I read an article in the WaPo yesterday (it's that said that the movie industry is losing 20.5 BILLION DOLLARS a year from piracy, n terms of lost revenue, jobs, and stuff like that. Article is here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/28/AR2006092801640.html
That is insane, to me, somehow. I guess I never really thought about how many people pirate movies out there. I wonder if that leads to poor production on movies that could be better, or if it prevents smaller films from ever getting made in the first place? If so, that would suck!
That is insane, to me, somehow. I guess I never really thought about how many people pirate movies out there. I wonder if that leads to poor production on movies that could be better, or if it prevents smaller films from ever getting made in the first place? If so, that would suck!