In the teaser, Batman goes to the distant future in order to create a vaccine, is helped by Kamandi, the last human on Earth, and Dr. Canus, an intelligent mutant dog. Both are chased by mutant rats and Batman returns to his own time...but not before leaving Kamandi a little present. Overall, the teaser was really good, and managed to tell a good, reasonable story out of a very special team-up. Like B'wana Beast and Atom before this, I hope we get a solo Kamandi team-up, especially due to the potential it could bring to an awesome episode. Now I know why they call them "teasers".
As for the main story, Batman is killed (or so it seems) by the ghastly Gentleman Ghost, who plans to get his revenge on England by using an army of the undead. However, Batman runs into Boston Brand, or Deadman, and convinces him to help him defeat Gentleman Ghost. First off, I'm glad Gentleman Ghost is getting his own episode. The guy just LOOKS cool, and he made a mere cameo in Justice League Unlimited and an episode of Super Friends. Also, I was amazed by the fact that Bruce's parents were brought up again, and in a very touching way. Whoever said this show was kiddy is flat out wrong.
Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Speedy help Batman dig up his body before he actually dies. Batman possessing Speedy was hilarious, and so was Arrow's Batman impersonation. Excellent Batman: The Animated Series reference! Actually, poor Speedy keeps getting mercilessly possessed. Deadman was also good. Michael Rosenbaum gives a solid performance as him. On one hand, I was little dissapointed with his design. The flesh color clashes badly with his costume, and I rather liked the pale blue from JLU and the comics. However, we see Deadman's origin, exactly like in the comics, and shows this show can deal with adult theme.
Overall, a much better episode than last week's. Great dialogue, good battles, and lots of fun in this one.
NEXT WEEK: First, Batman and Blue Beetle Ted Kord have an adventure together. Then, Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes wants to investigate more about the Blue Beetle legacy, and goes to Science Island, where a mad scientist uses the scarab to build an army of Blue Beetle robots, and only Batman can save the day.