I will only talk about things that involve me, and then I amd one with this.
The jury is supposed to pick who they feel should win the game. Not who they like more. Many of the best Survivor players use a strategy very similar to mine. JewHob and Matt both won the last two games playing a similar game to what I did in this game. Kipobe has won 3 games playing this way. Holly has won twice playing this way. Why is it right for these players to manipulate the board, backstab the majority of the players in the game, but when I use the same strategy, I am somehow judged more harshly? It is a double standard to reward these players for playing a ruthless game and to penalize me for doing so.
No one will be voting based on who they like better, they WILL be voting who they feel played the better game. A game that allows the winner to deserve to win. The fact that you disrespect Kalel like that is...well its not surprising by you.
I am sure Matt would be surprised by this comment but he actually didn't play that bad of a game besides the whole Mod Power thing. Which is something entirely different. He only went for JH after the CC pm, and he went after me after the retaliation to JH's departure. Besides that he held true to the people he was aligned with, which you can imagine is hard for me to say but is actually true.
As for JH backstabbing you, well you probably deserved it, and your reputation precedes you so there would be reason why to question it. So I wouldn't hold anything against him. Plus he is obviously a much better player on how he handled the vote-outs and who he brought to the jury, and as such deserved to win.
As for the other players, I can't speak for their games as I didn't play in them but there are obviously many circumstances and variables that are left out in this statement, especially considering you never played in some of those games as well.
Marx and Powder talk of honoring alliances and are trying to say my method of play is somehow wrong. Powder was going to choose me for final 2 because he wanted to go to final 2 with someone had blood on their hands so he could get the jury votes for being the lesser of two evils.
No, I wanted to go to the finals on who I promised that too, from
before this game even started. I never made any promise to Ahura, Kalel, IF, Pat, NYS, TEDDY or anyone else. If you felt I would have more sympathy in the finals than you, then that is just you coming up with a reason to defend your decision and possibly a quilty concience for what you have done to the other players.
Powder betrayed Marx. He made that final 3 commitment. He didn't have to vote Marx out, but he did, and when does he apologize? Right after he finds out I selected Kal. Powder is just as much a backstabber as me, no matter what he says. He doesn't honor promises, yet had he made final 2, he would have told you how his methods are not wrong. How he deserves to win and be rewarded for playing the best game. The only reason he is condemning me is because he got burned. It doesn't matter to him if he burns you. When it is him betraying you, it is not wrong. Yet, he is going to condemn me for backstabbing and having no honor? His entire argument is hypocritical. Marx is also, don't be fooled. He didn't have to vote for Iron Fist when I asked, but he did. He has also avoided me asking what he would have done had he been at final 4 with me, IF, and Pat. The reason he doesn't want to answer and dodges that point is because he is a hypocrit. In this situation, he would be betraying an ally, yet for some reason, it isn't wrong of him to do so. Am I the only one who sees through this hypocracy?
Wow, are you goig to give any reason why you should win, or are just going to attack me in your closing argument. I think you are confused, I am NOT in the finals, Kal is. There is so much b******t in this speech I can't even breathe from the stink.
I wasn't the one pming you every day about voting MArx out.
I wasn't the one providing reasons on why he can't be trusted, including the whole using mod power thing which carried from the previous game.
I wasn't the one pushing the separation of our deal with him.
I was the one who pleaded and talked you out of voting him in two different occasions.
I was also the one who had to be convinced by you after many attempts.
I was the one trying to keep our deal together.
I was the one stuck between being loyal to the person I made a final two deal with or who I made a final three deal with. And
I was the one that was obviously upset after his vote.
As for IF, are you forgetful, or are you just being conveniently forgetful. IF was tossed around by you before he was actually voted out. It was only after he was the only person not to do a challenge, we felt we had to be loyal to the remaining allies in the game. Hmm....its like you will say anything to get the attention off you.
Powder had said to me many times he felt Kal was “too innocent” to lose. Kal is my greatest ally I ever had in Survivor. He is my Survivor best friend, and this is why I chose him to make final 2. However, what makes Kal innocent and me guilty? When we hit individual rounds, Kal voted where I wanted him to and he knew EVERYTHINGI was doing. He knew I was using my idol on Pat. He knew several rounds in advance I wanted to go for Marx (and was ready to place that vote in the rounds before the round Marx got voted out). I hid nothing from Kal. How can the man who voted with me be “innocent?”
Umm more lies. I only said
ONCE that kal would be impossible for you to beat as he didn't have do what you did. I did not say that he was innocent or more likeable that you seem to like to throw words in my mouth. But again, that's what you are good at right? Making up a bunch of words, and say anything to get what you want. Plus that was after you obviously threw the previous challenge in favor for him. I knew you were going to betray me in the end and I warned you in betraying me like you did everyone else.
Plus you seem to forget, kal didn't make promises to me, Marx, or anyone else in this game like you did. Its funny you say things like it should be a shock, but in fact you didn't know Kal let Marx know that he was being voted out. The guy is a far more loyal player, and I only wish I brought him instead of you.
Kal is not innocent and he did get his hands dirty. But when looking at the bigger picture, he didn't have to do what you did to get himself to the end. He got himself there. His name never came up once between marx or I because he was a loyal ally to everyone.
In order to manipulate votes, I allied with my prime potential competition (Powder and Marx) and allied with my regular allies. I didn't have to get involved in the councils where my tribe didn't win because they eliminated mostly players I had no allegiance to. So I really couldn't lose no matter what they did. However, in councils I was involved in, I swayed votes where I needed them to go. When we got to the individual portion of the game, I dictated the voting more than any other player. The closest I came to losing my advantage was Pat's round. After TEDDY got voted out, Powder was on vacation, so Marx had a chance to get temporary numbers by taking out NYS. So I got Kal and NYS to vote for Pat and I used my idol on NYS. Ahura didn't vote in that council (likely wasn't online). By winning that round, I kept my options open.
You make it sound like you managed this whole game all by yourself. We found each other way before this game even started, and we brought in Marx before he even committed to playing the game. So you then made deals with us, and then turned around and made deals with everyone and their mother. Which is something neither Marx or I did. You only made it far in this game because you relied on the word that marx and I held in our deal since you knew we were more honorable players than you and would honor our end of the deal. Without us, you wouldn't have any where near as control in this game. You make it sound like you are some mastermind planner, when in reality you are just a snake who lied his way and broke promises throughout this game to get himself to the end. That is all, nothing more, nothing...well maybe less.
Kalel was well connected in this game as well. His name was safe throughout this game and was never brought up in a possible vote out. (Correct me if I am wrong Kalel but I don't think you received one vote.) Yeah he won a bunch of challenges but he made himself safe in this whole game by his connections, and he didn't have to promise everything to get there. He was never on your team, and he made it to the jury on his own.
Okay I have enough of this and wasted enough time. I have said my peace and only hope the right and most deserving player wins.
But if my name comes up again, I promise I will be back.