The usual complaint about Tobey is that "He's not a cocky Spider-man!" If anyone has any shred of sense they would know that it's not his fault, it's the writer's. If they've played the games based off the movies you'll see that he can be a cocky Spider-man.
first off, I think you need to stop with the bashing threads. It's seriously old now, and you're spamming like no other. first raimi; now tobey. and we keep him. if we replace him, then we do it some 6 years later with a new franchise. replacing him now would be like replacing jackman as wolverine, replacing bale as batman, replacing RDJ as stark.
this goes to you and your stupid thread.
I never said whether or not I wanted to keep him. I simply asked a question. And recasting him now isn't like Batman or Ironman. They've only had two films (one which isn't even out yet) with them. Tobey has had three films.
And besides, the majority of people seem to want someone else. I personally see Tobey like I did Keaton. He did ok and we accepted him because we didn't have anyone else. Now that we have Bale we can now see that Keaton wasn't a very good Batman. I feel the same way about Tobey. He was ok, but they could do MUCH better.
And you need to calm down. It was a simple question.
YOU can see Keaton wasnt a very good Batman. Keaton was an awesome Batman and thats seen by me and countless others. Keaton wasnt the ideal Bruce Wayne,but no faults as Batman. Its all a matter of opinion. But a very large majority think Keaton is better than Bale as Batman. That gravely voice...ugh.
I disagree. Specially with SM2. He prooved he can quip and has the right voice tone for this.He wasn't very good in the games when he tried to throw a wise crack either.
But a very large majority think Keaton is better than Bale as Batman.
He wasn't very good in the games when he tried to throw a wise crack either.
Spidey has been so-called cocky in the comics for over 40 years and he hasn't ever came off as annoying or arrogant. There's no excuse to not share with audiences a confident wise cracking spidey.I think he's great for the role. If you get a cocky Parker, you risk the threat of receiving an annoying, arrogant character IMO. Sometimes subtle wins out, especially on the big screen. I think he does all the little things. I only wish he was more keen on doing them. He gave everyone grief during SM2 (who really knows why) and said he didn't want to do 4. That's why they were looking at guys like Patrick Fugit. Other than that though, he's great for the role and can't wait for this one. I hope the writers grant him his wish of evolving the character. Something different.
It's kind of sad that people have turned on Tobey bc of SM 3.