I'm in the Edolas arc right now, things have gotten much, much better, there have actually been son decent villains, and the soundtrack normally helps them feel more threatening, however, is still don't think Fairy Tail's very special, i feel like it lacks the originality that built One Piece, Bleach, Naruto and Hunter X Hunter.
@Spider-Aziz - Strange you're checking Fairy Tail instead of One Piece, i only watched some 100 something episodes some years ago and i'm going to watch again from the begining once i catch up with FT, One Piece's outsold the Harry Potter books, Dragon Ball and the sales of Bleach and Naruto together in japan, everybody's praising it repeatedly saying that unlike Bleach and Naruto, it never disapoints and just gets better and better.
And from what i saw and read of both series most of the time Fairy Tail just seems like a weaker version of One Piece, in least when it comes to the characters and some parts of the story.
On the whole Fairy Tail is ok, the begining is weak, the middle is ok with some good moments, but the action is very repetitive and the series doesn't feel very original, seems like every shonen cliche and character put into a single series. On another note i also started to watch the new Hunter X Hunter anime and that one doesn't disapoint, one of the best shonens around.