Yet personal motives are just that, personal. He could just as easily reverse it and say, "I want to hurt people and kill those those who help people." But it would just be a substitution of values and names. Bad becomes good and good becomes bad. You're still left with an idea of good an evil.
It's something that you really can't escape from is all I'm saying. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You can't shoot someone in the head and then sit on a mental sideline and say, 'that action was neither good or bad and thus had no result.' Either you think good is good and bad is bad, or bad is good and good is bad.
You can't just say, 'there are no morals', because that itself is a judgement on morals. It is saying that those without morals are "good" and those with morals are "bad". See? If you make the statement that "everyone should have no morals", then those with morals are unacceptibled to you, and so you shot everyone with morals, thus you would be acting on ideas of good and evil even if you don't use those terms.