I agree in terms of this not being a cop out. Iron Man needs to be reset so he can be redeemed. But no harm no foul? Cap has been helping to carry Marvel since before they were even Marvel, when they were Timely and the only one to really rival him in sales was the old-school Namor. And now one of my all-time favorites, and I'm sure a hell of a lot of other peoples' all time favorites, is dead. Yet Tony is still there, pulse going strong. That pisses me off. So many people love Captain America, and to see him lose to this pampered (if it's really him) arrogant (if it's really....actually no, the Skrulls are arrogant too) s.o.b is almost enough to drive me to heavy drinking, enough so that I can forget any of this ever happened. What's more is how they keep writing it so Iron Man wins. What the hell? Captain America, Hulk. What's next? "This month in Marvel....Iron Man punches out Galactus!!" Don't get me wrong, I have always had some form of liking or respect for the character until Civil War. I loved the movie; that's the Iron Man I want to see brought back. But this is just too much. The sad thing is I keep buying and reading the books cause I'm an idiot and I always set myself up for disappointment lol. Although I gotta say with a hell of a lot of honesty that I can a certain satisfaction and a big smile on my face after reading "Avengers: Invaders", seeing the old-school Captain America completely pwning Iron Man. This has been my very long winded two cents