I plan on my next one to be marvel related. When I went to get my first one done I designed a tattoo that looked like a symbiote wrapping around my arm, but the artist said he couldn't do it as the lines would be too fine and it wouldn't look right.
I have one... around my ankle... and I can't get more because I still want to give blood or I would
Find a new artist.
The artist is probably right. Fine lines on the arm don't usually work out well because the skin gets stretched so often, the lines get thicker and it'd probably end up looking like a big mess. The best bet here would be to sit down with the artist and come up with something together that would make an awesome tattoo.
it scares me knowing someone out there has your blood
english lesbian blood <3 <3 <3 <3
sign me up
You're not supposed to drink it.
No harm, as long as you know you're both ok. However, my wife can no longer have my blood, because my blood has gluten in it...
I'm more into piercings than tattoos... I can take the piercings out in a few years if I decide I don't like them anymore, but tattoos... I'm hard-pressed to think of something I'd want adorning my body for the rest of my life.
no, and if I was to get one I think it'd have to be about something very personal and close to me, and right now I have nothing like that