I buy every issue of certain books just to keep the run going. When I go back & reread series, I end up running out & buying the issues I stopping buying just to see where the story will go. So I figure, why stop in the 1st place?
I buy every issue of Amazing, Avengers, CAP, DD, FF, GotG, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Nova, T-bolts, Thor
Batman, Detective (have about 400 issues of each of those books) JSA, WW, Supergirl.
You see, I converted a spare bedroom in my house into a comic library. SO I have 7 ft shelf son 3 of the walls filled with my comics. Now if I want to access any issue, I know exactly where it is. I have dividers with labels telling me exactly whats between each divider. For example, I have Marvel Westerns as a separate space. All my Marvel western books are in there, regardless of where they may fall in the alphabet. I figure, if I want to read a western book, I will not remember the exact title, so I might not find it... and I want all the western books in one place, making it easier to find. They are mostly mini series, so if I put them in alphabetical order, they would be all over the place. Same goes for MArvel Monsters, Dark Reign, Secret Invasion. Other than that, everything is by company, then alphabet.