i just realized something. in the manga/anime, Goku is a nature boy. he obviously spent most of his youth in the wilderness becoming in tune with mother nature. this is a hugely missed opportunity to capitalize on the climate/nature issue in the world today. instead of making Goku a sort of spokesperson or voice for nature and reason, they seem to have lowered him to a high schooler who just can't seem to fit in. with Goku being in a modern high school, we can only assume that (like most of us) he's grown accustomed to relying on technology for his needs.
when people say that Goku's supposed to be stupid or somewhat of an idiot, it's in the sense that he's not technologically advanced like we are. he doesn't understand the way the sophisticated world works but instead understands the workings of nature. i'm not saying they should've pushed the nature vs technology issue in our faces, but in a subtle way like LotR did. for instance, Saruman carelessly cut down all these trees so he can build his army but in a twist of irony the ents (talking trees) used mother nature's most powerful weapon (water) to destroy everything that Saruman worked so hard and diabolically for. they could have easily implemented something similar in Dragon Ball for Goku, but instead had to resort to playing towards the MTV crowd by including scenes of Goku being the cliche'd unpopular savior of his high school.
like i said, a huge opportunity that wasn't taken.