Iron Spider-Man (Spider-Man Origins)
I do like this packaging quite a bit. I find it funny that Hasbro actually tapes a lot of their packages shut with packing tape. My girlfriend went to get me a symbiote Spider-Man from the same line and thinking it was opened then resealed, she went back to get me another one. She noticed they were all like that, but she had thought that the one she got me was resealed. I do like these though a great deal, it reminds me of the first Spider-Man movie packaging which I thought was terrific. I give it a generous 7 out of 10. Would have been 8, but I thought the tape was stupid.
I had been waiting for this figure for some time. I had called it the "Last Marvel figure I'll ever buy". It was true in some sense because I thought I'd end up getting it a lot later than I actually did. Technically, my Hasbro ML are the last marvel figures I'll ever buy, at least for now. But This one looked fantastic, a lot like it did in the comics. So the first one I got was shipped to me from Canada. I loved it! With the exceptions you'll see later on, however. Then I noticed he had two left feet. Great! First Hasbro figure I get and it's screwed up! On Fwoosh I mocked those annoying ebay sellers who sell factory errors as if they're the next coming of the dark Phoenix by saying "LOOK! Rare HTF Factory Error Spider-Man that can't dance! He's got two left feet!". The sculpt is pretty solid, however. My only complaint is the overly pointy chin. I love how the yellow spider emblem and yellow parts stick out a bit, also. Very nice touch. I'll give it a 8/10 on sculpting.
Not much to say about the paint because it's pretty damn good. Nice yellow color, and the red is a nice shiney metallic red. I would have liked it to be a bit more brick red, I guess, but it's good as it is. 9/10!
Ok, here's where things get bad. Spider-Man should only lack articulation when he has an action figure or some weird suit that
he never wears in the comics, right? We've seen it plenty of times. It's acceptable that way. But this is a different suit that he does wear in the comics, and it's lacking some of the most fundamentally required articulation a figure could possibly have. For instance, way back when the original Spider-Man Classics came out (prior to marvel legends), while those figured lacked a bicep swivel and a few other POAs, they did not lack wrist or ankle articulation. In fact, I think they also didn't lack waist articulation. They are the ancestors of all the Marvel Legends-ish figures that have been produced and had some POA that rivals this Iron Spidey. Iron Spidey has some sweet articulation, but lacking wrist, ankle, and waist movement, that's just sad. It completely limits the coolness of this figure as he can't really strike the dynamic poses that make spidey, well, spidey. I'm not sure if he lost out on articulation because of the weird extra arm things he's got going on his back, but if he did, that's pathetic. Those arms things are hard to pose and really seem to be more of a nuisance than anything valuable. If I were to find out that the plastic that could have been used for the missing articulation was used for those arm thingies, I'll never buy another action figure again. I hope I don't find out. Ariticulation: 3 out of 10.
He comes with a basic base. And I guess those stupid arm things are considered accessories. Nothing great, but he doesn't need much. I would have liked an actual base like previous ML had, maybe even something Civil War related. I consider that a missed opportunity and that's why this figure gets a 5 out of 10 on accessories.
Overall score (give your own personal score).
"The last marvel figure I'll ever buy" turned out to be a disappointing one when it came to articulation. While it's still a solid figure, the amount of work it needs to make it a decent spidey figure nearly kills the value of it. I'm going to have to give it a 5 out of 10, because I expect so much more and was so disappointed.
Total score and grade: 37 out of 60. D-. Easily could have been a much better figure.
To see what Iron Spidey should be more like, check the following: