Ultimate wolverine is probably the worst figure in my book now. I know I hate the movie figs, but I don't reallly count them as marvel legends. But I think Ultimate Wolverine looks even worse than banshee. Sure banshee sucks, but UW's face looks even worse. That is the uglist figure face ever.
And as everyone knows, I don't care about movie figs, so no sense in me mentioning those waste of ML spots.
She-hulk looks great and one of my top 10 wants. I'd have more problems with this line but she redeems them.
Thor looks pretty good, though he is nowhere near as sweet as the one showed at...uh, whereever we first saw him. I remember him being more muscular, and more realistic looking. But I'll still gladly get this one.
Quicksilver and Yellowjack are fine additions, but as FTB said, they don't really have a whole lot of detail but that's forgivable since they would look a little bland no matter what really. As lead IMO. But I'm glad to expand the avenger shelf. And instead of lumping all of the avengers together, it's getting closer of having the possiblity to have enough for the west coast avengers roster as well as my other avengers shelf.
And Xorn, meh. Don't really care.
FTB, if you decide you don't want any of the four I actually want, but you get them for the peices, let me know and I might take them off your hands.