If you believe in pre-determination, it's already been decided which course of action you'll take. If free will is an illusion, then it's possible to predict the outcome of every decision you'll ever make.X-Chick said:No, it doesn't. If someone is holding a gun to your head, you can choose to either cry like a baby and tell the gunman to go **** himself. That's a choice.
farmerfran said:I believe that God has your life planned out. It's pre-determined, and it's not necessarily free-will, or your choice.
Everything happens for a reason.
jaguarr said:Then that is what is true for you. You certainly aren't the first nor will you be the last to externalize responsibility for what happens to you in your lifetime.
farmerfran said:Yes, thank you, jag. I agree with your reasoning, and I DO believe that is what is in-line for me, God and such.