Sequels How would you plan a hard reboot if DOFP flops big time?


I'm like Deadpool IRL
Jul 22, 2013
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For one, I'd have the team's roster develop the same way it did in the comics. The original cast would be seven members who are Cyclops, Phoenix, Iceman, Beast, Havok, Angel and Polaris.

The plot of the first film would be loosely based on the Proteus saga. Charles Xavier, Magneto and Beast for the X-Men together to make a stand that mutants aren't monsters, they aren't freaks and they can indeed contribute to society. Naturally, Proteus is exactly the reason why mutants are feared, he's able to absorb most energy into himself and eventually becomes an energy being and murders his mother Moira who was doing her best to find a way to help him control his powers so he could lead a normal life. The X-Men are forced to do battle with Proteus within the Muir Island laboratory and have no choice but to kill him as he clearly wants to die and believes that monsters like him and the X-Men themselves all deserve to die horribly in a world that will never accept them. Magneto is deeply bothered by this and instead seeks to pursue mutant separatism so that nobody will follow the same path that Kevin McTaggart did.

The sequel would start back in the 80s. Wolverine is being experimented on up in Canada, breaks out of the lab and then confronts the man seemingly in charge of the project named Dr. Essex. Essex escapes but Wolverine is lost trying to figure out who he is, what his memories are and the only reminder is a damaged dog tag around his neck that reads, "Logan." Fast forward to today. Wolverine is on a trip with new recruits Nightcrawler, Colossus, Thunderbird and Storm to the island of Krakoka where the plot becomes a medley between Giant Size X-Men #1, Mutant Genesis and Fatal Attractions. Magneto has claimed the previously uninhabited island as a sovereign nation, one where mutants can find sanctuary but has recently declared war against the United States. The X-Men are sent in to stop him. More importantly, Cyclops sent Havok out to lead the team with only him and Phoenix back at the mansion. Cyclops' guilt over losing contact with the other X-Men drives him into a state of recklessness throughout the film.

Thunderbird seemingly dies on the island fighting the Acolytes (composed of Fabian Cortez, Mystique, Blob, Amelia Voight, Pyro and Avalanche), Colossus is captured and then joins the Acolytes after Magneto proves that there was meant to be a nuclear strike on Krakoka and Mystique refers to Wolverine as James Howlett which is a name that Wolverine himself doesn't recognize. Cyclops finds Havok, Beast and Polaris who confirm that Iceman and Angel went AWOL when Icaman tried to usurp control. Thunderbird then reveals himself to have survived but is then attacked by the island's plants and sucked down a deep dark hole. This is when Beast mentions that he's observed that the plants may have evolved as an ecosystem to gain sentience with the roots forming a nervous system deep underground and they see the mutants on the island as a threat. Havok suggests abandoning the mission but Cyclops tells him that they're finding out what happened to Iceman and Angel and stopping Magneto no matter what the cost.

The Acolytes see how much of the foliage is frozen over which shouldn't even be possible, which is when Iceman and Angel appear to let them know that the foliage seemed to try to drag them into the Earth and everyone has to leave immediately. Colossus laughs it off, Iceman and Angel fight the Acolytes but are defeated and again taken prisoner.

Cyclops enters Magneto's base on the island and the X-Men do battle with the Acolytes and appear to be winning until Magneto shows up and holds Wolverine hostage. He tells the X-Men to return home for everyminute they continue to tresspass, Wolverine will be subjected to even more agonizing pain as Magneto bends his joints backwards one by one. This is when Colossus defects back to the X-Men since he's not willing to aid a torturer. Magneto then grips Colossus in the same way, also shattering his bones.

Magneto then presents documents of Charles Xavier briefing Cyclops two weeks earlier on a plan to assassinate Magneto so that a nuclear strike can proceed without error. Cyclops then informs Magneto that Havok was supposed to lead the team and Cyclops was off in Paris at the time. He then provides a recording of himself and Xavier discussing orders, which include trying to resolve the conflict peacefully, get Magneto to give up his weapons of mass destruction without conflict and bring him in alive if possible. Magneto then asks Cortez how exactly this discrepancy is possible to which Cortez replies by shooting Pyro to death after Pyro corners him. Magneto then constricts Cortez's armor until his suffocates. He then offers to speak before the international community to clarify the situtation at which moment the ground begins to split open to devour the X-Men and Acolytes both. Everyone makes a run for the Blackbird jet and escapes to safety.

Magneto is then arrested by the authorities but breaks free and says that just as Xavier has his dream, so does he while his daughter Polaris and Havok then side with the National Guard forces and offer to join them as a new mutant military strike team known as X-Factor.

