Uncanny 267. Storm throws a knife at Gambit's face. Gambit drops the cig he's holding near his lips, catches the knife, then swings his arm down in 1 fluid motion and grabs the cig by his waist, then exhales the smoke! Badass, I miss you Jim Lee!
Uncanny 267. Storm throws a knife and Gambit's face. Gambit drops the cig he's holding near his lips, catches the knife, then swings his arm down in 1 fluid motion and grabs the cig by his waist, then exhales the smoke! Badass, I miss you Jim Lee!
I think they should do a scene reflecting his battle with the New Sun from his solo series. This would do well if they did a fight scene with Gambit vs Apocolypse.
Gambit and Wolverine in the danger room. Nuff said! Great thread by the way.
I'm trying to post a Gambit pick here for you guys! But can't seem to get it to work. WTF! Help! Why can this be easier it's 2008 not 1996!
Under my posting rules is says I may not post attachments, is that my problem here?
it's not your attachments, your problem is that you coded it wrong. it should look like this:
[ img ]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3572/xmenvsstreetfightergambqm8.gif[ /img ]
(no spaces between the brackets and the text)
i would love to see this kind of banter between gambit and rogue in a movie
simply a must in x4