We continue with again another break from the Legion arc with a stand alone of sorts. Or a unofficial pilot of the new show in development "Legion of Superheroes". Because this episode I said; Legion of the Superheroes. But its actually "Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes" like the title changed comic starting in March from DC Comics.
The future team of Superheroes hasn't been seen since Superman: The Animated Series episode "New Kids in Town" that aired on October 31st, 1998. Eight years ago! Bringing back the team after that long was great to see, and having Supergirl in relation of the comic was interesting. It makes you think since shows like this don't take a short time to do, had brief discussions with DC Comics and their Infinite Crisis plans. And maybe know somethings we don't at this time...
The plot is about the last of Legion (of Superheroes) at its weakest from the Fatal Five. To counterattack, Brainiac 5 uses a time partol to bring back from the 21st Century three heroes to their future: Supergirl, Green Lantern & Green Arrow. The only thing is; after the mission was successful, only two made it back home...
Supergirl had some Silver Age charm to her. When she was fighting in a simulater, as she was being hit by darts, she says "That tickles". Then when she grabs the gun she says "I'll take that (crushes gun) thanks." Then punshes the guy who goes 50 feet into the air. He didn't hurt them, since they're Zeta androids.
The focus was on Supergirl. In the beginning, Green Arrow and Superman talk about her. Supes says that he wasn't that thrilled about her taking on the "family business" but he's accepted it. From Green Arrow's POV, he says that sometimes Supes seems to act like she is just "another cape" and that she does honor her cousin, as seen from the costume change.
We also get a forbidden love thing going on here with Brainiac & Supergirl. Green Arrow pointed it for our organic, acting almost like Vulcan friend. I said it was forbidden since....well I think you know why.
The animation was fine. The music, while it was pure JLU at the beginning, the rest was like it came from a Star Trek show. I think that wasn't bad because of the the Legion of Superheroes universe. And its ships and United Planets. But at times, I couldn't help but think it was ripped from an episode from....lets say Star Trek: Enterprise. Dini's story was great like always who have seen his work on shows. We don't have to worry that this was his last work on the DCAU, since he's working on the Detective Comics this time. He is now part of the folklore then just basing his work on it.
Overall, this was a great episode. Now from the fact that I didn't like the music at tiem would make you think I was gonna give it a lower grade but I ain't. This story was great; fantastic, sad at some times, funny at others. And with Supergirl, it made it cute. Dini hasn't lost his touch.
RATING: 8.5/10
Next up; Ancient History. With Hawkman's return, Vixen, Shayera, and Green Lantern. And finally, the love tri-....square will be resolved.