Buttman said:
Not nessicarly out of character, but I don't like the way he handled Gordon being shot in New Gotham Vol. 2. He's a complete prick to Alfred. I don't care how bad everything is, no one screws with Alfred.
I don't know how long ago New Gotham was published (I've never read it), but they did use Batman's total ass-hattery that he'd developed leading up to Infinite Crisis as a plot point in the mini. He's totally like, "Alfred, you're such a piece of ****" and Alfred is like, "Yeah, well, **** you."
It didn't go down exactly like that, but, hey...
Prognosticator said:
Well, I thought it was out of character to leave Harvey D*** Dent in charge of Gotham for a YEAR, but no one seems to care about that one???
I wasn't too fond of that one either. I did like, however, that they at least used that to make Two-Face more formidable to Batman, physically.
But really, Batman - even lighter, "I realize how much of a dick I'm being" Post-IC Batman - would never just assume that Harvey is healed. Maybe his face is okay now and he seems to be fine and the doctors say he's fine and he thinks he's fine, but Batman wouldn't just be like, "Okay, yeah, you must be alright. Let's train, 80's-montage-style!"
There's another thing. Batman only trained him for like a month? I would suppose that wouldn't be much more time than he would've made Robin train before letting him loose, but still. "Welp, you trained pretty well, and we went out on patrol one time - I think you're ready to defend Gotham City all by your lonesome. See ya! I've got a boat to catch!"
IMO, the whole "Face the Face" storyline was pretty underwhelming. It had it's moments, but it didn't feel like like an psuedo-epic comeback story, like Superman's "Up, Up, and Away" did.
I think a big reason it bugged me was the fact that Batman is back and suddenly he's channelling Adam West. He felt waaaay too "Good work, chum!" for my tastes.