The third film would be a cross between Mutant Massacre and Inferno where Sinister begins murdering the mutants dwelling within the sewers to harvest their corpses for his experiments. One named Marrow manages to escape to the surface where she's hospitalized. Cut to the X-Mansion where a young couple from New Orleans arrive on Xavier's doorstep demanding that he protect them. Neither of them are willing to divulge what went wrong and Xavier when trying to read Gambit's mind Rogue touches him, temporarily draining his powers. All that Gambit is willing to divulge is that something is happening beneath New Orleans and that Xavier should send the X-Men there. He points out the story on Xavier's computer and tells him that it wasn't a hate crime, it's worse than he can ever possibly imagine and he should question the girl in the hospital. He also sees a newborn Nathan Summers and then hears teenagers in the hall. He then tells Xavier that the school is no place for children anymore. It doesn't matter that the X-Men are funded by the government, something terrifying is coming.

Jean arrives at the hospital, encounters Marrow, asks her who did this and what the want. Marrow tells Jean that she doesn't know but she watched her friends die. She then screams in terror as a nurse brings her food. Marrow screams that it's poison and the nurse is trying to kill her. Jean responds that she's not trying to murder her, she's a telepath and can prove that everything is alright. Upon reading the nurse's mind Jean realizes that she's Arclite in disguise right as Arclite attacks Jean. Jean pushes Arclite out the window using telekinesis and chases her around the city. Arclite is then defeated by a woman claiming to be a British intelligence agent named Elizabeth Braddock who's investigating a possible British citizen who's murdering mutants in the area. The catch is that he's a mutant himself.

Jean takes Psylocke to meet the other X-Men and demands that Marrow be looked after by Nightcrawler. Jean begins to ask Gambit exactly what he knows and knows that she can get any and all information out of him now that Rogue's gone. Gambit reveals that he and Rogue were both part of a group known as the Marauders who split off from a secret Cold War-era project known as Weapon X which was put together by various Western Bloc nations to breed super soldiers. Their lair is deep beneath the city within the sewers, the same as their victims. Gambit and Rogue initially joined to protect themselves from a ruthless gang leader named Belladonna Bordeaux but abandoned them once their methods began becoming far too cruel.

The X-Men head into the sewers where they split up so one team (Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Beast, Angel and Rogue) can protect the Morlocks, the other team (Cyclops, Iceman, Phoenix, Gambit, Rogue and Psylocke) will accompany Gambit to Sinister's lair. Naturally, the defense team encounters the Marauders (Arclite, Sabertooth, Scalphunter, Blockbuster and Riptide) who manage to sever Angel's wings befor murdering him, get storm electrocuted by her own powers, critically injure Beast and break Colossus' back. Wolverine learns that he has to trust Rogue as they're the only two left. This is where Sabertooth meets Wolverine and asks him where he got those dog tags. Oh, and Wolverine isn't Logan, That's Sabertooth's name... and he's Wolverine's half-brother who served with him on Team-X, Wolverine's real name is James Howlett and Wolverine was mind wiped because he was a failed experiment of Weapon X. Sabertooth was the success and the project's director who made Wolverine what he is today is leading the Marauders.

Meanwhile, Cyclops encounters Sinister who tells Cyclops to his face that he's not going to kill him because he's special and is destined for great things. He instead wants Cyclops to join him because Sinister is fighting a "greater evil." He explains that he only kills homeless mutants who need to hide away from the world at large as they haven't learned to control their powers whom nobody will miss but they can still help save the world in death. Cyclops then calls Sinister the real monster and attacks Sinister alongside the rest of his team but they're no match for Sinister's power despite a valiant effort. Sinister then escapes.

Wolverine continues to fight Sabertooth while Rogue absorbs the power of the remaining Marauders eventually copying all of their abilities and saving Wolverine's life. Eventually, the Marauders retreat. Callisto thanks the X-Men and Healer begins nursing the wounded back to health but admits that he can't save Angel.

The X-Men then return to the mansion only to find it in flames, Sinister holds Cyclops' child hostage while gloating about killing Nightcrawler and most of the students. Xavier is injured by Scalphunter shooting him in the spine. Sinister sees Wolverine and tells him that he was always a disappointment. Sinister then infects young Nathan with a disease and says that he will begin turning to metal within the hour, if Cyclops wants to save him, the only way is to freeze him so he can be cured in the future... assuming there is still a future left for him to save and the destruction that the X-Men see today is nothing compared to what is to come but it won't be by Sinister's hand.

After the credits an unseen figure asks Angel who's now half mechanical how it feels to be alive again.

The Fourth film starts with the school rebuilt and Shadowcat graduating. she says that in addition to taking university level courses offered at Charles' Xavier's school, she also wants to be an X-Man after Nightcrawler died saving her from Sabertooth during the Marauders' attack. She's accepted into the X-Men as is Marrow who's revealed to have joined the Xavier school. Cyclops demands that the X-Men train harder to be ready for whatever comes., Beast is finally able to walk again although he mentions that it's sometimes hard to not limp. Xavier, however, is now confined to a wheelchair.

