an L S P one just next door would be more interesting.
That's the whole point...And yet the L S P conventioneers would not be able to stay away from the Hype convention even though they claim to detest it.
But let's be honest, only a few of us would really have a chance.
Would there be groups of guys huddled together passing around pictures of Jessica Alba and Hayden Panettiere?
We would need one of the inflatable gladiator pits.
The Church of Alba V. The Panettiere Patrol
The Climax Being: JAL v. The Chairman
It would climax with Alba and Panettiere arriving to sign autographs only to find JAL and The Chairman both too terrified to approach their table.
No one would mind the fact that "Alba" and "Panettiere" would simply be Morg and Cmill in drag!?!
No one would mind the fact that "Alba" and "Panettiere" would simply be Morg and Cmill in drag!?!
Nope, not even after the numerous gropes.
They wouldn't even know where to hold it. I suggested here in Chicago so everyone would have to travel a somewhat similar distance. East and West coasts are both too far off the beaten path for some people. It would be difficult to set up, and quite a few of posters on here are minors and they ain't about to be traveling by themselves.....or get raped by the less genial hypesters.
What we really need is an open bar...
Imagine the possibilities of JAL waking up next to Morg-Alba after one to many Long Island Ice Teas