The next all-new episode of The Spectacular Spider-Man, "Gangland," is scheduled to debut this Wednesday at 9:00pm (ET) on Disney XD. The official details for the episode are available below.
The Spectacular Spider-Man #23 "Gangland"
Episode Premiere - October 21st, 2009 at 9:00pm (ET)
On Valentines Day, Peter Parker jeopardizes his relationship with girlfriend Liz Allan, when Tombstone, Doctor Octopus and Silvermane call a Valentines Day Summit. But when Hammerhead betrays them all in an attempt to become the new Big Man, the summit erupts into a gang war one only Spider-Man can stop! Gangland will repeat the next day at 2:00am (ET)
Wednesday, October 21st, 2009
9:00pm (ET) "Gangland" -- NEW!
Thursday, October 22nd, 2009
2:00am (ET) "Gangland"
The Spectacular Spider-Man #23 "Gangland"
Episode Premiere - October 21st, 2009 at 9:00pm (ET)
On Valentines Day, Peter Parker jeopardizes his relationship with girlfriend Liz Allan, when Tombstone, Doctor Octopus and Silvermane call a Valentines Day Summit. But when Hammerhead betrays them all in an attempt to become the new Big Man, the summit erupts into a gang war one only Spider-Man can stop! Gangland will repeat the next day at 2:00am (ET)
Wednesday, October 21st, 2009
9:00pm (ET) "Gangland" -- NEW!
Thursday, October 22nd, 2009
2:00am (ET) "Gangland"