My Ghost Rider review (I would post this on the GR forum, but he most the people I would care if they read this or not post here)
I liked what they tried to do with GR, I really did, however I feel MSJ ultimatley made the most rushed movie I have ever seen, the analogy I told my friend was, MSJ has been watching this apple bloom forever, and he sees that he has this chance to pick this awesome apple, but he grabs it to fast and it falls to the ground spoiling the apple
Personally what I would have done was skipp all the hollywood stuntman stuff, skip all of the impressing Eva Mendes stuff, skip the boss style fighting
I would have elaborated on the people, got some good actors to play the kids, and stayed with them for a little longer making them like 25-30 minutes of the movie as opposed to 10-15, I would have got Chris Cooper to play Barton Blaze, and show us why Johnny would sell his soul for him, and then forsure, I would have had Fonda patiently kill us with his masterful dialouge, which I can tell is what he wanted to do, but the movie was paced so rapidly it wasn't possible
Then when we get to Cage as the adult, he can be a hot shot stuntman, but we don't need to see him do any of his stunts, they add nothing to the movie, alls we need to see is the first one, and then him running into Mendes afterwards. Then Cage becomes sympathetic, trying to apologize to her for all those years etc etc. Then bye the time we actually get to Ghost Rider we have a solid movie with some solid characters, so GR doesn't have to save the movie in order for it to even be okay
Then the boss style fighting, I say forget it, get a bunch of mindless cronies for GR to take down to give us a taste, and then have the 4 guys gang up on him in the last fight scene
I think the fighting in general was kind of weak, and every fight i was waiting for their power level bars to appear at the top of the screen
I dunno, everything was there for it to be awesome, and it just fell short, my one huge complaint is how rushed i felt the movie was
things that worked, Cage, Fonda, Elliot, the western style (there was a nice Sergio Leone homage in there)