I mean, I would like some eventual explanation of why Sharon didn't receive any support from the Avengers in Exile. Was she not able to get in contact with them once on the run? Did they try to contact her but fail? Something along those lines. Basically, I'm fine with this turn of events, but only if it didn't rely on Steve somehow forgetting one of the people who helped him for no reason. A good reason would be "Sharon vanished into her own fugitive status, but it wasn't prolonged solitude and lack of support that made her bitter, it was the very fact that things went bad again." Or basically, the whole Accords/Civil War events themselves are what convinced Sharon that the people and government she used to serve and protect weren't worth it, and so was going to just serve and protect herself. Which, you know, I can sympathize, Secretary Thaddeus Ross makes a *really good* case for it.
As chaotic as things were after the Snap, Steve might not have even known that Sharon survived. It must have been hard to track dusted people who had been living on the grid, much less someone on the run undercover.
By the by, I vaguely remembered that in the comics, Sharon disappeared for
years and neither Steve nor SHIELD looked for her. That actually did happen, but she seemed to have died, on camera, in a battle. Steve had to mourn Sharon and move on with his life. (I can't remember if he literally cried on Sam's shoulder over Sharon or when he broke up with the wonderful Bernie Rosenthal. Maybe for both. Or neither.)
Fury, ever the sneaky super-spy, secretly rescued Sharon, however. He sent her undercover again, without telling Steve she was alive, and then promptly "died" himself. Sharon, trapped in her assignment among villains and feeling betrayed, eventually turned to the dark side and started working with
Red Skull, of all creatures. It eventually got straightened out and she hooked back up with Cap, but she was a bitter babe with a vendetta for quite a while.
So. Sharon's seeming venture into villainy does have comic book antecedents. She expressed some anger towards Steve for not looking for her, IIRC, though (as with the Snap) he had no idea she was alive. I did have to go to the Fandom wiki to refresh my memory but I had the broad outlines right.
Hopefully, Sharon's story will be fleshed out later since her heel-turn has thrown so many people off. It's good to remember that this is in keeping with her history, however.