Yeah, as long as Robert Rodriguez and the cast comes back "Sin City 2" will be in good hands, I just think Miller pretty much got a bit too presumptuous and sure of himself that he could finally branch off and do anything when he knew nothing about directing a feature-film. Rodriguez had him film a scene and watch how the filmmaking process goes but I just feel in some ways, Miller felt or somehow thought of himself as efficacious as if he could do no wrong. This movie isn't really a tribute to Eisner at all (IMO), it's more of a tribute to the 1940's-hey-day of yesteryear but pretty much it's "Sin City" with fedora hats and gumshoes. Samuel L. Jackson should've been muzzled for all the zany costumes and ideas he had. The running "egg" gag joke was excruciatingly bad. I would've gave The Spirit a gun just to shoot the tailor and The Octopus for both being incredibly stupid.
I still hope though Zack Snyder will make a "Dark Knight Returns" movie and also "Ronin" and some of other Miller properties will be made but I hope Miller will be exemplified from directing rights and just take a backseat; overlooking and choreographing how the adaptations of his books. Leave it to the big boys, Frank. You're still a genius in my book but even geniuses have their moment where that geniusness suddenly loses itself.