It's a fact that the movie looks like SinCity 2. I bet the producers don't mind though because SinCity was a hit.
Not only is it denial to think anything else... but, being in denial that something you like is similiar to something else you like is just wierd.
If you like Frank Miller, you should be happy that Frank Miller is doing work that looks like Frank Miller.
The studio (who is the one promoting the film... and is hoping to capitalize from it) are undoubtedly going to try to tap into the fanbase of Sin City...
It's not completely Miller's fault that the early promotion all featured black and white, stark imagery with a dash of color, and the posters were sexually evocative... The posters of the girls are VERY similiar to the Sin City posters of Nancy, etc.
And, again, if you like Miller's style, why be upset that his new work looks like his old work?
If this film turns out to not have excessive nudity and cursing (so that it's in the vein of Eisner's work) and somehow doesn't really divulge the whole 'superpowers' thing (but rather just assumes he has superpowers), this could turn into one of my favorite movies of all time.
I WANT to love it, and I'm hoping I do... but denying that it looks like Miller's other work just is foolish.
If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... and the guy who produced it always makes ducks... it might just be a duck.
And, there's nothing wrong with that.
If you happen to like ducks.