That was entirely different, but you didn't have the mental dexterity to grasp it then, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that time has done nothing for your understanding of such a basic concept. The reviews, when covering the "repetition" of N3, all stated the same thing - that all you did was run up to big groups of enemies, and kill them. That was the entire concept of the game, and so it stands to reason that it would be repeated, just as "all you do is drive" in Gran Turismo or Forza, and "all you do is shoot things" in Halo. It was a moronic complaint that fanboys looking for a game to hate and simple minded idiots latched onto, "or something stupid like that".
It's kind of sad that you still haven't gotten over an argument that took place in August, and your inability to grasp simple concepts in said argument. But then, if I were presented with such an argument and the only thing I could respond with was something as stupid as "oh, well some games are more repetitive than others", which has nothing to do with the argument, or even worse, "well Tomb Raider has walking
and crawling, so it's less repetitive despite the fact that it's the exact same basic action with only a superficial difference, and again totally irrelevant to the argument", I'd probably hold a lengthy grudge as well. Oh, "
You want to know why Heavenly Sword looks bad? Do you think it could be because it's from the makers of Kung Fu Chaos, a legendarily bad game? Do you think that it's because it's graphics look absolutely awful, with even 3rd generation xbox (as in, the last gen console) able to beat it out? Could it be because the terrible developers has not only made a terrible looking game, but a game that is terrible compared to it's competition, games like a several year old Xbox port or DMC4, games that mop the floor with it graphically and gameplay wise? The game looks awful, and much like Resistance, is only receiving hype for being a launch game. It's the PS3's answer to "Gun" making a launch appearance.