk likes to think himself superior to Hulk, this is one situation where that will cost him. He will physically battle Onslaught, and hell do a good job, but Onslaught will take it for a bit. Id imagine that hed telepathically find it difficult to claim Rulks mind, and so itd fall to a Might vs. Telekinesis and Magnetic Might battle. Note: Rulk could have some guns that could help but knowing of Onslaughts magnetic powers theyd be useless, so hes relying on strength. I wont go into detail but I see it ending like this. Rulk is bleeding yellow and Onslaughts armor is cracking, but not enough. Rulk will come in for a strong blow and Onslaught has had enough. He reaches out and grabs the Rulk in two massive hands, and using his telekinesis to their strongest, he begins a rib at Rulks mouth and in the rest of his cuts and rips the red monster in half. Now, I see the hot blood burning Onslaught pretty good, but nonetheless, in the end, Rulk is dead and Onslaught is weakened. Onslaught then reaches out with his mind to find his target, hoping it isnt too late to stick with the original plan.
Sinestro & Dr. Light vs. Captain Marvel & Gorilla Grodd
Dr. Light arrives and sees Captain Marvel and Sinestro already going at it strong. He waits for the planned moment.
Sinestro first came to Captain Marvel and fired bone made arrows of yellow light, but Marvel dodged them and few straight at Sinestro who dodged him. Quite an aerial battle would ensue but still the sign wouldnt come. Sinestro entraps Marvel in a yellow prison but still the sign wouldnt come. There would be no invasion of the mind from Onslaught, forcing Marvel to utter his word, transforming him into Billy, and no second word to create magical lightening for Dr. Light to take control of to help skewer the Rulk.
Seeing that something is wrong, and that Rulk is nowhere to be seen, Dr. Light cloaks himself in invisibility and races for Captain Marvel. Sinestro fires a yellow lightning bolt at the Captain, who dodges it, but Dr. Light grabs this and controls it back until it strikes Marvel in the back. Not magical, but its still enough to hurt. As Marvel turns to see his onlooker, again, Sinestro encases him in a yellow prison. Marvel broke this previously due to his tremendous strength, but this time Dr. Light uses his light manipulation powers to further enhance the strength of the Yellow construct. Marvel struggles until finally doing what they had hoped.
The lightening bolt fires down to free him (as he had little choice left) and shatters the construct. Billy falls a bit and he shouts the word again. This time, however, Dr. Light pulls the lightening bolt from its direction so that it misses Billy and slams into the ground, though a sliver of it remains now hovering above Dr. Lights hand. Billy, unfortunately, falls quite a distance to the hard ground and is rendered unconscious. Being one to be thorough, Sinestro fires a yellow stake and pierces the boys chest.
From high in the air Dr. Light looks around. He doesnt see Rulk, but finding Grodds smoking body not far away he smiles and fires the small lightning shard like a sniper riffle, as it blows through the head of the Gorilla, killing him.
Deathstroke vs. Batman
Now these two in a fight could really go either way, especially with prep time. Yes, its taking place in smoke, and Batman is continuing throwing these down to keep himself in the smoke away from the possibility of Damask awakening. The advantage here is to Batman, however, as he planned this location of attack, inside the smoke. Deathstroke can counter this and do well, but ultimately Batman has better preparation for it and I can see the fight falling to his advantage. The fight comes close and Batman begins laying the smackethdown on Deathstroke until fate steps in to help. As Deathstroke is decked and falls, he hits something hard and realizes that it is his knocked free shotgun, and so as a Baterang flies past his head from the misty distance he sees where it returns to and fires. The shot rings out and hits Batman in the chest. This will do nothing more than wind him, but the sound startles Damask to consciousness and as she shoots up she sees a silhouette in the gas stumble back with the force, and so the chance of Deathstroke falling on the gun puts Batman in view of Damask, and with that Damask reaches out with her mental chains and digs into Batmans mind. Now, Batman has a strong mind, but Damasks mental skinning powers are enough to damage the Shadow King, and so Batman would be no match.
Batman screams and falls back as the cloud finally begins to dissipate. Deathstroke sees that Damask has served her purpose and turns to see Brock still frozen in a seizure, his costume loose and gooping. And so another fire of the shotgun ends his suffering, and thus, ends the match.
Winner Odd Alliance