Okay so I loved the first 2/3 of this episode, and then the finale happened.
- First, Yelena, was obvious but a welcomed addition. Her and Kate's fighting was rather decent and I can't wait for the real Hawkeye/Widow ship to take off. But...
- Who ever is writing Clint's dialogue is doing a poor job. Kate's is great, while his is terrible. Everything he says feels just off, and when he has to delivers info like during the climax it's down right awful.
- Echo feels like the odd woman out. I have no problem with her, but she feels out of place.
- I am going to assume that Kate's mother is the one who "hired" Yelena. Which should be fun to find out.
- A lot of bad directing and editing in this episode again. Hope we don't see these directors again.
- So yeah, Kate is still amazing. Clint goes from "awesome" (bonding scenes with Kate) to WTF (climax) every episode, and it feels odd.