This is where Apocalypse comes in. I'm too tired right now to think of how id' develop this.
My answer to this: NOPE, no reboot at all if DOFP flops.

Rebooting after DOFP flops would be a bigger sign to flop that Fox is admitting defeat. They could at least do more smaller X-films with a budget of $120 million.
My answer to this: NOPE, no reboot at all if DOFP flops.

Rebooting after DOFP flops would be a bigger sign to flop that Fox is admitting defeat. They could at least do more smaller X-films with a budget of $120 million.

Respectly If DOFP bombs then Fox will reboot.

I think some need to get it out of their heads the films will ever match perfectly lineup of 616 X-Men.Your not getting a perfect 616 repersentation of avengers.Hell even ultimates had Ant-man and wasp.The ant-man film may be focusing on scott Lang not henry Pym.

A reboot of X-Men might be based on Ultimate X-Men like Disney did with the
avengers based on Ultimates.Sony Is doing ultimate to certaine xtent with
Amazing Spider-man.Fox may be going the ultimate path with FF.

It was new X-Men of Wolverine,Storm,Nightcrawler,Colossus,and Banshee which helped turn X-Men into best selling comic fans know.

The ultimate path studios go in Is factor why I don't want a reboot of X-Men.And unlike other ultimate books I have read ultimate X-Men.That's because X-Men was my favorate comic book when i bought new comics.And
that got me to buy first 33 Issues of ultimate X-Men.I know others disagree with me on that.
Almost agree with above.

Only difference...

Start with just the 5 original X-Men. Have one movie with just those 5. Then in movie 2 you can introduce Havok (Scott's brother) and Polaris. In this one, or in movie #3, the team gets into trouble and Xavier has to recruit a bunch of international mutants, including Wolverine, Banshee, Thunderbird, Nightcrawler, Storm, etc. They save the original team, who decides to break off and form their own team, X-Factor.

Now you'd have two teams in the same universe. Add in the F4 and you would have 3 teams. Then in the Uncanny X-Men you could bring in Sprite and show her relationship with Nightcrawler, Logan and Colossus. During this you can show some secondary characters and have cameos of the "New Mutants".

Everything just flows, correctly this time, from there. The New Mutants become X-Force. Excaliber is formed with Nightcrawler and Shadowcat.

And now you would have five different teams, and that wouldn't even include the possibility of Alpha Flight!

Problem is... DOFP is not going to be a flop, will make money, and will lead to what looks like a poor use of Apocalypse.
X-3 underperformed big time, sorry 450 million out of a 210 million budget is not great. So why would fox reboot when they could have rebooted with first class, only maybe if dofp has horrible reviews and flops like b & r did then I can see them rebooting.
X3 could have done much more if they movie would have been memorable.

The first weekend was really really strong and suggested a great run, but fans and many audience members left dissapointed and that played a negative factor.

It still did good, but could have reached 500m easily.
X-3 underperformed big time, sorry 450 million out of a 210 million budget is not great. So why would fox reboot when they could have rebooted with first class, only maybe if dofp has horrible reviews and flops like b & r did then I can see them rebooting.

But it might maybe underperformed but X3 is still the top grossing X-Men film to this date.
Don't get why some are obsessed with having the original line-up.

It's movies not comics, they have to condense characters history on the teams and pick not the most common or integral but the most popular to appeal to a broad audience. People will be all "Where the hell is Rogue? where the hell is Wolverine?? ect...ect...
Don't get why some are obsessed with having the original line-up.

Because they are the original cast, the series started/peaked with them and just like with other movie franchises out there. People would be more interested to seeing the cast that had the biggest success at the box-office, not spin-offs with unfamiliar faces.

With X-Men, its the original trilogy. Just compare the hype of The Wolverine/First Class/Origins to DOFP.
I think he's talking about the original 5 in the comics.
Don't get why some are obsessed with having the original line-up.

Same reason some are obsessed with Wolverine and Rogue. It's not like the original crew are the only ones fans are asking for. These are popular characters all around. Of course there are fans who want the comic accuracy. Never gonna change.

Bottom line is X-Men has too many good characters, and we all have our preference. If they are not wanting to see the Orgiinal crew or the OT then they want Gambit or Nightcrawler, or Emma, or Kitty, or Polaris or every character. The only one that the writers actually admit to including for popularity and lead reasons is Wolverine. Every other character besides him is banking on the X-Men name first and foremost for the cash at this point. All the X-Men members besides him and Prof X have been disappearing/reappearing through the years.
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I think when the reboot day arrives, around 2025 or so, Fox will put both Gambit and Rogue on the very first movie, and obviously Cyclops and Jean too.

