My Dad was in the Scottish highland pipe band back in the day and this one time they decided to all take part in the great Canadian sport CURLING!
My father had never played before but seeing as he was like most Canadians he had watched it every Sunday night on the CBC (curling night in Canada), so he thought it would be simple and easy.
He gets in his knelt position, draws back his rock and slides out wards. Sure it seemed simple on T.V (like most things) but in practice it was not.
My Pa's foot shot out from underneath him and sent him flying back on to his ass. He was wearing a kilt....and seeing as the only thing you wear under a kilt is your socks and shoes....everyone on the other end of the Ice saw his 'Junk'.
My dad quickly recovered from his fall and when he inspected the area his ass had planted on the ice he notice. A small ass shaped boll had been melted into the Ice.
Boy, was his cheeks red. You know from the fall...Lumberjacks don't blush.
THIS HAS BEEN A WEAPON ZED TWO almost true story.