No offense but your verson of how you would do the x-men would suck, Sorry no offensive, i can see where you going with it but the progression of the story plus adding those new characters after each movie would live the audiance confused, the story needed to be Wolverine heavy for two reason... 1. Wolverine is probably Theee face of X-Men world right now and 2. Wolverine became a vehicle to tell the x-men stories, so really the whole franchise is basically his world, thats why it was warrant that we needed a wolverine spinn off.
I dont agree with some aspects of Singers verson of the x-men, or what fox did for the last stand, i dont blame Brett Ratner, he is a good director just fox needed a yes man to make the third movie because they couldnt of waited for Singer, in all reality they should of waited for singer, and as for Ratner as a yes man i dont necessarly mean it like that, Ratner is a hugh x-men fan, probably more so than Bryan Singer... Anyone whose a fan of x-men would pretty much say yes to directing it...
Now that i have that said, This is how i feel the movieverse should of introduced characters...
Lets look at X-Men 1...
Primarly it was correct but i think Storm shouldnt of been in it. Because of budget cuts certain characters were dropped for easy simulated power characters to replace them. It would be easy to make Storm who looks human with a white wig than a blue fured beast.
Saying that this is how my x-men 1 would be been casted...
As X-Men
Professor X
As students at the school
Iceman - On the verge of becoming an x-men
Shadow Cat
Other Mutants
Storm - who kind of takes the role Rogue had in a sense.
The story would pretty much of been the same except for a few fundemental differences. 1. Magneto is after Storm to control his devince as it needs a mutant electrical energy to power it, Magneto sends Blob and Avalanche to get her, Storm has fled to america because of her powers and ends up discovering Wolverine in a bar, 2. When Xavier discusses with Wolverine about the X-Men. We learn that Angel was once an x-men but discovered he had more power in the political world because of his family status and wealth. So if your looking for a comparrision, Angel has taken a role, like what Beast had in X-Men last stand. Beast in my verson would be a the x-mens Doctor with Jean Grey assisting him. 3. Iceman is one of the students who is on the verge of joinging the x-men, however Pyro becomes jealous of this, and we learn of the rivially between the two. The rest of the movie would play out the same except, Sabretooth would not appear in his place Avalanche will be on par with the fighting but by the end of the movie we learn that Magneto is captured along with Toad. Mystique Avalanche and Blob manage to escape. 4. Storm replacing Rogue's role, however Storm would still be played by Halle Berry and her role would of been more senor. She is unsure of this world but Xavier offers a place to teach her culture to his students. in return Xavier will help her control her abilities.
X-Men 2
By time of this movie again the story would of played out the same but like with the second genisus you would see more of those characters and we learn more of wolverines past and the origins of the original brotherhood.
Professor X
Jean Grey
Shadow Cat
Magneto - after escape
Pyro - is converted
Strykers team
Jason Wyngaurde
From this we learn the following, Stryker is still experimenting on mutants, Rogue, Sabretooth, Banshee, Deathstrike and Jason Wyngaurde are all controlled members. Jason is Masterminder but also Strykers son... in my verson of x-men 2, Mastermind was one of Magneto's original brotherhood members and during Magneto's original assult pre-x-men 1, Stryker recaptures his son and uses him to control the other members of his elite team. Again the story seems to go the same path with Pyro joing the brotherhood, professor x being used to go against humans, the only difference is Rogue's appearance would of been simulare to that of the 90's cartoon and she would be given the powers of super strength and flight we we learn comes from other mutants stryker had at the weapon x facility at alkali lake. Rogue, Banshee, is rescued by the x-men with Nigthcrawler who wants to help his friends. But Deathstrike and Sabretooth is killed, well Deathstrike is but Sabretooth your left wondering. It would also end with the same Jean Grey dying scene.
X-Men 3 would then form round into becoming like the cartoon series.
The x-men now consist of
Professor X
Students in the school
Shadow Cat
Other mutants
Mr Sinister
and a whole load of Morlocks working alongside the brotherhood.
Same story but the movie would of have four chaptures instead of 2 and half, alcatraz wouldnt of been how the movie ended, instead that would be the start, after magneto traches the place and free all the prisoned mutants the group go on a riot towards the mainlands to fight the humans, but the x-men stop them. Sinister would be introduced as the person who created the cure as a means to rid the world of evolutionary mistakes, he refers to the morlocks but the goverment uses the cure on all mutants, Knowing this Mr Sinister starts working on the legacy virus, Gambit is introcued as one of his lackies but joins the x-men after realising Mr Sinister is a madman, Magneto is an egotist and to repent for what he has down he must join the x-men.