Maybe Fox will follow a similar approach than 90's show, having that roster as the main cast, and then using some mutants from time to time in sequels, like Angel, Havok, Polaris, Nightcrawler, etc.
TAS has one of the best rosters for the core team imo. I'd substitute Kitty for Jubilee though. Got nothing against her just think Kittys a stronger character. Cyc, Jean, Gambit, Rogue, Beast, Wolverine, Kitty and Storm is a pretty solid roster. Almost had that in X3.

I have no problem with them not starting with the original crew. Just want it to be explained that other main members are there if its not focused on the start of the school. They kind of did with the students in the OT, which should be there. But not so much other members.
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One of the supporting X-Men I see appearing right there on the very first movie is Nightcrawler, since he was a fan favourite of X2 and Fox didnt have the chance to exploit this character.

Beast has appeared both in X3 and the prequels, so maybe just maybe Fox decides to start the reboot with Nightcrawler, and in the sequel will introduce Hank as a human first, to develop his transformation better.

A first movie with Nightcrawler and Kitty on the same movie could bring pretty cool moments, and a great chemistry/friendship between Kurt and Wolverine too.
a better planned out reboot wouldn't hurt if i'm honest, something where they can set the relationships early rather then ignore it for 2 or 3 films then be like oh crap now what do we do..

nothing against the current franchise but like the current spider-man franchise you can do more with an early plan
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Beast has appeared both in X3 and the prequels, so maybe just maybe Fox decides to start the reboot with Nightcrawler, and in the sequel will introduce Hank as a human first, to develop his transformation better.
Yeah, Hank is much more resourceful to the team then Kurt though, so its easier to find a spot for him. Hank has really done alot for the X-Men even when not fightingm and his absence always shows when the X-Men are trying to figure something out at the mansion and hes not there. Fills a very specific role. Just depends on what they want to do though. Both are great characters.
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yeah, but Nightcrawler is too badass to leave him out any longer.... so hopefully Fox uses him more next time around.

He would easily be one of the most coolest characters visually, because of his power, and could lead to some original sequences, both fight scenes and little moments on the school and all of that
IF they put every bad ass X-Men character in the flick they would be over flowing with characters haha. They are all pretty much bad asses when done correctly. We havn't even seen an sick psychic battle. Those telepaths can seriously jack **** up in peoples heads!

Not saying they shouldnt use him btw. One of my favs. Just that theres too many great characters to choose from. Many are not gonna make the cut, just the way it goes. I'd like to think we all agree Cyclops should be front and center in a reboot scenario though. Who would your main 5 be for the reboot Angamb?
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5 wouldnt be enough, so Id go with 7 :D

about them, mmm.... let me think...


would be great to see another version of Iceman doing cooler and funnier stuff, but... I think Nightcrawler deserves the spot a bit more, right now. Iceman still has DOFP to shine, and it would be his fourth movie, so Nightcrawler would be a better choice, to me. Similar case with Kitty, she deserves another movie too, with a different take maybe, more light, fresh and funny, since you know, not all the X-Men should be these deep, serious and sad mutants :funny:
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I remember the good old days...when everyone was so excited about a new comic movie coming out that they made hundreds of threads about what else would we get "what are we going to do after it flops" threads.....
I remember the good old days...when everyone was so excited about a new comic movie coming out that they made hundreds of threads about what else would we get "what are we going to do after it flops" threads.....

:up: :up:

Great post. So much pessimism these days. I think it's alot of that is to do with people taking sides with studios and brands and competing with the others rather than being open to all.
5 wouldnt be enough, so Id go with 7 :D

about them, mmm.... let me think...


would be great to see another version of Iceman doing cooler and funnier stuff, but... I think Nightcrawler deserves the spot a bit more, right now. Iceman still has DOFP to shine, and it would be his fourth movie, so Nightcrawler would be a better choice, to me. Similar case with Kitty, she deserves another movie too, with a different take maybe, more light, fresh and funny, since you know, not all the X-Men should be these deep, serious and sad mutants :funny:

I agree, especially with Kitty and a lighter tone. I liked her alot in X3. I thought FC had the perfect balance tbh. Be interesting if Singer transitions that with DOFP or if we get more of a X2 vibe. Hope Iceman gets his chance to Ice up and actually do some kick ass stuff this go around.
:up: :up:

Great post. So much perssimism these days.

Agree with both of you.

Can we just get excited for X-Men:Days of future past.

We have X-Men:APocalypse In the works and another wolverine and X-Force In planning stages.Maybe even deadpool.

Hoping DOFP to bomb:wall:

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