The Wolverine how bloody should this film be?


Jan 25, 2009
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just a question.

i mean wolverine is gonna battle lots of ninjas this time. i hope they go for an R rating. this should not be pg-13.

we don't need. Machete / Punisher Warzone / Rambo 4 level of gore but we need something close to it. wolverine needs to use some heroic violence against some evil ruthless ninjas.

and since logan has healing powers, i hope that they finally show the full extent of logans healing power with some quality CG and blood prosthetics. meaning he should get slashed , stabbed and hacked and shot up but still get back up and slice thru the enemy.

infact it should be fun. lots of times. asian mafia seem to be unbeatable and just too powerful.

has anyone ever seen the film Black Rain with Michael Douglas. the asian mafia just seemed to deadly to be messed with and michael douglas is a fish out of water.

in this film. wolverine is the type of adversary they aren't ready for because he has sharp metal claws and he can't die.

this article here talks about this in detail.
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An R rating is very doubtful, unless Jackman and Aronofsky charmed the pants off of the folks at Fox chances are very likely that this will be PG-13. Would it be awesome if they did something like the cut scenes from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game, of course - but I'll be fine if the level of stabbing/slashing/general maiming is done like it was done in X2. That was intense and violent without going gratuitous.
An R rating is very doubtful, unless Jackman and Aronofsky charmed the pants off of the folks at Fox chances are very likely that this will be PG-13. Would it be awesome if they did something like the cut scenes from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game, of course - but I'll be fine if the level of stabbing/slashing/general maiming is done like it was done in X2. That was intense and violent without going gratuitous.

good point. but i really don't see a toy-line and merchandising tie in for this. they screwed up last time. orgins had alot of toys tie ins, cartoons, 7-11 and pizza hut promotion. and then the film was beyond horrible.

so while i agree with what you are saying, i'll keep my fingers crossed for a R rating.

because logan will face guys who look like this. and we need some blood this time.

i say they should aim for some ninja assasin level violence or something close to it.





we need wolverine to do this.
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If Aronofsky can make a hardcore R rated movie about a psycho Ballerina and gross over 100 million then I dont see why a huge franchise name like Wolverine cant be a successful R rated film as well.

I want to see some hardcore crazy s***!!!

Bring the violence. Its needed in a Wolverine film.
yeah. we will have to see how it plays out. i guess Darren is taking his time which is fine. but not getting any new news is freustrating.

all we know so far is the characters and that hugh will put on more muscle for this. we will see how it plays out.
Honestly I dont think The Wolverine needs to be R. Adding blood and cursing wont help the story if it ends up being bad and Im not holding my breath for it to be R
I do wanna see some X2 Mansion Rampage Level of Action though
I don't think we need R either.

Watch X2: X-men United.

Watch the flashbacks to Weapon X where Logan breaks out and his claws come out the first time...he's bleeding all over, in pain and screaming in a rage, and agony. THAT is what should have been captured in X-men Origins: Wolverine. We should have seen that scene recreated and expound upon. I really wish Singer directed that film it would have been amazing...he really had an understanding of the creepiness of Weapon X and the back alley science that it was....this was a covert government operation that was hardly known about by the government it was a part of...and it wasn't done by the Americans!

Point being, the flashbacks in X2: X-men United and to a lesser degree in X-men, show that Wolverine can be serviced in a PG-13 rated film. It has to push PG-13 to the limits but it can be done.....X-men Origins: Wolverine was just goofy in it's execution of Weapon X...major let down. It didn't even look like the same Alkali Lake facility...more blues than greens....less painful, less brutal, just a big, hulking disappointment.

It's interesting that with the exception of The Fountain (which was originally R before recuts), the director here has never made a movie that didn't get an R rating before.
If it is in fact going to be PG-13 and they do have blood in it, I can see them going digital with it. That way they can see how far they can go with it without having to cut scenes.
Point being, the flashbacks in X2: X-men United and to a lesser degree in X-men, show that Wolverine can be serviced in a PG-13 rated film. It has to push PG-13 to the limits but it can be done.....X-men Origins: Wolverine was just goofy in it's execution of Weapon X...major let down. It didn't even look like the same Alkali Lake facility...more blues than greens....less painful, less brutal, just a big, hulking disappointment.


X2 did get an R at one point for the violence with Wolverine and I dont consider that movie very violent. That scene isnt that bad imo but I do undertand how differet people perceive how violent films are in movies different so to each their own.

The Wolverine doesnt need to be R. What it is does need is violence. I was never really satisfied with the way any of the X films have portrayed Wolverines violent side including X2 except for the stabbing with Deathstrike. Just make it R. I think we would get a better movie without the Director holding back.
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The MPAA is weird as hell, I remember from the DVD of X2 that they apparently had a problem with the intensity when Wolverine stabs the guy into the fridge, but a naked Wolverine running down a hall covered in blood is a-okay.
yeah. we will have to see how it plays out. i guess Darren is taking his time which is fine. but not getting any new news is freustrating.

Well, in fairness he has been a bit busy with his Oscar nominations and everything. :cwink:

After tomorrow, hopefully he'll get to focus full-time on The Wolverine.
X2 did get an R at one point for the violence with Wolverine and I dont consider that movie very violent. That scene isnt that bad imo but I do undertand how differet people perceive how violent films are in movies different so to each their own.

The Wolverine doesnt need to be R. What it is does need is violence. I was never really satisfied with the way any of the X films have portrayed Wolverines violent side including X2 except for the stabbing with Deathstrike. Just make it R. I think we would get a better movie without the Director holding back.
Truth all the way through. I remember watching the movie for the first time, when Wolvie goes all nuts at the mansion and stabs that first guy. My jaw just dropped, I was so shocked. I understand a lot of people wants slicing and dicing, but stabbing and jabbing might be more likely. As long as it's portrayed like X2 and in larger quantities, it'll be just fine for me.
I wouldn't mind a pg13 rating for release, but for the love of God give me a R rated directors cut
It's not the blood that counts. Do you see a lot of blood in the comics? I don't know about you, but the comics are really not that bloody. If they can capture the essence of the Wolverine, then you hardly need any blood.
It's not the blood that counts. Do you see a lot of blood in the comics? I don't know about you, but the comics are really not that bloody. If they can capture the essence of the Wolverine, then you hardly need any blood.

this is true. the orgins video game cinematics are pretty bloody. we don't need it to be that graphic. but it should be very close to that.

its the essence of wolverine that counts.

my only concern as been seeing a villian in wolverine 2 that is worthy of logans fury. Sabertooth is such a vilian as well as death strike.

but since this is a reboot, we now need to see some bad ass ninja samurai's and yakuza that deserve a good slashing.
Most movies I've seen that have gotten slapped with an R for blood have overused the blood.

And this movie, like it or not, will get a significant amount of its ROI from merchandising, which doesn't work with an R movie. Hard to get mamas to buy chunks of plastic for a movie they can't take the kids to in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, the very idea of Jackman in something R-rated is pretty much what I see whenever I close my eyes, but that's a different category entirely. :hrt:

As someone above said, there was a striking, bloody scene in X2 that wasn't gratuitous. And as someone else said, I'll be happy with a solid plot regardless of gore levels.
doesn't need cursing.

i want to hear "flammin" "muckin" and all other wolverine utterances.

DOES need violence, thats JUST enough to push it to an R rating for ONLY fantasy violence then i am SOLD.
As bloody as Braindead and Inside, or The Sword of Doom.

But it won't be bloody at all, see PG-13.

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