my favorite moments are.
The Birth of Sandman: The necklaec going through his hand was amazing.
Peter having to go out as Spider-Man while him and MJ are talking. It's the one thing I wanted to see in this movie, and I think it went well with Spider-Man 2's final shot.
Spider-Man saving Gwen Stacey, awesome agility
The kid saying no Spider-Man no!
Bruce Campbell: Pecker!
I liked the restaurant seen because it made me feel at first, it wasn't that big a deal, but seeing how the upside down kiss was her and Peter's first kiss, I understand how she feels now seeing him do that with another woman. Love the more audlt problems they faced here.
Spidey surfing on the door and using the cars to move, then throwing the guards out of the truck.
How Peter thinks Uncle Ben died, intercut with him crying.
Peter in the spidey suit waiting like an obsessivly for news on the sandman, I really liked that.
The Symbiote flowing over Peter. What I liked a lot about this was Peter's nightmare about Uncle Ben's death is interrcut with it, making it seem that it's making it easier for teh symbiote to latch on to him.
Symbiote Spidey hanging upside down on the side of a building. The music has grown on me, and hearing Peter screaming with joy while swinging was great.
Black Spidey destroying Sandman. I don't think he was more intense and angry than here.
Peter looking at himself in the mirror and opening up the top of his shirt. I didn't need the venom flash in the trailers. Peter's face told me more (What the hell have I done!)
I liked the bridge scene, I thought all three were awesome during that, I like Tobey's crying because I see it in real life.
Peter vs Harry 2 (The wisecracks, the outright violence, the way Peter walks off while Harry is blown back. One thing I like is unlike the cartoon he didn't stop himself at the last minute from doing terrible things, he did them)
You want forgiveness, get religion!
Dancing montage! Go Pete!
Peter getting revenge on MJ, breaking Gwen's heart in the process, beating up the guards, and then striking MJ. That was a great scene.
The Church scene. (Love music, the look of the black suit is my favorite in this scene)
The Birth of Venom. (That smile is incredible and the symbiote going in his motuh was awesome)
The Alleyway Scene between Sandman and Venom.
Spidey and Venom there first time they met. Hey Parker. VENOM!
Spidey fighting Venom along with Sandman. Spider-Mann looking up at Sandman, then getting choked by Venom's web, then getting crushed and reaching out to MJ was powerful. I liked the crowd reatcion too because to see your hero get beaten like that is huge.
Spidey and Harry helping eachother to fight Venom and Sandman and save MJ. I was on the edge of my seat during this! Love it!
Venom grabbing Spidey by the Head and throwing him up in the air. Spidey was getting owned.
Harry jumping in the way to save Peter
when Spidey hit the metal bars and caused the Symbiote to go crazy.
I also loved it when Spidey hears the screeching from the Symbiote and turns around to see a huge full grown Symbiote and then throws a pumpkin Bomb at it. Eddie Brock was crazy.
Sandman telling Spider-Man the truth and Spidey letting him go to be with Penny. Takes a big man to see the big picture and forgive.
Harry dieing. It amazes me how this affected me. I mourned him more than Cyclops!
Peter's narration about choice was great and something that goes well with the first one's narrations.
The Last scene not being a final swing but instead being all about a girl, which is what the first one said this story was in the first place. Awesome trilogy.